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Everything posted by Willie

  1. Here he makes some good points based on his experiences in both campaigns about how not only is our political system disintegrating, but so is the entire media landscape. Polarization and instability are becoming the status quo, and it needs to change one way or another. His new party sounds like a good change to me! https://samharris.org/podcasts/262-future-american-democracy/
  2. No right or wrong. Only perfect. Yes, everything included.
  3. If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. - lyrics in Free Will by Rush The more things change, the more they stay the same.
  4. Loooooooooove that song! This isn’t really news to me, though. Abuses of money and power are constant. Good on them for gathering the evidence of it! But really, it’s just more fuel for a confirmation bias. I wonder if the Sacklers were included?
  5. I haven’t forgotten about this thread! I said I would practice more and record something original by the end of September, but I’m a little late. https://vocaroo.com/17i7YgaGzTE4
  6. Too much responsibility, and not enough conscious awareness. How can a person be expected to accept that everything is their doing? It’s incredibly daunting/absurd/threatening depending on one’s level of awareness to hear such a thing.
  7. I’m a hard C. Not people oriented, and a thinker rather than a doer.
  8. Yup. It’s the whole “democracy is government of the people, by the people, for the people...but the people are retarded” Osho quote.
  9. Reminds me of an assignment I had in my first year of college. There was an either/or choice between The Prince by Machiavelli or Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu for which we considered the best method of leadership. The overwhelming majority of the class went with Machiavelli.
  10. Recontextualizes the phrase “keeping up appearances”, doesn’t it?
  11. In theory, sure. In practice, not so much. I think the best implementation so far was in Yugoslavia. But even that was a house of cards that collapsed relatively fast.
  12. The fact that Taiwan is included in that image labeled “China” is the crux of the issue. Taiwan has a more progressive democratic government. They split from the ideology of the mainland with their own constitution in the late 1940s. Does this constitute independence or not?
  13. I wish I could show clips like this to my coworkers without causing office drama. This past week, I heard: ”Hey, are your kids gonna wear masks at their school?” in a dejected tone “Yeah...what about yours?” ”No, thank God...” As a former band nerd, I’d also like to point out masks and music don’t mix. ¢2
  14. I hope it doesn’t even take that long. Isn’t opposing the advancement of society the entire Conservative M.O.?
  15. https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/taiwan-scrambles-jets-against-renewed-chinese-military-activity-2021-09-05/ I dunno, man. That doesn’t look good.
  16. It’s literally his job. I hope Jimmy did more introspecting after this, but I doubt it.
  17. I find that surprising, honestly. What you say is entirely up to you, and how your message is interpreted isn’t up to you at all. But you already knew that going into it, so why the regret? Also, do you plan to self-publish or have you found a publisher you like?
  18. Yeah, well-educated people can still be gullible. I was unaware they were ever in danger of losing political power. It seems to me the CCP simply has a lust for more power. I was also unaware that there was a US military presence in the Philippines. So, I thought China already had an opening to the south. I do know about the US military presence in Japan and South Korea, though. So I doubt that would happen unless Biden wants to leave those countries also. I guess? I’m pretty sure Apple, General Motors, and Tesla all have more economic clout in China than Taiwan does. What if they were to stop doing business in China following an invasion of Taiwan? If you buy into that propaganda, sure. A massive nation invading an island immediately to the east isn’t really a big show of strength. It would be like the US invading Cuba now that the Cold War has faded into the past. Would anyone be impressed now? It would’ve been a big deal in the 60s. I just don’t have a perspective that sees a CCP controlled Taiwan as this big awesome thing. ??‍♂️
  19. Did you ask where she heard it? Perhaps. What are the arguments for Chinese invasion?