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Everything posted by Jkris

  1. @Shadowraix what is God ?
  2. @Neorez donate your money to humanity and be happy
  3. @purerogue so how to do that ? How to keep attention on nothing ?
  4. @Derek White @winterknight can you please post your valuable comments in this thread ?
  5. @Anirban657 All thoughts !!! Refuse the tricks of mind keep enquiring.Refuse to believe the answers. Patience and perseverance are important.Are you looking for an experience ?then who is the experiencer ?
  6. @who chit thats fine but to realize that one has to reach the thoughtless state and then the nothingness and the permanant vanishing of I feeling isn't it ?
  7. @FoxFoxFox what do you mean by annihilation of mind ?with out mind how can the body function ?
  8. @rorghee can you explain more about your thinking addiction ? What do you keep thinking about ?
  9. @rorghee @rorghee There are two types of thoughts voluntary and involuntary.Voluntary thoughts are when you want to do something you think and plan. Involuntary thoughts are random thoughts un connected thoughts it keeps coming and going with out any effort of yours. We can restrict consciously our voluntary thoughts or the thinking.But to restrict the involuntary thoughts it requires practice. Do nothing :Just Be:Witnessing - Is just to be aware knowing what ever comes thoughts emotions feelings sounds.That is in short the practice is not identifying with the mind. One has be alert else will get entangled in the thought story and its contents.So the effort required is stay alert and be just an watcher on looker of what ever arising and going.Thoughts come thoughts go emotions come emotions go.one has to watchful aware alert.No concentration.There is no particular object of concentration. Watching mindful of breath requires effort - the effort to continuously mindful of the breath.Mindful of inhaling,exhaling,belly.So any thought is a distraction.If thought comes you loose the mindfulness of your breathing.It is a good practice to reduce the thoughts improve concentration mindfulness being in the present moment. Same is with concentration on sense of me or I feeling.Any thought is a distraction.Negate the thought and focus on the I feeling. Self Enquiry again is a beautiful method of questioning the mind with mind to go beyond the mind. So try out the methods.IMO you can start with breath watching aka mindfulness concentration on the breath. Or Concentrate on I feeling continuously giving no rooms to thoughts.Meaning if thoughts come refuse and re focus. Plus Self Enquiry. IMO Do nothing is not advisable. Do nothing or Just BE or Witnessing is only for advanced people who have sufficient meditative experience and already have very lesser thoughts.or in other words prior to entering the no-thingness any effort is an hindrance and so they simply sit do nothing just be aware to go beyond.My dad used to say it is wrong to talk about the Do nothing witnessing to the beginners.
  10. @rorghee one more practice is to watch the breath.Focus your attention on breathing.Inhaling exhaling.Feel the breath entering the nostril,coming out,the belly movement.When thoughts come refuse it again bring back attention to the breath. Like wise focussing attention on I feeling.Thoughts come ignore it and focus concentrate on the I feeling. Or The self enquiry. To whom this thought is coming ? If the answer is me ? Who is that me which is knowing the thoughts? If thoughts come refuse it ask to whom this thought is coming.
  11. @rorghee do nothing witnessing just be are all the same just different words. Let mind do what ever it wants just remain as an observer.when you get lost in thoughts immediately come back to observer mode. To overcome addiction there must be a strong conviction to non indulgence. But I think best way to overcome addiction is to be mindful of addiction.pay attention.Feel it mindfully and the craving will go.Dont resist don't fight don't try to escape from craving.Face it feel it be mindful and you will notice the craving to vanish. Offcourse try this repeatedly when ever craving comes till the craving vanishes completely.
  12. @Preetom let us wait for few more months.
  13. @winterknight you are really patient and kind enough to avoid the questions which are actually distractions and not in anyway helpful to the seekers ???
  14. @Soul-lover 2020 why do you take the words in a book called Bible as absolute truth ?? I wish what ever you are saying is true. I don't know the guy Jesus.I never met him.I don't know if he is sitting some where in heaven on the right side of his Father and ruling the cosmos.? I don't know what the spirit lives in me means and what I in him and inseperable means ? If he is ruling the cosmos why so much terrorism murder rape in short all evils diseases suffering pain etc? Why he is not doing anything ? What is his job actually ? Just curious.
  15. @Scholar This is enlightenment or still to go ??
  16. @Heaven Forget all that is said about God.Beyond the mind who is there to enter the so called "Mind of God".If you want to know the mind of God there must be something that is knowing the mind of God ? Who is that. Forget all human mind's projections about God creation mystery of creation. Forget even the Idea You are God it is again just a concept - Nisargadatta Maharaj. You are the primordial one before creation and be that.Rest all knowledge are ignorance - Nisargadatta Maharaj. Don't have concepts like all is well all is good everything is evolving for good this and that.Accept life as it comes and react what ever that is natural to one. If at all enlightenment will give power of God to the tiny human mind what will happen ?????