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Everything posted by Jkris

  1. @tecladocasio Attrocities of 90's kids ???
  2. @onacloudynight It's the fault of your parents ? If they don't support your living needs you won't be talking like this ? Isn't it ?
  3. @ActualizedDavid I don't know if with out having any sense of purpose of life - life can be meaningful? Even the great enlightened Ramana Maharishi who never went outside of his ashram through out his life had an ashram (started by devotees) to give discourses to help the seekers. One need some kind of dedication(interest - purpose - motivation) to do something. Else one may not be completely giving himself.
  4. @kieranperez It is the attachment to your dog that causes the suffering.Daily there are deaths do you suffer due to that news ? Accept the fact of impermanance and that death is inevitable.Be thankful that the dog is going to be free from this earthly suffering.
  5. @Gabriel Antonio Dear scientist please prove that brain creates awareness and get noble prize immediately ???
  6. @Cody_Atzori oh dear trust the scientists they are still unable to prove that brain creates the consciousness or awareness ??? so till there is any Proof otherwise drop this question and try to be still.you can contemplate this question after enlightenment.???
  7. @theking00 ego cannot be annihilated. Only the sense of seperatedness or identity will vanish.
  8. @Pouya Instead of bottom up try the top down. Meaning trust what they say is true. Get enlightened and after that you can have this inquiry.
  9. @Aakash Thank you.one last question has your sense of seperatedness or me feeling or identity completely vanished ? Is there any change in how you perceive ? Meaning how it feels like to perceive with out the me feeling ?
  10. @Aakash so absolute no mind or thoughtless state is not a pre requisite to be pulled in to the void or no-thingness ?
  11. @Aakash So how did you manage to quiet your thoughts aka no mind ?
  12. @howdoistopobsessing Forget Karma. Its just a theory. Moral theory. If you do good you will get good. Do bad you will get bad. Is it that happening in your direct experience? There is no cause and no effect. What ever happens happens we cannot control. We dont know why creation happened. God alone is. But There is no personified God sitting and monitoring each and every action of every organism and records good or bad and rewards or punish your actions. Generally its adviceable to practice yoga under guidance of experienced guru. That's the general advice given. For gnana marga, bhakthi, karma yoga not necessary. But for yoga it is. Be ethical moral don't harm others don't eat meat why kill a fellow living being for the sake of your survival when other options are available. Live and let live others. The whole world is a family. Let all living beings be happy. Is the principle of not eating meat non violence ethics morality. Ethics and morality are man made social constructs. So be wise and act according to your conscience.
  13. The thoughts keeps on comming and not stopping at all. It is highly irritating some times. So what's the best technique to stop the thoughts or still the mind.
  14. @lmfao Please share the Alan watts video links. Thank you. ???
  15. @Jkris @Aakash Your sense of seperatedness or i feeling or me feeling will vanish in enlightenment. There will be no sense of I or me. That is enlightement. So if you have sense of me or I feeling that has to go. This again my borrowed knowledge.
  16. @Aakash Nothingness is the absence of body experience. Absence of thoughts. Absence of sense of seperatedness. Its an experience of the formlessness intutively. So it is awareness knowing itself. Thats you. That is Self Realisation beyond doubts. This again is my borrowed knowledge of what SR is.
  17. @purerogue I don't know that I exist during deep sleep. Not getting what you are saying ?
  18. @Aakash one who is aware of thoughts sensations is the witness or self that is not an illusion. This is what my theoretical understanding or borrowed knowledge. But have you entered the nothingness?
  19. @purerogue I know I exist. But that is due to the experience of the body, mind, thoughts, emotions, feelings. And the Me feeling or the sense of seperatedness or the Identity. In sleep I dont know anything whether I exist or not. So one can be aware of self in nothingness alone. Not anyother way.