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Everything posted by Willie

  1. Hmmmmmmm...mid-March through late May last year was basically solitary confinement for me. I went to the grocery store when I needed more stuff, and I interacted with people on the phone and internet. And I have my dog with me, so we walked around outside a LOT. But aside from those caveats, I pretty much stayed alone in my apartment for 2 months. It was nice! It wouldn’t have been if either of those were taken away, though...
  2. Here’s the thing. This is America. If a bunch of children being shot and killed at school doesn’t lead to gun reforms, neither will this.
  3. Self-defense has been valid since the beginning.
  4. I feel like last year was our big moment. When most activity stopped for a couple months and wildlife was thriving because of it. BuT tHe EcOnOmYyYyYy!!!!!1
  5. Man, if only we could get Noam Chomsky’s concise word choices with Joe Rogan’s delivery style...
  6. Life is about living. I’m here to experience.
  7. Currently growing out my hair again for donation #8 next year.
  8. Excluding active warfare where there is intent to kill people and hunting with intent to kill animals, how many situations are made easier to resolve by bringing a firearm? This is a case of a dumb kid thinking he’s the good guy fixing the situation with a rifle. There’s not a big gap between him and a stereotypical gangsta livin dat thug lyfe in da hood. They all think they’re the good guy and justified waving a piece around.
  9. Sure he’s got a good chance. Who can oppose him for the Democrats that has as much charisma? Is AOC planning to run?
  10. Not entirely surprised that the phrase “psychedelic stocks” is actually a thing in the world, but ew.
  11. Corporate greed undoubtedly exists. What I’m unsure of is whether or not there would be a vaccine against COVID-19 at all without companies being heavily funded as they were. The R&D and testing that went into making mRNA vaccines is a huge investment, and the rollout of vaccines to billions of people in a timely manner is another huge investment. These are for-profit companies. They want to make more money than they invest. It’s really simple when you don’t need to invest in the first place! That’s how you fast track an inoculation against a global pandemic. You make it simple for the profiteering corporations to do so.
  12. Breaking free from a particular paradigm is something a person should want for themselves, not something forced on them.
  13. From my very limited perspective, there is an extremely high probability that the star in the center of our solar system will make an appearance specifically in the atmospheric region within the vicinity of my ocular perception, due to prior knowledge being gleaned about both how this planet moves around said star in a revolving manner and the nature of the planet’s own curvature, and that this occurrence is reasonably expected to take place within an amount of time colloquially referred to as a day. or Sun’s gonna rise.
  14. Hmmmmmmmm...toss-up between respiration and nutrient intake. Both very necessary habits for living. Most important is relative.
  15. Humor is subjective. So “too far” is as well. I’m not going to watch it, but I have little doubt I’d be fine with it if I did. If someone else finds it offensive, that’s fine as well.
  16. Doesn’t the territory include the maps of itself?
  17. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zVz8-W6EWOI
  18. I bought it because of a different post on this forum. Very artistic and meta! I also find it hilarious that Alex Jones is in the movie.
  19. Good tag line for American politics, tbh.