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Everything posted by montecristo

  1. If Biden goes down RFK jr. Beats trump in a landslide
  2. This from an American general corroborates what RFK jr. has been saying. The Americans have escalated this conflict every step of the way.
  3. Good thing that isn’t his position, Ive never heard him say he will not fund support to Ukraine and simply allow Putin to run roughshod. (Would like to see where he says that) In fact he said he supported military aid to Ukraine and that his son fought with the special forces in Kharkiv. It stands to reason that if the people in power in the u.s had shared his views there wouldn’t have been any conflict in Ukraine to begin with here’s his nuanced take on Ukraine, time stamped and until the end of the video. If you listen to it and come back and still genuinely believe he’s a “stupid progressive” that has no understanding of geopolitics I’ll send you a bitcoin. Very confident that you are maligning him once again and that you’ll come around sooner or later ?
  4. @Leo Gura you'll come around eventually, surprising you don't already get it
  5. the "protocol" is to simply eat meat. She will never achieve health without it and will be scrambling for "cures and protocols" the rest of her life
  6. timestamped, reminds me of something I've heard you say @Leo Gura
  7. I've never heard him say he'd "pull out" ala Biden out of Afghanistan damn the consequences, what I remember him saying was he'd "settle it" and that he supported the Minsk accords which was what Zelensky initially won election running on in an overwhelming majority. He's shown multidimensional consideration of the conflict and an awareness of the position Russia is in as a result of NATO expansion and the role the U.S had in setting the table for the conflict while still obviously condemning the illegal invasion. If China moved nuclear capable missiles into Mexico there would be an invasion of Mexico... specifically what? Avoiding nuclear war? Rigorous safety testing for pharmaceuticals? Upholding the bill of rights? Restoring ecosystems? Dismantling the military industrial complex? Ending the opioid crisis? stopping illegal immigration? it's been a month since he announced and he's already sitting at 19% in the dem primary despite being blackballed by the media and in a Rasmussen poll of the general electorate he's at 35% to Biden's 36%. His father did precisely this in 1968 under similar circumstances, inflation, war, civil unrest and the consensus is he would have gone on to win the white house had he not been assasinated.
  8. Is this not an example of conscious leadership?
  9. What is the paradigm that makes it impossible for an independent to win? Is it possible that paradigm shifted after the cataclysm of Trump and the anemia of Biden? Most people don't want either so I'm cautiously optimistic that this could be a unique moment where an independent with the bipartisan popularity of Kennedy can win. He has done many interviews on fox news and other right wing podcasts and media outlets and I have now read at least 15,000 comments under these videos on youtube and I can confidently say that less than half a percent of them were negative about RFK. The vast majority went something like "I'm a lifelong republican and Trump supporter but I would vote for RFK in a heartbeat" or "I don't agree with everything he says but I respect him and would be happy to see him in the white house" or "can't believe this man is a democrat, he's got my vote" This strikes me as something very unique and powerful, unprecedented in the post Reagan era but again, I don't have a deep understanding of why the two party system is so utterly dominant in american politics, so i hesitate to think he can win as an independent if it's impossible he gets the dem primary. The other avenue that there are rumors of is that they use RFK to kneecap biden so they can open up the field for a Gavin Newsom or some other dem candidate, recognizing that Trump can easily beat biden. They could quickly lose control of this tactic though...
  10. @Jodistrict His childhood experiences so close to the halls of power is interesting to me, how does that shape a young mind?
  11. Hard to argue with this if you're informed.
  12. I guess that's debatable, but he would have given people freedom to choose whether or not to take the vaccine or isolate themselves. If they died as a result (or didn't die) that would have been their choice. We're talking about the U.S here, and the Constitution does not make any special provisions for pandemics. If you listen to his announcement speech you would be hard pressed to come away believing he isn't a conscious leader.
  13. How familiar are you with his ideas and his career? Hard to say anyone else in the running has a background with more direct experience wrangling with these federal agency elites and their collective ego's as an environmental lawyer. His family background plays a part too, "he get's the joke but doesn't think it's funny". Your cynical take may be justified given that his father and uncle were murdered as a result of their conviction in higher consciousness ideals though, I'll give you that.
  14. is cholesterol bad or is systemic inflammation the issue... an alien studying car crashes from 30,000 feet might conclude that ambulances cause car crashes because they are usually found at the site Also carbs seem to be necessary.
  15. eat liver, use a penis pump. Cialis only after you try these non-drug options imo. penis pump is incredibly powerful and can actually increase nitric oxide release in the penile endothelial tissue.
  16. @Javfly33 I think what you're saying is that the content of experiences are always changing (according to language and thought) but the truth is that there is no actual distinction between one moment or experience to the next. (which I agree with)
  17. whoops deleted the post... @Leo Gura this is what he's actually doing lol
  18. So I do a lot of layman health research and experimentation, I came across this thing called inclined bed therapy which is the idea that if one sleeps on an inclined surface it has all sorts of benefits for circulation, glymphatic system, back pain etc. This guy says there is archeological evidence that this is how all ancient egyptians slept and that they believed laying flat was synonymous with death. I slipped some books underneath the feet of the head of my bed and have been trying this for several months and noticed little if any health effects but what I did discover was that it reliably gave me unbelievably vivid, semi lucid dreams. every. single. night. I am lazy so Im not doing proper lucid dreaming protocol but if I was i'd be able to start a robust practice. dream recall after waking is very good with this. I think it has something to do with the position of the inner ear tricking the nervous system into thinking you're awake and walking around. I also suspect it could cause you to have less deep sleep which i worry about, although I am no less rested upon waking than if i werent inclined so who knows. the main point here is that I highly doubt any chemical or nootropic can illicit this reliable of response, it fundamentally changes your bodies relationship to gravity and therefore your nervous system. really interesting stuff, let me know what you guys think.
  19. @jimwell I don't see myself as a robinhood but I have given 100's of thousands of dollars to my friends and family unconditionally. Giving away what relatively small amount of money I have to charity doesn't strike me as being very effective on a global scale. I have plans to help humanity that I dare not speak of in a public forum because I want to try to limit the potential that I'd lose my freedom in the process, but rest assured someone somewhere (me) is doing what needs to be done. Essentially I am working on something extremely asymmetric and effective at the highest levels of the world's power structures, the consequences of my actions will reverberate for generations to come. It sounds grandiose/exaggerated but the sometimes hyperbole is just the proper descriptor. In any case, (I'm sure I'm the exception) my financial independence and total disregard for any kind of profit motive in the endeavor make it possible. It is interesting that markets have allocated resources to a person like me who would have had almost no other way to access significant amounts of capital. Perhaps they will have done some good in the end.
  20. @Leo GuraI agree, the action I'm taking to minimize it is to extract as much capacity from it as possible. Most people who want to be less game A-y make the mistake of not participating in it, punishing themselves and weakening the impact they can potentially have. If they really cared about subverting game A and bringing about the change they want to see they'd find a way to become as powerful and influential as possible in service of that. I think you've done a smashing job of this actually.
  21. @Leo Gura Does it make sense to put everyone to work making widgets, blogs and videogames that other people will pay for so they can generate enough value to deserve the money they receive? The reason why there is so much devilry, stock trading and scamming going on is that there is a survival need for money meanwhile there is a lack of opportunities to generate value that individuals or small collective ego's will value and pay for. The most important work on a collective level that will benefit everyone but no one in particular goes unfunded. The real thievery going on in the world right now is not wall street per se, it's that asset owners live in a world of hyperinflation, they then take that inflated money down to the real world and pay deflated prices for goods and services. It's too good to be true for asset owners, it's as if the citizens of Weimar Germany could take their wheelbarrows full of million mark bills to the neighboring country and pay 1 or 2 marks for a loaf of bread. The money supply increases faster than the amount of value in existence, but instead of being distributed equally to people it pools into the limited number of assets that exist causing hyperinflation but in a localized way. Whether people are aware of it or not everyone is a speculator in financial markets, similar to there being nothing outside of god, there is nothing outside of financial markets. You think you're just a regular old Joe with a job, but a job is not a job, it's a commodity arbitrage. The value of the commodity of labor has been steadily decreasing overtime while the value of technology as a commodity has increased. For example a secretary with a computer is capable of orders of magnitude more value creation vs a secretary from the 1950's but they are not payed orders of magnitude more now. Value/money accrues to those that OWN that which generates the most value, an employee is separated from this equation under the current paradigm, a paycheck is not a paycheck it's an ownership interest buyout. What's needed is a sophisticated structure that accurately assesses each person's contribution and remunerates accordingly. But even that does not solve the deep problem of Game A which is that you inevitably have grossly inequitable distributions of resources because it is in fact a zero sum game. In every transaction there is a winner and a loser, the game of musical chairs works for those that can win in more of these transactions than they lose. If you are personally solvent in this system you have stolen value from someone else by definition. It's fair to say though that I've stolen much more and contributed much less than someone who stole but at least contributed something in the process but it doesn't really change the ultimate dynamics at play. I also believe that given the size of the pie that even those who create no value should be able to have access to the necessities of life. Granted there is an illusion that it's not zero sum because the denominator has grown so much over the last hundred years or so, i.e the amount of value that exists has gotten much bigger, but shares of that pie at any given moment are finite and therefore zero-sum. The unfortunate thing about game A is that it tends to squelch those that don't actively participate in it, it's very much a "with us or against us" dynamic which drives its dominance. You are rewarded for participating and punished for not participating, there is no neutral stance to be taken. If you are not long the market you are short, holding cash is not abstaining it is an investment that you unconscioulsy believe offers a better return than anything else. Might makes right unfortunately so don't we need the most conscious people to have the most might? Isn't it ironic that the biggest devils are the ones who accrue the most wealth and power and the most conscious rarely do? The world would be a much better place if that script was flipped.
  22. How is it stealing when the person who bought my shares was willing to pay the price I sold them for? How is investing in stocks to avoid inflation not exactly the same as what I'm doing as a speculator? You're harvesting value from the market same as me, just less. Your point ultimately is that I get to control and spend money and in return receive actual tangible value, while I didn't create an equal amount of value. When you extrapolate this type of transaction out to a macro scale you quickly see that this is the same as one group trading nothing for something, or in other words stealing. So you see that if you "keep up with inflation" you're getting ahead of someone else, who worked for that money while you got it "for free" storing it in stocks. Of course it's not even exclusive to the stock market, a good example is that for a person to even have a job they must be by definition producing more value than they receive otherwise the boss wouldn't be able to make any money, duh. But of course that IS stealing... As a whole finacial markets are the main place where value is harvested in monetary form, not where it's created. Me as a participant feeds into the system but it would exist without me and as you always say Leo, survival is dirty.
  23. it is the same, just a less fun/lucrative version. Don't kid yourself