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Everything posted by Jkris

  1. No matter what try to imagine about God creation it remains unknown.Nothing can be said about it.
  2. @Gadasaa It is not the ego or I thought that you are trying to eliminate.As long as body is there I thought will be there. It is the I feeling or me feeling or sense of seperate self or the identity that needs to be eliminated.
  3. @Waken This is what I am not getting all.There is a rock solid I feeling or me feeling in the field of awareness which is what the mind claims to be I or me or sense of seperate self. So seeing doesn't help ? Does it ? This I or me feeling is permanant in the waking state.ocassionally momentarily there is no I or me feeling when one is fully involved in some activity.A longer duration of this absence of I feeling during activity is also called the flow. But how to get rid of this I or me feeling is the riddle question ? Even in the gaps of absence of thoughts this I feeling remains ? @Leo Gura
  4. @Zetxil I am not enlightened nor I haven't had out of body experience. If you had an out of body experience so you know you are not the body mind.so are you enlightened ? Words are the only means of communication.You say out of body experience I don't. Now can you explain it to me ? No matter you explain I won't or cannot experience it just because of your explanation in words unless and other wise I have a direct experience of that.
  5. @Zetxil It is something which we never experienced in life. All our experiences are body mind.It is something beyond the body mind.It cannot be explained in words as words can explain only forms not formless Ness.Thats what all enlightened say. You cannot grasp with mind as it is beyond mind. So you have to try it for yourself.The external guru can only show the path and only you have to walk for yourself.
  6. @Rilles That has to go ? he is referring to the I feeling I guess.But I don't know how to get rid of that.It is always there except few moments of absence when deeply involved in some work or while watching a movie sometimes.People here refer that as flow I guess.
  7. @Giulio Bevilacqua you are referring the I feeling or the me feeling or the sense of separation.Thats what Identity is I guess. Am I correct ?
  8. @ThomasT bufo and 5meo are the same? Name the retreat pls.
  9. This question is from my dad. I am 80 years old following advaitha unable to reach the beyond.Being in I state is normal.Tell your suggestion.
  10. @zeroISinfinity in other words sadhguru says people are projecting their human ideas of love on existence.Existence is pure nothing Just allign yourself with existence.
  11. @Nahm @Nahm @Paul92 @Mikael89that possessiveness that jealousy hatred killing rage hurt Male ego sense of helplessness and a burning sensation in the abdomen.Not easy.Paul dear one single conviction just forget her.Not saying it is easy.Take some anti depressant sleeping pill and go to sleep. Else time will heal your wound.like Nahm said forgive and forget her.Thats the best remedy. Unfollow her in Facebook. This too will pass.sooner you accept sooner you will be all right.
  12. @Paul92 Keep imagining what ever you want and suffer. Being a christian Do you blame Christ for all the sufferings of child getting cancer murder rape terrorism disease and all other cruelty ? Fuck Christ fuck the creation fuck the universe keep cursing you are cursing yourself in your mind and suffer.And universe doesn't care ???? All the best wether you choose to kill your body or realize truth and live blissfully.????
  13. @Peo in sleep do you have thoughts and I feeling ? Nope.For Ramana Maharishi no I feeling as already enlightened and no thoughts as well unless and until he uses his mind. In short waking state + no I feeling + no thoughts is Sahaja samadhi.
  14. @Paul92 I never said I don't exist you don't exist."I" feeling doesn't exist.I don't use the word non existence how can there be non existence ???? Relatively I and you exist as seperate individual manifestation (body mind )of the one.Vyaharika Sathyam - relative truth. I don't believe in stories imaginations visions of people met Jesus Shiva Buddha they all are appearances in the self and not real.I don't understand the word near death experience ??? daily we are having death experience in deep sleep ??? I dont know how to imagine and delude with poor understanding of Advaitha I don't exist you don't exist ??? if you don't exist and I don't exist whom you are talking to ?First of all how can you talk if you don't exist ???? I said clearly Mr Paul you exist relatively as body mind (form)and absolutely as existence.(Formless ) And what's your point purpose posting your delusions if you are adamantly clinging to I don't exist story ? yesterday Islamic terrorists bombed at 8 places killing nearly 200 injuring 400 plus in two churches and hotels in srilanka.like wise daily there are births and deaths on a relative level.Do you keep worrying about the deaths and births. You and I as body mind will die one day too.Do we have any control over what's happening in this world ? ??? What ever happening is happening.Accept life as it comes and move on.???
  15. @Peo to this question Ramana Maharishi equated that to as sleepless sleep.
  16. @Paul92 If you don't want enlightenment don't pursue it.As simple as that.why making a big fuss about it ? The greatest delusion is identifying the body mind as I mine myself "My" life ??? You will realize you exist not as body mind or the Maya the " I" feeling but the existence itself - what else purpose joy one will have in this life. I assure you it will not be depressing as you imagine to be.But you will be very great full happy about pursuing truth - God realisation the ultimate purpose of life. In deep sleep you are with out the I feeling .only in the waking state mind is clinging to that as I me my body my job my money my lover my life etc Think about a life free from this disease called mind and utter selfishness I me mine.With out the I me mine you will not suffer. Life will be authentic blissful. Wish you good luck.Dont give to negative illusions of mind. Give a try bro if after realising truth you find it the other way then do what ever you please to do. There is a difference between imagining what Truth is and realising what Truth is.You are just scared of your own imagination of what truth is. Once again wish you good luck.
  17. @Paul92 Pls help yourself and try to read carefully and contemplate. Hey Paul you are repeating like a parrot again and again Paul don't exist Paul don't exist ? Who is this Paul ? Your memories about your body mind's life.Are you just thoughts,memories a mere physical body that exists ? Do Paul exist in deep sleep ? Who are you with out your memories ? Nope you are part of the Infinite the entire universe like a drop in an ocean.can the drop is considered as a separate drop or it is the whole ocean. Words can be misleading In Nondual sense there is only one existence.when they You don't exist means the physical sense of seperatedness or I feeling doesn't exist.And relatively that which is ever present is the only one that exists rest all created have begining and an end meaning the body mind will die not the real YOU.That which dont have permanant existance is a mithya - Not real.The body mind will relatively exist till the physical death. So nothing will change after enlightenment except the I feeling will vanish. Your life will be the same but peaceful and you cannot escape the duality till the physical death of your body. Enlightenment is not nihilism.Nobody is asking to believe your mental imagination of purposeless Ness and meaninglessly worry about mental imagination of purposeless Ness. Life will be more conscious more acceptance peaceful blissful and content after enlightenment. I said previously if you don't find purpose in life create one.Life is duality knowing reality is Infinite non dual. You will play the life as usual knowing you are not the body mind and the character Paul. Enlightenment will not solve your money,physical health or other problems which you will face in the life. No enlightened master commited suicide after realising truth.All wanted to spread the message and make people realize truth and reduce the suffering of humanity as much as possible. Even if you commit suicide you will take re birth and suffer miserably.So why not give a try to realize truth this birth itself ? Nothing more to say.
  18. @Voladores Enlightenment is not easy and with out real sincere quest it is impossible.Millions try and only few truly realize the truth.So choice is yours.
  19. @Shaun unnecessary unwanted fear I would say.Any how when you realize yourself there is no rebirth for you isn't it ? I am almost in the same stage enlightenment seems to me the only purpose except I fear loneliness and who will be there to support assist mentally and physically as I am single and what will happen after my parent's death.
  20. @Paul92 Excellent brilliant the non existing Mr.Paul is taking the non existing Leo's words as absolute truth and trying hard to commit suicide ??? Paul dear since you don't exist I who think I exist request you to transfer all your money,house,assets etc to me who exist before you really do something cowardly and stupid to harm or die yourself which doesn't exist ??? .I who exist will be greatly thankful for that ??? Dear Mr. "Non existing" Paul pls share your existing parents phone nos so that the "existing" moderators can contact them and tell about the mental condition of "non existing paul" ??? Hopefully the non existing Mr.Paul will be admitted in a physchiatric hospital and given some electric shocks by the dr's to bring him back to senses if he is adamantly holding on to some very wrong understanding of Advaitha,life and keep believing his stupid mind's imagination of self harm,harming others and suicide. Mr.Paul You exist and you need serious medical attention and counseling.Dont trust your mind.leave it to the professional s.
  21. @Swagala spontaneously you act out of compassion love not sympathy. When I was suffering an enlightened master sadhguru said it's all your minds imagination. So what can you do about it when people suffer out of their own concepts and imaginations desires attachments likes dislikes. You can probably tell some consoling words lies to pacify them knowing it is a lie.
  22. @thesmileyone what is the happiness ? - you expect.
  23. @Anton_Pierre can you explain the steps in detail ? 1.No self - I am unable to understand this statement.What it means realizing no self ? Ego or I thought + I feeling is seen.which is not the real self as they are perceived? 2.become aware of God self ? Who is becoming aware of God self ? Any effort becomes an hindrance ? Or all these words will be meaningful only when one realize the no-thingness ?