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About NonBeastboy

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  1. Crucial topic and just a few talk / elaborate it enough. Thumbs up.
  2. Have you tried Do you plan to do the two things exactly in this order? I am asking because if the answer is yes, I think it is more beneficial to do the LP course first and then move to another city (if still necessary).
  3. @Lynnel I have been in a similar position too (and still am in some measure). What I've learned reading the book Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther Hicks is that we as human beings tend to cultivate a state of resistance to new both good&bad things in order to maintain homeostasis. This inner resistance prevents us from receiving things. Otherwise speaking our vibration when being in this negative state does not match the frequency of our desires (wealth, health, good relationships, etc). One (of the many, I guess) solution to your issue is to naturally allow things coming to your life without trying to block things and events with a repulsive state of mind. If you don't (or haven't) read the above mentioned book just google "The art of Allowing" for more details. Besides, there is no shame in having success, my friend.
  4. The main idea is how we can position ourselves so that through people, circumstances and other important factors we can make a positive contribution to the environment and intervene in the process of climate change. Assuming that we have a combined stage Orange - stage Green approach to life, a systematic thinking and value becoming Enlightened and finding the Truth.