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Everything posted by Jkris

  1. @Mu_ So how to enter nothingness with out reaching the no thought state ?
  2. @DrewNows I am trying to witness the thoughts.I will do breath watching as well.Thank you. Thoughts are distractions.Idea is to enter the no mind state as it is the gateway to the rest all awakening realisation. What is exploring nature of thought and sense perception ? Can you pls explain a bit more.
  3. @tecladocasio No thought no mind state need to happen before realizing nothingness.or in other words no mind state is the gateway starting point of spirituality.So I am still struggling to begin spirituality :)) correct me if this understanding is wrong. May be this is the reason people are trying physchadelics I guess.Though I haven't tried physchadelics yet.
  4. @EternalForest To this question to a zen master the reply was ask this question to me after my death. Meaning you will never find answer to this question. IMO yo seize to exist like deep sleep.
  5. @tecladocasio Mind is creating the thoughts. There are two kinds of thoughts voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary thoughts or thinking occurs when we try to do something planning action etc. We don't have any control over the involuntary thoughts. Its random with out any connection and purpose.
  6. @Salvijus Read that Enlightened masters sadhguru osho Nisargadatta Maharaj etc say they use the mind only when required else they are in the no mind aka no thought state. So there must be a way to do that isn't it?
  7. Surrender means accepting the emotions feelings thoughts as it is with out resistance? Is my understanding right?
  8. @tecladocasio Most of the Thoughts are useless distractions. Most of the times it has no purpose at all is my current understanding.
  9. @Truth Addict Idea is to stop the thoughts and be still during meditation to enter the void and having lesser no of thoughts other times. I don't hear music. I dont watch tv. I don't interact much with friends. I don't read newspapers. Except for spiritual articles and searching important info I dont use internet. I don't read books. Watching the thoughts doesn't seem to take me to the no thoughts state and hence the question.
  10. @Dumb Enlightened kind of answer I can understand a little for now.Thank you.
  11. @Kensho I am keeping the question open neither rejecting not accepting what you say.May be one day after Self R will see if the perspective changes.
  12. @Dumb Enlightened So when you see somebody suffering what will be your inner feeling or response? Even say if identity vanishes and one looses the sense of me what change it will bring to the mind - it is the mind which discriminates between good and bad isn't it? ?
  13. @Kensho one enlightened master asked me to see everything as good even if it is bad. I didn't ask how to? Now I am asking you the same how to see bad as good?
  14. Happened to read a book dont delay Enlightenment by a person called Bagavath Ayya. I am posting the link of the free ebooks authored by him. Basically his teaching is understand that concious mind cannot control the unconcious mind. And what ever concious mind experiences the thoughts emotions feelings etc comes from the conditionings of the subconcious. So dont try to resist what ever thoughts emotions feelings come. Let there be free flow of thoughts emotions with out resistance. This understanding is called enlightenment he claims ??? He discards all the traditional self realization, Nothingness, ego death or complete identity lessness. Http://www.sribagavath.org/ebooks/ Request people read the book don't delay Enlightenment and comment leisurely. ???
  15. @Moreira I am not realized nor i haven't understood the non dual truth. But body/mind is finite and not infinite. Its the Body/mind that suffers pain. So the mind should appreciate the killings cruelty and sufferings as perfect and not at all evil? ?
  16. @Paul92 if you are in a normal state of mind it will make sense to you. Since you are not. You are depressed may be schizophrenia so try to get serious medical and theraphist help. No body here is trying to understand anything what you imagine and keep repeating like a parrot with out realisation you and me are illusions. Jagath mytha brahmam sathyam - meaning awareness or absolute alone is permanant real rest all are impermanant. Go and learn scriptures from proper Advaitha teacher. Be free and live a blissful life. Get married have children make money contribute what ever possible to the society.
  17. @Paul92 People are not illusions. Please get your understanding right. Real means that which is ever present. Rest all come and go meaning the physical bodies dont have permanant existence. So it is not an illusion. But it is not real. And again " they" say they are nothing as well as everything. Though i don't understand what that means. Again 99.9999% people are living as individuals normal human beings. It is your own creation that individuality is not valued I can't love another person. You need some serious help. Meet some therapist. And please don't bring enlightenment here. You say you are not enlightened but keep quoting nothingness etc. Offcourse you cannot take the help for yourself. Tell your parents friends about your mental state they will help you. Ending the life is not a solution for a small issue like a breakup. Be a man.
  18. @Paul92 Why do you think animals don't have ego? They do have ego.
  19. @DrewNows because reading books or hearing other's words doesn't give the insights and for realization meditation is must.
  20. @herghly its an actual suggestion. Are you saying you are too busy not finding even 1 hour time to meditate? You can stop reading the books, watching video but why stop meditation? Good that you want to improve your business and make money.
  21. @mandyjw absence of?