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Everything posted by Jkris
Jkris replied to Arcangelo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Preetom ???? -
Jkris replied to Arcangelo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Preetom Disclaimer ??? the reply shouldnt give the reader the impression I am talking from my own experience ??? ??? -
Jkris replied to Arcangelo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Arcangelo If you are self realized why bother what jesus said buddha said ? what it has to do with christian,muslim,man,woman? Throw away all what you read heard. Hell heaven are just stories. Everything is happening its happening. You as self - nothingness is just one aspect of the Infinite. You as a human or form dont have any control over whats happening.You dont have creation powers. Enlightenment doesnt give any answers about Creation,Why evil nature is created and infinite questions mind will keep poping up. Enlightenment is supposed to bring the wisdom that all questions are futile. All knowledge is ignorance and will not bring peace. Try to go to samadhi as often. Abide as self and be at peace. Live as a liberated uncared soul free from every emotions,suffering. Peace,Equanimity at all situations is that what matters. This is my understanding so for. - I am not realized. -
@Hellspeed Preperation is important for awakening.Its a gradual process.Hence books which shares the experiences are important. The mind has to be disciplined purified.Slowly withdraw from the world. It took 9 yrs for Buddha. For people like Ramana Maharishi,Echart Tolle etc happened due to some intense fear of death and for tolle - depression need not be taken as a standard structured path for awakening.
Jkris replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@zeroISinfinity @zeroISinfinity Pls explain who asked and typed the question - Really ? -
Jkris replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Aakash Ego cannot be destroyed.With out ego your body cannot function. Only the sense of seperatedness or identity has to go. -
@Shaun Dear Shaun.The wage slavery you hate now actually could be a blessing in disguise. The question is you hate the job what you are doing or you hate authority or hierarchy to which you are reporting. It is difficult to do business - since it requires knowledge capital handling workers marketing and lot more.If you ask people involved in business most would say it is better to be in a job than doesn't mean that people aren't making money in business but the success depends on lot of factors and involve risk. Comming to trading - be it day trading or swing trading (short term holding) or long term trading --- trading here all I refer to derivatives( Futures and options). Trading is a ongoing global scam of looting the gullible retail parcipation by the institutions (Big banks,Mutual Fund,Market makers,brokers and GOVT) using power algos and professionals.The retail participants money is systematically swindled slowly.Thats the nature of the markets. It takes lot of patience,discipline to develop a proper process,system (Not mechanical trading system) - There isn't any - you have to develop a discretionary trading system based on rules and follow or a hybrid of discretion plus mechanical. Or Options selling - writings do give an edge over buying. Is it really worth ? - You won't have peace of mind always under constant guessing and anxiety ? Better not to go for trading. Again this value investing Warren buffet blah blah are outdated doesn't work any more. Either start a safe business if you hate authority or change your job if you don't like your job. Think and take a wise decision and take have others opinion as well before coming to conclusion. Please don't believe in the so called Technical analysts,snake oil trading system sellers words of Financial Independence - Freedom by trading - it's all a big scam to loot innocent people.
Jkris replied to Paulus Amadeus's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Arhattobe Please start a thread on renounciation - Sense pleasures,desires,likes,dislikes,praise and insult - equanimity etc and share your insights.Or please suggest a good book on this. By the way which Buddhist tradition you are following. -
Jkris replied to winterknight's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Visionary Heart means Being,Self according to few. But you can also find peace when attention remains in the space near the heart chakra.For me it's just a meditative experience.I am not realized just sharing my experience. -
Jkris replied to Bobby's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura This is what my understanding so for. As long as one is bound by desires,pleasure seeking one is to suffer.They are not the permanent happiness.Why would a liberated soul go after desires,sex and other sense gratification when he is contented with Nothingness. Desirelessness uncared of anything is real peace. When you say when I have a desire to kill someone who are you to say it's wrong it's egos judgement but not acknowledging that the very desire to kill is a egoistic desire ? Liberation is not realising everything is perfect.Liberation is realising things as they are.Everything is perfect is an illusion.Everything is just as they are.And we don't have any control over the rest and freedom from from illusion of control and not to worry about that is liberation. Resistance is suffering.Pain is a pain resistance is suffering.But beyond a point body mind cannot tollerate accept pain due to survival mechanism and hence suffering is inevitable when it comes to physical pain. -
Jkris replied to MM1988's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@MM1988 Universe is just is. it doesn't care of individual wishful thinking.Life is unfair as people are.Perfect Fairness is an illusion.Equality is a lie. So forget this scam called law of attraction and focus on some useful subjects. -
Jkris replied to MM1988's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Mikael89 ??? -
Jkris replied to Dylan Page's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Dylan Page- Truth is prior to evidence means truth God Is prior to creation.So before creation what meaning science can have ? What science can talk about ? Awareness is always there. How do you know you were sleep ? You know that you were aware of body mind prior to sleep.And you are able to say that you was not aware of body mind during sleep ? So who is aware of the sleep Or in other words the who is aware of the absence of experience ? (Same is the case with anesthesia). -
Jkris replied to Giulio Bevilacqua's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Giulio Bevilacqua @Giulio Bevilacqua (I partially disagree with what preetom said. - @Preetom) I am giving my limited understanding of karma yoga.Please do read more. Karma yoga is a practicing spirituality in real life. Karma yoga means doing the duty but not concerned about the outcome or result.What ever result comes one accept them as it is as gods wish. --- The illusion of free will,illusion of control,desirelessness,equanimity in all situations etc. Karma yoga is doing the duty with out the idea I am the door.It is suggested that the body mind are just tools of the god and god is the doer. Karma yoga not only gives oppurtunity to purify mind but also brings the best mixture of Satvik Guna (Peace,Equanimity),Rajasic Guna (Active,Agressive) and Tamo Guna(Laziness,inertness,unconcious behaviour) to the personality,body. Please read about the three gunas for accurate description. Karma yoga as service breaks the selffish,self centered narrow minded mindset (Greed,miser) opens up the heart.Makes the mind broader - compassion towards fellow living beings,helping the ooor,suffering what ever one could physically or intellectually ) The combination of Gnana + Ashtanga Yoga + Karma yoga + Devotion (Surrender) is the best just not for realizing the truth but also for a healthy body and mind. The more I read the more I understand the greatness of the paths. The paths are complementary to each other and so use the best of the combination. In short its a way of authentic spiritual living. -
Jkris replied to winterknight's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What makes some self realized masters completely renouncing the world while others not ? Is it due to the level of desires,attachment to sense pleasures,family members,circumstances or the degree of realization varies ? Or whats the relation between self realization and renounciation ? ??? -
@CreamCat telekinesis is just fantasy. I dont remember the movie name probably you can watch that movie. Avada kedavara ???
Jkris replied to inFlow's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@inFlow There will be no sense of self or Identity or me. It will be absolutely clear of who you are with out any doubt. -
Jkris replied to Pouya's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Pouya Says the ego of Pouya. It is easy to be mislead get struck with false concepts beliefs ideas,unnecessary arguements,dog fights. The forum is place for greater cause,learning.Its not a place to blabber what ever comes to mind. It was an absolutely proper action to lock the thread. -
Jkris replied to Robi Steel's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@zeroISinfinity I cannot kill a living being i just close my eyes and run away when I see a butcher shop. -
@Buba @Buba Get treatment.Have a heathy body mind.And then pursue enlightenment. Get advice only from physchiatrists,physcologists. The forum is not a place to seek advice regarding treatment. Allready you are deluded and how can you trust your own mind ? Dont try to be your own physchiatrist.Dont study articles on internet. Please find a good dr and get treated.Help yourself. You can medidate seek truth after your brain imbalance functioning is cured.
Jkris replied to whoareyou's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@whoareyou Terminology is a matter of what one come across in their life. Ones terminology need not exactly the same which the seeker likes to hear. For example for me Self means conciousness.But for many self means ego. Even there I prefer to use the term identity than ego. So yes it could be confusing in the beggining what others using.But thats how it is. Regarding Mooji I believe no controversial teachings poisoning projections like Rajneesh did. So I would doubt the anonymous character assasin than Mooji. And no one can say if Mooji is not enlightened liberated and thats not the problem of the seeker. To have a Guru or not is ones personal choice. Personally I dont accept anyone as authority or Guru on spirituality and blindly accept what they say because I couldnt find or resonate with one.So I just try to learn only the path and only the spiritual insights. Any of their personal stories,world views,morality,politics,Religious views (Any words from them except spirituality I have my own views). -
Jkris replied to Robi Steel's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@zeroISinfinity Even to eat othet vegetarean options are available.So why kill a fellow living being. -
Jkris replied to Identity's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@mandyjw ??? -
Jkris replied to Identity's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura its a good question posted by identity.Not all the people have the same intense burning desire for realizing truth ? The intensity matters ? For ex when you say naturally you are interested in realizing truth conciousness work and mind and taking immense efforts in terms of meditation,self enquiry,kriya yoga,shamanic breathing reading tons of spiritual books,retreats,interacting interviewing elightened beings and the last psychedelics. Are all the people who are seeking truth have the same interest intensity in realizing truth ? The deep trust faith to do the practice - why all are not having that ? And if not what one should do to increase that intense desire motivation ? -
Jkris replied to Identity's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@mandyjw Not the desire to awaken.