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Everything posted by Parki

  1. @Tibor I mean the experience of a sound. Just snap with your fingers.
  2. @Dingus what? I am not high, bro. Do you know this koan:"You can clap with two hands, but what the clap of one hand"? I wanted to ask you sorta like this, but my English is fucked so no one understand what am I talking about. I mean you can take two physical objects and clash one into another and you probably will hear a loud sound by making this. You can do this with physical objects, but can you do the same with shadows?
  3. Probably the huge gap between guru and disciple could slowdown the learning process. So maybe we should try something like this: We have one guru and two disciples. The guru teacher only the first disciple. The second disciple learns from the first. He doesn't learn what the guru said to the first. He learns what the first actually understood. Because of the gap is very little maybe this could accelerate the learing process. But in reality there would be a chain of like 50 disciples. Also people tend to idealize, so this one will kill this problem too.
  4. Leo says that I am activly creating my emotions. What's the resources to learn more about that? From what I can see now is that I am creating my emoitons as how my identity goes, but the identity is kinda a static thing, it doesn't seem to be that I am creative my emotions activly like I make a decion at each moment to feel a certain way.
  5. @username Well... Think about it like this: You walk down the street and see a yellow lambo and you are obsessed with it because of how cool it is. The point is that you not obsessed with the car, you just want to have a big yellow thing, but you don't know that so when you saw the lambo you was sure that this is what you want and you haven't see any other big yellow things, so you are really sure that the lambo is what you need. You start chasing money and strugle because you are not good at it. And after a very long time you finally earned money enough, to you buy the lambo. Now you are truly happy. But what if you knew that what you actually want is just a big yellow thing? Do I want enlightenment? - Yes. Does enlightenment is the yellow lambo? - This is a really good question, because what if it's not? You don't expect this paradigm shift isn't you? As far as I know enlightenment is not a paradigm but anyway. Or you might want a very little thing to happen. Say you want this 10-storey building to stand 1sm closer to you. - Do you want a little thing? - Yes. But in order to do that need to tear down the whole building and rebuild it again.
  6. @username em... is there a way for doing that, but not enlightenment?
  7. The problem with the anomalies is that they are rare or even extremely rare, and they are just silently shows that you are wrong. They are not burn your whole paradigm down or some big claim that you are wrong. It's just like "This little thing right here is wrong." and there is no explanaions why, so the very default position is dismiss them all.
  8. Am I doing it wrong? No one seem to want to translate stuff... so if you have something to tell me about it that's the perfect time.
  9. I am sure if it's okay to write it, cuz I haven't break it down to myself. So WARNING this is just a thought came to my mind and I'haven't check it for myself. Does pain(and here by pain I mean pretty much any body sensation like pain, tickling, asmr, a hug) is located in space? - Push your index finger with your thumb finger to feel pain a bit. - Close your eyes(or try with opened eyes, I am sure not which one is the best) - Move the finger in space and notice if the pain is moving too. I think this exercise could help recognize if pain is actually located in space.
  10. @Leo Gura Do you have interest to take a heavy dose and try to not surender as much as you can to see what will happen?
  11. I doing it just for fun. Don't be serious and give me the most spectacular and absurd fails please. Do pre-mortem technique for My vision is that Leo will reach enlightenment and quit, cuz fuck it, cuz nothing matters.(I don't actually believe in it, it's just fun thing to think about.)
  12. "You need to give up the search to reach enlightenment" I heard it many times, but It make no sense to me because before I even knew that enlightenment exist I wasn't enlightenment. So how can I become enlightened by giving up the search?
  13. @Leo Gura So this "Don't try to reach enlightenment" from "Just stop right now" turns to "Do everything you can to finally figure out that you cannot do anything about it"?
  14. I heard this many time before that enlightenment is not the end, it's the beginning. Could you tell me what's after?
  15. What did you mean by "survive enlightenment" and "save your brain"?
  16. When I say “green” you understand what I am talking about, because it’s grounded in direct experience(in fact there is no such a thing as “direct experience”, there is only experience, you cannot have an experience somehow not directly. It’s just a catchy word, but it’s catchy, so I gonna use it.) So I can use words to point to real things. For example I could ask you to fetch me a green mug, and you will be able to do that. Point is that you can use you mental concepts to interact with reality, if they are grounded in direct experience only. Otherwise you can’t. Not because I am telling you, just what you are going to interact with? Words are pointers, they do nothing, but pointing to other things. So without the thing they are pointing to they stop making any sense. So what the word enlightenment is pointing to? If not direct experience, how the hell are you going to use it to get it? It’s not like you cannot use words in order to get it, is that what is that “it” what you looking for? - This is just a copy-paste from my blog. Originally I wanted to created a topic here, but I find it so good, so made a post from that.
  17. I want to start meditating, but I don't, because I am pretty depressed, so if I start and will not getting any results soon, I will probably drop meditating. The point is that if I will drop, I defenitelly would not drop it forever, which means that after awhile I will start to install the habit again, which will be harder, because I fail to do that before. So I decided to start meditate, but in fact I am not going to try any meditative technics, even "Do nothing" technique. I will just sit for 1 hour every day until I get rid of the urge to go to do stuff. And when I get there I will think about some meditative technique to use. Is the plan "Get rid of the urge first/try to meditate then" is a good idea?
  18. No worries, I did two sessions already and I am fine with it. You might say "Well, two sessions is to little to say that. Try this 50 days straight and let't see what tune you sing". So instead of starting with 20 min and growing it up, I started with 1 hour and if it will be to much for me, I just set to 30 min or something like this.
  19. When I get to a new place where I encounter new people like getting a job, I naturally want to get to know each other of them, but I don't do that because we have different mindsets and values etc - picture of what world is. So from my position it looks like if I become enlightenmented, one of thing I will or at least try to do is get to know other enlightenmented people. Why? Because it's all better to be together and the only reason why all of us are not is the ego, so it looks like if we get rid of ego we would know each other. If they don't know each other, then why?
  20. I find where I can buy some 5-MeO(HCL version), but how can I test that it's not fake? I've tryed to google for it and this says: "In fact, we are not aware of any drug tests that would show 5-MeO-DMT usage." So do any of you guys know how can I test it?
  21. @Naviy Thanks, cuz google didn't help me with "5-MeO-DMT легальность". It's very easy to find that DMT is ilegal, but for some reason find 5-MeO is ilegal online is much harder, I didn't find any information about that.
  22. @Leo Gura I'll tell you more. I find a site where I could buy some 5-MeO and I kinda wanted to do that, but a sane person told me that it's must a scammer site, and then I googled for that and yep - this is a scammer site. The point is that I still think that it's for me I need to get it asap. My point here is if you tell someone that he shouldn't do psychedelics, because he is stupid and show him why exactly he is, he still will stand on it's own. That's doesn't work, at least in my case. I don't mean that you shouldn't tell ppl some like that, but usually it won't work.