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Everything posted by IJB063

  1. @Preety_India Okay, I’ll look check out someHindu philosophy later - it has been noted
  2. @JessiChell nah it just cracked me up reading @remember s comment, that it then ends with namaste Bash who you want I don’t care And I love me some shit slinging I agree with the spirituality thing People who say they’re “spiritual” tend to be vapid idiots
  3. @Preety_India I have absolutely no clue why things are causal I know the idea of causality though comes from human consciousness, and derived solely from our consciousness
  4. @Member Perhaps you’re right It doesn’t necessarily need be our nature And perhaps these rules for how “reality” does and doesn’t work are just that, bullshit Maybe with faith you can move a mountain It sounds ridiculous, but if you were to be told about the state that we find ourselves in now, from a totally disconnected perspective (whatever that looks like) How would the forces that we’re potentially under not be, ridiculous Just take a look at the world around you
  5. @Preety_India I do t believe Occams Razor stuff, it’s just an excuse to be lazy I see no reason why just because something is simpler it’s more likely to be true And I don’t think there are any simple answers when it comes to the nature of reality I’m relatively certain that there is no separation from the “physical/external” to the “internal” because I’ve experienced it I don’t believe there is such a thing as reality, there is what there is, which is just consciousness, in all likelihood, nothing truly exists in the way people think things exist
  6. Hahaha ? that’s great namaste people
  7. @Preety_India I still see no point in drawing a distinction between reality and consciousness, if what you’re saying is meta physically true, because I don’t see how there can be an internal and an external at the same time What your doing is just categorising some aspects of consciousness and labelling them “real” No, it’s all consciousness How can it be real (by the definition of real) if it’s dependent upon consciousness @Member Man I’ve been a k hole, and I did not experience a separation between the body and the external world, both merged into one another Its not a trap, it’s our nature, unless one is insane, to experience reality via our five senses Ive experiences synesthesia via LSD before, that’s why I don’t really believe that there is the internal and the external / inside and outside There is what there is
  8. @Nahm You too brother
  9. @Preety_India Okay, I think I have a better understanding of what you’re saying Interesting analogy with the mirror I don’t really see a point in creating a distinction between consciousness and reality then, it creates needless confusion The way people use the term “reality”, the things out there, the external, what is separate from you, is illusory And both consciousness and reality are linked in symbiosis, to the point that reality is subjective, because it’s dependent upon consciousness @Member If you have your own reality, then it isn’t really reality though is it, it’s subjective
  10. @Preety_India I don’t what not existing looks like We don’t know if it is just the mind that creates reality, it could be the soul or spirit, god etc... If something doesn’t exist how can it be real? How can anything be independent of consciousness? Youre right this is a strange loop @Member Yep, that’s nonduality I think @Nahm Well looks like where at an impasse then buddy Good luck proving youre not talking shit if no one understands you “No” doesn’t make any sense
  11. @Nahm I don’t understand you buddy Im probably going to need to dose myself and meditate on what youre saying, because right now I either can’t wrap my head around what it is you’re saying or you’re talking shit I honestly don’t know which I don’t understand how you can just opt out of answering these questions
  12. @Member Whats your point with the example, that the spoon is only a figment of your imagination and there is no separation with you and the spoon It is the Matrix and Neo is in it in that scene, so the movie director could of just been thinking that this applies in the “fake” world of the matrix, what you’re doing is your saying that the same logic can be applied to the “real” world as well? @Preety_India You haven’t yet proven that you are the thinker of your thoughts, so you can’t say that you exist, so the “I am” would be invalidated
  13. @Nahm If that’s your idea of bliss it’s pretty twisted Not taking a position is a position?
  14. @Preety_India Yep that’s the basis of all Western philosophy But does it really mean anything though? I think therefore I am It seems like it entails unproven (maybe unprovable) presuppositions
  15. @Nahm Why not? It seems like a game to me “You have to take seriously the notion that understanding the universe is your responsibility, because the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding.“ “My technique is don’t believe anything. If you believe in something, you are automatically precluded from believing its opposite.“ Right now I believe in beliefs that’s a belief, I believe not believing in beliefs is a beliefs, so you can’t not believe in beliefs, you believe in beliefs too I believe in Is right now yeah I can’t imagine a world where I didnt because I wouldn’t exist
  16. @Nahm What is that if not a riddle? I don’t believe reality is bliss
  17. @Member Exactly brother it’s surreal And as Terence says in the clip, what psychedelics do is they stretch pull and melt the illusion making machinery of which our realities are made up off Its the momentary brief clarity where you can finally see the forest through the trees We have no frame of reference for reality but our own, but I can tell (I’m guessing) that all people practically occupy their own dimensions Does some child soldier in worn torn Africa even really occupy the same reality as a child to a multi millionaire in California, if they swapped positions in life it’d be close to equivalent of changing complete realities Schopenhauer had a quote along the lines that - life is only kept in motion by desire and illusion We either make our own rules in life or we have are rules placed upon us by culture
  18. “There is a transcendental dimension beyond language... It's just hard as hell to talk about!“ - Terence Mckenna
  19. “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” - Pablo Picasso "A goal without a plan is just a wish" "A man without a plan is not a man" - Friedrich Nietzsche So I'm going to make some posts on habits, goals, journaling etc... , from what I've been listening to and reading. I've been meaning to write on this topic for my notebook, so I'll put my thoughts on this forum to get some responses & and maybe its of help to some people. Links to the other post will be linked. So with the corona virus I've been isolating myself for past two weeks, spent most of this time playing videogames, watching Netflix ... Basically doing stupid shit. My schedule is warped, because I'm not in the usually rhythm of my day. Its starting to feel like its fucking groundhogs day. For that reason I'm trying to break out of that rut, so the past few days I've been spending my time more productively, reading more, exercising, meditating etc... I've been meaning to make a methodology on how to get shit done, and with the corona virus I think that its the best time to. So I'm going to spend a chunk of today writing down some basic ideas and making posts to this forum, hopefully they're of some help, the main reason though is to just crystallise my thoughts and get some feedback. Congrats on those who read the posts, I'll try to keep them brief So two important questions to ask before you make your goals 1. Who do you want to be? 2. What do you want? Pretty simple questions - the questions rely on your intuition You have to answer those questions yourself Here's a actualised.org video [Considering its the actualised.org forum I'm gonna try to link a bunch of Leos vids that relate to what I'm writing about] For the most part though we can pretty definitively say x person is a loser and y person is a winner. E.g. Bob who comes home from his shitty job and says "today sucked, time to order some pizza, drink a six pack and watch some tv for the next few hours". Compared to Jack Jack who comes home and says "I'm going to go straight to the gym, come back and make a healthy meal then catch up on reading and meditate for the next few hours" I think most people would say Bob has a loser mentality and Jack has a winners mentality. Now it is relative, Bob could be a perfectly content person, and Jack could be miserable. But we can make generalisations on positive habits that make you feel better. For example its better to be physically fit and have a good BMI, rather than be obese. Why? because your more likely to feel better in your body if you're fit than fat (as well as numerous other benefits). So although you don't have to perfectly define, who you want to be and what you want to do, although you should, its somewhat intuitive to know what is good behaviour and bad behaviour. You know this after a shitty day of eating junk food and binging Netflix all day that there was a better use of your time. With that said, and your knowledge of good and bad behaviour , you have to now set goals. Now people willing don't set goals, as they serve as a poor reflection onto themselves. When they fall short. For example if I make a clear goal such as Lose X amount of weight by following y diet plan in z amount of days When I fall short of that goal it negatively effects their self image. So people avoid making goals Here's is a link to a transcript by Leo on How to set goals The video is linked below https://www.actualized.org/articles/goal-setting Here is a quote from the video "The first thing I’ve got to tell you, and this is a very important realization for you to have, is that right now, you probably don’t have any goals at all. This is the number one reason why people are not getting much more success in life, simply because they do not have goals." Leo goes onto explain how people deceive themselves into believing they have goals, but them fall into the same ego defence mechanism trap mentioned before of obfuscation, so that they don't hurt their feelings, when they fall short of their "goal". "A goal without a plan is just a wish" The video states five points on how to make a goal - your goal has to be Specific and clear Big and compelling Written down Reviewed daily Aligned with your values Now back to the example I gave before "Lose X amount of weight by following y diet plan in z amount of days" This can meet all five of the criteria above Here are some other examples of goals Meditate for x number of minutes each day Find work and make X amount of money per month by working X number of hours per week Lean x song in y amount of days Write 1000 words on your book per day Find a girlfriend by approaching x number of women per week Etc... Now if a goal is linked with your values, it ties into who you want to be and what you want. If a goal is big and compelling it will invoke these feelings in you Excitement about achieving something you truly care about Hope for a reduction of some form of chronic pain or suffering Just a little bit of fear & worry over about whether you can pull it off Now in a separate video [linked beneath] Leo talks about SMART objectives Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time Based SMART goals are used by companies to evaluate whether a goal is viable to be a goal. Its a simple acronym that can also be applied to self development goals e.g. "Lose X amount of weight by following y diet plan in z amount of days" Specific - Check Measurable - Check Achievable - Depends upon the amounts Relevant - Depends upon your values Time Based - Depends upon the days If you adjust your goal based upon those 5 factors then your goal is smart. Whether a goal is achievable - you should have taken into stock of yourself and defined clearly your own Strengths and Weaknesses Now after you've defined your goals Based upon your values - Who you want to be and who you are Made sure they are specific and clear Big and compelling enough to be worth pursing and to invoke emotions Written down and reviewed daily to check progress and to keep it in the minds eye And have made sure its aligned with your values Meets the SMART goal 5 factors Its now time to make a plan to achieve these goals Which ties into the theme of these posts To achieve your vision/dream - you must define your goals - to achieve your goals you must change your habits - to change your habits you must know yourself - These require solitude This post is how to define your goals - So basically this is step 1 Here are the video links If you have any different way to make your goals leave it beneath If you want to share an example of any goal you're hoping to achieve leave it beneath Thanks for reading
  20. @lmfao Yep same thing I had, makes you a psycho man I could of probably seen a car accident with mangled bodies and not felt a flicker of emotion
  21. @JosephKnecht How do you know nothing can be perceived without time or space? And why is that the absolute perspective? Because you’ve reached the magical number 0? Edit - I understand what you’re saying now, well put
  22. @Nahm You put Now I don’t understand (lol) how you can have understanding without an understander This Buddhist esque riddle shit is annoying because I don’t know what you’re trying to say and you have the benefit of obfuscation
  23. @lmfao Only take antidepressants if you desperately need them I was diagnosed 20mg of Prozac when I was 16 and they uped that to 40mg when I was 17 I took them for about 2 years before I just quit, my gp didn’t even bother telling me to take one 20mg in the morning and one at night so for a year I was just in the morning doses myself with both (don’t know if that could of fucked my head up because I’m ignorant on SSRIs) I don’t know if they permanently change the brain, I need to look into it, I can tell you I don’t feel the same as I did when I was 15 but that’s gotta be fucking normal right? It can’t be good to take artificial drugs to feel “normal”, I know that, they don’t even really know how SSRIs work and I would never trust the pharmaceutical industry,especially with your own sanity and brain chemical soup Its worth the gamble taking SSRIs if otherwise you’d off yourself, otherwise I’d advise not taking them, take a gamble man, life’s a gamble go sober, I know I’m not taking any pills again unless I completely lose my nut
  24. @Nahm Than how can you understand anything?