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About TKP

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    New Zealand
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  1. I'd like an upvoting feature for replies on forum posts. Being able to show agreement to someone's input without posting would keep threads tidier.
  2. these go hard, great for meditation if you're like me and struggle to sit on the floor cos of tight muscles
  3. I was gonna say I'm asking for a friend, but everyone here knows the friend is just me
  4. My older brother's life is exactly this. He's in his mid 30's, living at my parents' place, being literally nocturnal sleeping from dawn to dusk and just playing world of warcraft and other games the entire night. He'll go live with friends in the city for about 2-3 months a year to work and earn enough money to go back to living this lifestyle. He is fully dependent on my parents to be able to do this, but let's say you manage to live this life through your own means. What are you going to feel on your deathbed? Do you think you'd ever feel a sense of lack creep up on you? A hunger for something deeper, the feeling that your life isn't the best it could be? If not, then go for it. Personally I'd begin to feel empty very quick, unless I was creating something big within the game, but there's only so many things I could build in Minecraft that would deeply fulfill me. I don't really know how my brother truly feels about his life. He has a very cynical outlook on society, though he's always thought of himself as an outsider. He seems content enough, but he's going to run into problems soon with health and money. Work towards living a life of video games and see how it goes for you I guess.
  5. As someone living in a small town (max 3 degrees of separation between anyone), also very keen to hear some suggestions
  6. Went out to a club last night with a friend who is actually a lot more shy than myself. I've just moved back to my hometown which is pretty small, but I was excited to see more of the nightlife. My goal was to approach at least one girl and make some new local friends, since all my good high-school friends have moved out of town. I had 4 drinks before hand, I feel like I could have had 1 less and been a little further out of my comfort zone. Definitely don't want to rely on alcohol. I checked the place out, lowkey danced for a bit still feeling a little awkward. I then approached a few people just with the intention of warming up, basic conversation opening with "how's your night going" etc. Really wasn't being bold at all but I feel like somewhat established my presence at the venue by giving off friendly vibes. I saw a girl on her phone and went for the approach but as soon as I got close she turned to talk to her friend. I just kept on walking past as I didn't feel confident enough to interrupt their conversation. I went out the back to the smoker's spot with my friend and sat next to a guy who was on his own at a table. I explained how I had just moved back here and was keen to meet more people. I got his number so he can let me know whenever there's a house party on. I met another person in that area and also got his number for the same reason. I danced with some guys that I knew from high-school who were with some girls. One of them was kinda cute so I approached. I felt confident but I opened with the same questions I had been asking everyone else, and she gave me short answers and didn't ask anything back. Short conversation. I should have persisted and lead the conversation with some more stimulating interaction. Another much more attractive girl showed up. I stared at her for a bit trying to make eye contact but she didn't look in my direction, so I eventually just approached her anyway. I asked her "what's on your mind?" and she replied "you " and started grinding on me. Well that was fucking easy. I told her to follow me out the back because I need to talk to her, but she said she'd rather keep dancing. To be honest I felt a little uncomfortable with her dancing with me while both her and my friends were watching, there were a lot of eyes on me and I got a bit in my head about how I should act. We made out for a bit and I told her she's gorgeous. "I know". After dancing for couple more minutes she broke away to the other side of the circle. She kept looking at me and in hindsight I think she wanted me to chase her, but I didn't want to look too invested, needy or tryhard. It was now 15 minutes from the venue closing, I left to go quickly find my friend without saying anything and thought I could come back and find her again. I left for what couldn't have been longer than 4 minutes, and then I saw her with another guy. Epic. Didn't see her again and then lights came on. She was obviously just really horny and there wasn't much genuine attraction. I was a little bummed, but in all honesty this is the most intimate I've been with a girl for 3 years. I exceeded my own expectations. Made some new friends and had a great night. Massive confidence boost. Next time I'm going to drink less and try be a little more bold (making my intentions known from the very start).
  7. I've decided to focus more on improving my social skills and dating life, which has been pretty sad in all honesty. I never pursue women and I do feel like I am missing something important in my life. Even beyond improving my confidence with women, I'd like to break down my social inhibition. Since adolescence I have felt very vulnerable around strangers and it takes me a long time to open up around people and truly be authentic. I believe this shell came about from my experience as a kid where I had to go to a completely new school where I knew nobody and ended up being bullied because I was a weird kid. As far as school bullying tends to go, it wasn't really too rough but I've let that experience effect me a lot more than it should have (and for far too long). I tend to censor myself to avoid that same judgement of my character, but any fucking adult worth talking to isn't going to hate me for being interesting. It's about time I put in the work to actually believe this fact with my body and not just my thoughts. I've noticed that any conversation I have with people I'm very close to, 99% of the time I don't think before I speak. I say what I want before I even know it. I want to reach this level of natural self-expression regardless of the environment. I want to drop my shield and master the sword.
  8. I want to get into pickup. I feel like I have a good sense of style, but my wardrobe definitely does not reflect it; quite frankly, I'm cheap and so I just wear casual and simple clothing all the time. As someone who is starting out, is a wardrobe overhaul really something I need to do? I've heard "women don't care about looks" more times than I've had hot dinners and I've personally seen guys with appalling fashion do really well with attracting women, so I feel like it really isn't necessary if your game is good. But mine isn't. Necessary? or not?
  9. Hey everyone, 8 months ago a relative asked if I wanted to start a business with him. He has a connection to the hemp industry which would enable us to create business where we both grow hemp and create food products with it. Together, we also have a more than enough capital to get started on a business like this right away and have a safe amount of room for error. This is something I know I would find more fulfilling than my current job, and as a stage green person, the idea of growing an environmentally friendly crop and producing health foods with it definitely tickles my fancy However, I have completed Leo's life purpose course and have found my life purpose, and over the past 6 months I have been testing for passion in different mediums in search of finding the perfect one for me. The objectives of this business would simply not be in line with my ultimate life purpose. Any ideal medium for achieving my true life purpose would essentially be a form of art. It's really a toss-up between music and sculpture to be specific, and not this kind of business. Given how insanely difficult it is to make a living off of art, and how good of an opportunity this business seems to me has left me asking the question: Would it be more wise to invest the 5 or so years it takes to get a successful business running if it means having more income/time in the future... or to stick to my true life purpose and invest those years into finding and mastering my ideal medium? Leo mentions many times that it's important to have faith in the mastery process and that the money will come eventually. But would more future security, and perhaps earlier growth, merit putting that on hold for some time? Again, this business idea is still very in line with my values. Just not my most deepest, personal and highest ones. Thanks!
  10. Funny you post this only a few days after I finally became fed up after a year of somewhat mechanical spiritual practice. I don't really know what to do myself. The thought of taking a break and forgetting about it all is scary because I've made it into such an important part of my life and I identify with it. I know however that I've become conscious enough that I can't just sweep it all under the rug. Seen things that can't be unseen I guess, definitely think I will gravitate back towards self-inquiry at some point if I do take a break. What's something else you would like to do? Become financially independent? Socialize more? Try out some new hobbies? There's many other ways you can add value to your life.
  11. I used psychedelics fairly frequently and also in high doses prior to forming a meditation and self-inquiry habit. Of course I had non-dual experiences while under the influence, but I had no idea what to make of them and I couldn't integrate them effectively. The trip was over and so was the higher consciousness. I made easy progress in the beginning of self-inquiry and meditation as I was able to remember my psychedelic experiences and consolidate the insights I had into my sober mind, by reflecting on their truth. If I hadn't began practicing I would've just continued to have intense high-consciousness experiences every time I took psychedelics, but never really investigate how the experience relates to ordinary existence. Also, what if all it takes is for you to meditate for 10 minutes, and then you become enlightened?
  12. This is something I haven't figured out yet. The moment I begin to focus my attention onto something for a certain amount of time, I also drift into a sleepy hypnogogic state and quickly lose the focus. I seem to alternate between this state and monkey mind. It's like I can't access the sweet spot for any useful amount of time. I have tried meditating and self-inquiry with eyes open, standing up, back straight, with caffeine or modafinil, after Wim Hof breathing, and all of these have landed me in the same place. Because of this I feel like my self-inquiry sessions are never really of high quality, I do an hour each day but with this issue I can't stay focused long enough to go deep. I've been doing concentration exercises and have recently started 10-15 minute vipassana sessions daily as well. I was expecting that this was a normal issue and that I would improve with more practice but after a year I haven't noticed any change in my attention span. Any help or ideas are appreciated, thanks.
  13. What do you have to gain from this? Just tell people lmao