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About Abhijeeth

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  1. Sadhguru - An Enlightened Yogi Describes His Enlightenment.
  2. @Leo Gura When you look back at your HIGH SCHOOL and COLLEGE DAYS , What 5 things do you think you wish you did ? I am am in high school right now... and I am not sure what exactly I should invest my time on ... THIS QUESTION IS BURNING INSIDE ME Also ... I welcome other members to answer to my question.... BUT ANSWER ONLY AFTER YOU THINK DEEPLY please
  3. @Leo Gura At your high school days, you thought your passion is video gaming ? Why isn't it your life purpose ? I find this important to me because I am in high school.
  4. is there a place to ask @Leo Gura doubts ?
  5. 15 !!! Youngest so far kids !!
  6. Meditate everyday. You can MASTER YOUR EMOTIONS and THOUGHTS .
  7. What you believe , you become !
  8. @Tancrede Pouyat Is Inspiration a value ?
  9. In @Leo Gura 's life purpose course he had mentioned " FULFILLMENT " is not a value. Its the result of alligning yourself to your values Then , can INSPIRATION be a value ? or is it a result of alligning myself with my values?
  10. I got a few doubts while doing @Leo Gura 's Life purpose course. HOW DO I CONTACT HIM ? P.S. I am 15 . Leo's course is very useful for me and packed with GOLDEN WISDOM. However old you are ,I reccomend the course for you. Because..... WHAT ELSE HAVE YOU GOT GOING IN YOUR LIFE ?
  11. Nickfury I get it that these 2 are the most important pursuits. But I believe that it woudnt be wise to do BOTH of them at the same time because - To make effective use of the life purpose course , one needs to be 100% certain about the journey and not have contradicting ideas. If you are doing self inquiry EFFECTIVELY , a lot of emotional energy would go into that. So I would say you dont do them BOTH and focus on one at a time.
  12. This is the most huge paradox i've ever experienced. I am doing the Life purpose course. Whenever I watch @Leo Gura ' s videos on enlightenment , I get confused. Which one should I pursue ... in the age of 15 ? Should I get my life purpose handled first ? or what do I do ?
  13. Dude @oschi when enlightenment happens , there is no YOU to have a purpose How can one be ENLIGHTENED and also have a LIFE PURPOSE ?
  14. @Leo Gura so what should ones focus in life be -- " life purpose " or " Enlightenment " Please resolve the paradox here.