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Everything posted by Lifes2short

  1. Hi there, I have a question about attraction and how it works. Some would say that attraction is applied when a specific criteria is met. What I mean by this is, people have preconceptions of who and what they want out of a partner, as a result creates attraction. For example, you meet a girl/guy who has the same cultural background as you, has the body type you like, the face you adore, has specific personality traits, likes the same things etc. Others would say attraction is spontaneous, people say you end up with the person you least expect, the universe some how makes it happen and you don't expect it, regardless of any preconceived criteria. What are people's views on this???
  2. @Samir Pay attention to who you are, what are your strength? Even ask others who know you, what they think your strengths are, having an outside perspective is always good and may reveal things you didn't realise before. Also try and think back to when you were a child, what was it you loved doing? Ask your parents if you can't remember. Try and find some of pattern, think very carefully!
  3. I recorded myself beatboxing and rapped my own lyrics over the top. It is called "Train Track". The song is about overcoming defeat and failure. The expression I use "stepping off the same damn train track" means becoming a new person and taking a new path in life.
  4. I would have to say "manifestation". Once you have acknowledged that you want improve on certain aspects of your life this is the start. The mind is a powerful weapon, and you can train it just like you can train muscles in your body. You have to start thinking about it all the time, when you wake up in the morning think about "it", when you go to bed think about "it", when you are at work think about "it", any chance you can get think about "it". By manifesting, you are basically manipulating your subconscious. You will start behaving in a way without you even knowing, your choices will change, and this will ultimately alter the course of your life. Just be aware that this is a progression. You do not wake up the next morning and become the most self motivated person ever. Understand that it is gradual. All you have to do is think about it and dream about it, things will start coming into practice my brother.
  5. 28 going on 19. I've hit my first midlife crisis
  6. Hi there, I've been looking around at different Life Coaching Courses online, they all sound good, the people I speak to are really nice, but I can't help but wonder which one of these schools are actually legitimate or recognised. Can anybody tell me how I can determine authenticity, and how can I avoid being scammed??
  7. Name: Daniel Age: 28 Gender: Male Location: Australia Occupation: Tradesman (with higher aspirations) Marital Status: Single Kids: No Hobbies: Kickboxing, reading, creative writing, rapping, dancing It all began when one, first experiences a real taste of defeat. An eye opener as he would describe it! Before this, life was so innocent, what once was seen as a fairy tale has been slaughtered. There was a time when he perceived her to be perfection, a time when he believed nothing could bring them apart. Until one day she decided their time had expired. The relationship's demise was inevitable, but he was in denial. It was only a matter of time before reality set in. When it happened his life changed forever, his perception altered. No longer did he perceive her as perfection, but a disease. He was no longer captivated by her, now nauseated! Out of the infinite number of possibilities and reasons why she left him, nobody will ever know. It was no longer relevant, he made the choice to believe he was no longer good enough. Although this feeling of emotional turmoil was intensely painful, he made another choice, the choice to use this pain as fuel, the choice to use all the negativity, and concentrate it into a ball of positive energy, using it to personally develop himself, using it as motivation, using it as power, using it to become unstoppable. No longer was he upset, but grateful. Grateful for the fact that it all ended for a reason, grateful for salvation . . . . he will never be the same again. (Sorry felt like writing that in the third person) Daniel
  8. "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another, with no loss of enthusiasm" - Winston Churchill
  9. @Leo Gura Legend
  10. Hi everybody, I'm just chasing people's opinions on William Shakespeare's quote "Expectation is the root of all heartache". No doubt there is a lot of truth to this statement, but I think I only agree with it to an extent. To me it seems like quite the paradox. On one hand happiness can be derived from no having expectations of yourself so in a way you avoid any kind of disappointment right?? But on the other hand, if you have no expectations of yourself, how will you be able to achieve anything? How would you be able to live a fulfilled life? A self actualised life? This quote contradicts everything we all believe in. We are a minority of individuals who base our life around short term and long term goals, we have the highest expectations of ourselves! I guess there are multiple ways to achieve happiness?? Daniel
  11. Hi there, I've always found relationships in the past to be quite distracting, now that I am really on this path to personal development, I fear that if I'm in a relationship I will lose my path and be side tracked, this ultimately has killed my motivation to want to chase girls. Do I set out to achieve my goals first, then focus on a finding a partner? Do I find a partner first, then go ahead and achieve my goals? Or will this girl somehow gel with my lifestyle, so the best thing to do is just keep going on my path and we will somehow find each other? Does anyone have any experience with this? Being in a relationship and still being able to focus on yourself etc. I would love to hear your advice. Daniel
  12. I think it is important to know your self worth, you have to behave in a way where you don't care what people think about you, you have to genuinely not care. If you have the mind set "i'm just going to behave how I feel like, if people don't like it, that is their problem", it shows a bit of power because you are not succumbing to conventional social conditions. I also think humour is a great one too, If you are funny, do not be afraid to use it, even poke fun at yourself to make others laugh, this creates a positive atmosphere, and people will want to be around you more because of how you make them feel emotionally. Another good one is taking a genuine interest in what people have to say, if you ask them questions or whatever, and you can respond to these questions, it shows you are paying attention, people love this because lets face it, everybody wants to talk about themselves haha. Being positive is a great one too, even if someone is talking negative, transform the conversation into something positive, you will find more people will want to talk to you. Charisma is something that you cannot physically see, or touch, it is not tangible, it is some form of energy that floats around you, it is just there.
  13. For me the first step was becoming physically active! I think this is a necessity because if you become self motivated to exercise everyday or most days, it means you can apply this principle to anything in life. How to become motivated to exercise?? Well the first step is to find an activity that you genuinely enjoy! There is no point joining the gym if you find it repetitive and boring, it will become a chore and after a couple of months you will give up. So my advice is to try different things out, whether it may be bike riding, running, swimming, yoga, martial arts, tennis, dinosaur hunting or whatever!! Once you have found what you enjoy, my advice is to probably start off small if you are not used to physical activity, what I mean is maybe twice a week, build up to three days and eventually keep increasing until it is a normal part of your every day life. I admit exercising is hard to get into, but once you are there, it is even harder to stop. I struggled for years trying get into a routine, but after many failures I finally found what I enjoyed and stayed committed. Now the trick to staying committed and motivated to your choice of physical activity, is having goals, you have to see progression, there has to be point that you want to reach, you have to see improvement, otherwise it will become repetitive and boring and you may lose motivation. Anyways I think this is really important and where it all should start, if you are feeling healthier, you will feel happier, this will then boost your confidence, which will take you to the next step with anything else you want to achieve in life, it all starts with something so simple like this. So try out a few things and find what you enjoy, then set your goals, and sit back and watch the beautiful progression. Also to any individuals that are already physically active but are finding themselves bored and losing motivation to exercise, it may be time to transition to something else. Find a new activity, and progress, all that excitement and fun will begin all over again Daniel
  14. @DanoDMano Excellent answer! Thankyou
  15. I believe they are both necessities, although I find myself addicted to gaining knowledge and learning, but I know if I sit around reading all day nothing will happen. You have to at some stage put your knowledge into practice. I'm not sure what your routine is like, but I work full time so I dedicate my time to practicality (in my case writing and music) in the hours I have available on weekdays at night time after work and exercise, if I have spare time on the weekend I use that to read and gain knowledge. It was a hard sacrifice because I love reading but like I said I knew at some stage I had to start using up more of time to get things done. If I was to give you a ratio I would say evenly distribute 70% of your time to practice and 30% of your time to theory (these are approximate figures). I think its all about finding that certain balance.
  16. Perth, Western Australia
  17. Hi all, I just want to thank Leo for creating this forum, what a wonderful opportunity we have to be able to communicate with other like minded individuals. I started getting into personal development about 6 years ago, it all started with something so simple, I decided to join a gym. As a teenager I lacked motivation, never exercised and polluted my body with toxic foods, I had no ambition what so ever. Joining a gym allowed me to learn the value of commitment. I started eating healthy, and slowly cut down binge drinking and drug use, over the years I worked harder, I even discovered a creative side, I found myself choosing themes and topics, artistically manipulating them into poetry then converting them to Hip Hop, so in other words . . . rapping haha. I have left the gym discovering that it wasn't really for me and found myself obsessed with Muay Thai, I am very happy and highly motivated to train kickboxing everyday, I just love seeing a progression, it is important to have a purpose. Anyways I found myself contemplating conventional lifestyle and became bored and unfulfilled with my job being a tradesman which I have done for 7 years now, looking for a way out I found Leo's Youtube channel, it has opened my mind and changed my perception, I am now reading books as well and I am now excited for the future, I want to take on a similar roll to Leo and help other become the best possible people they can become, I see it all around me now and I know I have to preach our philosophies to others, whether it be through powerful words or my music, I will try to cover the widest demographic possible, get my message across to as many people as possible. I would like to hear from others, I would like to know their visions, there stories and how they got to where they are. Feel free to post your comments below I would love to meet you all and remember we have lots of work to do, so lets get started. Daniel
  18. Hi everyone, Just wondering where are you all located?? Im looking to mingle with like minded individuals in my area. Anybody hear from Perth, Australia by any chance?
  19. @Mooders Hi there, Thankyou so much for your inspirational story, I am proud of you. Sounds like you have come a long way on your journey to personal development I first realised how real death was when I witnessed my father die of cancer back in 2013, so I have some idea of what you were feeling when you were 13. I realised that I had to create a purpose, this was the only to keep me moving forward and motivated, to keep me smiling, I think it is so important for humans to create a purpose in their lives, people need to have something to work for or to strive for. After watching Leo's videos, they had an exponential effect on my vision and Im so excited for my future, Im glad you are excited for your future too. Keep doing what you are doing and you will watch yourself progress, truly magical Have a great day
  20. @T110E3 Hi there First of all I wanted to say thankyou for sharing your story, very inspiring. I think it is fantastic that you have this sort of mentality and share these philosophies at such a young age. With hard work and manifestation, there is no doubt you will pave a path of success for yourself, so if I were you I would have a big smile on my face right now, you have your whole life ahead of you, I hope you are excited!! All I can say is continue to do what your doing, no matter what obstacles and adversity come your way, always be resilient and make sure you remain on this path success, self actualisation, enlightenment, fulfilment, divinity or whatever you want to call it In years to come you will look back and be amazed at what you have achieved. Do not stress about relationships yet, that is a whole new path all together, but if you continue on this journey no doubt you will attract the right energy in time my friend. Have a great day