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Everything posted by Espaim

  1. Do you consider yourself to be a chill person? Like, relaxed, calm, nothing really bothers you? Are you living up to your values? Are you doing what you think would benefit you in your daily life?
  2. I tried this for 3 or 5 days or so. I got mindfucked and coudn't think straight. But I was aware as hell and had a lot of satori and maniacal laughter moments. If it works for you fine. I woudn't trip everyday though. Just a dose large enough to get you a little bit alterated. If you trip everyday you can get mindfucked hardly pretty fast. DMT will teach you to not mess with it. Also, watch out for the effects vaping everyday can have in your lungs.
  3. Empty stomach. Swallow right away. 25x-NBOMe are not orally active and LSD is, so doing it this way you make sure you won't absorb many possible shady substances your dealer may put in your tab.
  4. @legendary I'm probably just being dramatic hahaha I say the same thing after every psychedelic experience. I'm always blown away no matter the dose.
  5. Yes, if you want to survive in society. No real need to do fancy stuff. Just don't let your body smell bad. It doesn't necessarily need to smell good.
  6. Holy shit. You are a monster on handling 500 ug. 125 ug already messed my mind a great deal. Good job!
  7. That's a cool ideia!! I think the mega-threads about every stage here on the forum already have many characteristics that would help you on that.
  8. The day after some psychedelic trips I feel very bad... And that's when I have the greatest overall growth
  9. L-theanine + caffeine 2:1 is pretty nice for focus and attention Creatine for overall stamina (mental and physical)
  10. Wow many people recommending modafinil I wish it worked for me
  11. and that's why I watch
  12. @EntheogenTruthSeeker Time to change your nickname to SoberTruthSeeker
  13. Take it again and you'll turn into superhuman
  14. Consider doing pharmahuasca (crystal DMT + harmala) in pills so you can control the dosages and slowly go up. I don't know how it is to measure the amount of DMT in ayahuasca and I wouldn't take an unknown amount of powerful psychedelics alone. That's a shot in the dark. Consider that you'll be high asf if you happen to try a high dosage you won't be able to ground yourself again if shit happens.
  15. I second this Onenote, Todoist and Google Calendar too.
  16. I read Integral Life Practice from him. It's like all the practices he puts on his books in just one book. It's the book for doing the work. It glosses over many areas and gives superficial advice but also gives many techniques together I woudn't find in other places so it kinda balances out.
  17. Ok ty guys girls I'll see what I can do tricky business
  18. You told me this on a call we had. I still keep doing it done
  19. @OmniYoga Consciousness, Enlightenment & Spirituality
  20. they're in the booklist
  21. Possibly the most useful
  22. Hahaha, that's what I'm talking about!! Feel your devilry, devil.
  23. "Should I avoid spiritual work and become stage orange successful?" If that's what you authentically want, yes. I would just add some nuance here. You define success. Stage orange successful could be a highly rich Donald Trump like person. That's what you want? Or by stage orange success you mean developing drive and will to achieve your goals? Even if your goal is to become filthy rich, you can still meditate or do psychedelics. Maybe your goals will change, or not. I would also recommend you read Nahm's thread "Dream board". I can't link to it now but you certainly can find it if you search on this forum.
  24. Also, consider that maybe you've been "evil" all this time, just oblivious to it.
  25. Getting away from the waking up to growing up advice... You said you were a passive guy and didn't think about those things at all Weren't you repressing your desires in those areas? Thinking you are "above" material things and didn't need anything any sex, money or power to survive? It's one thing to realise these things won't bring long-term fulfillment in your own experience. Another thing is to believe firmly without first hand experience. If you thought as yourself as a spiritual person, seeing that you actually wanted to do some "egoic" acts may shake your self-imposed image. Try to see if that's what's happening.