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Everything posted by Willie

  1. I just realized I haven’t been to a McDonalds in over 2 years, February 2019. And I went then because I needed the free wi-fi. Last time I went to one because I wanted to eat there was August 2018.
  2. It depends which perspective you are seeing with. The past is relatively true and useful to the present self in the egoic perspective. That’s because the ego needs the events of the past to relate to the surrounding people and environment and to know what led up to the present moment. It’s not absolutely true, though.
  3. Simple as that. It’s a shame that judging can seem like the more effortless thing to do.
  4. Might be referring to this but exaggerating?
  5. Whatever happened to Eddie Izzard running for mayor?
  6. The funny part is that reality includes solipsism. It’s just a perspective!
  7. Look, does it really matter what your opinion is? It’s just an opinion. Does the fact that I agree or disagree ultimately matter? Your opinion is just one in the ultimate realization of reality as it is.
  8. The context of this statement is important.
  9. Well, to be accepted as is is the ultimate seal of approval, is it not?
  10. Sounds like going from green to yellow on the spiral. Very nice!
  11. Nice to hear from you again, that’s quite an update! Sorry it includes being in hell (though, as you found out, it is a choice) and I’m glad you got past it.
  12. Marriage is bogus. Commitment is not. Are you committed to living consciously and in pursuit of ultimate truth, or is this a passing phase?
  13. It gives you different perspectives. You “become” the characters in the story. And, of course, the entertainment value.
  14. Justifications, rationalizations, and reasons are given for rage and resentment all the time. Also, Brazil is in a race with China to see who can do the most damage to the global climate right now. China these past 15 years has been booming and polluting similar to how the U.S. was in the 15 or so years after WW2 ended. But the rainforest destruction is possibly worse because SO MUCH depends on that ecosystem being in balance.
  15. George Carlin said something similar, actually. Life is a freak show, and America has the front row seats. I’m paraphrasing, of course. He turned a lot of shit into comedy gold.
  16. It’s just a stream of consciousness. Where does consciousness begin or end?
  17. Thinking is hard and can lead to painful truths.
  18. If they were in the U.S., definitely not. I like their chances in some European countries, though!
  19. There was one party I attended when I had my longer hair and beard where I was talking with a woman who called me Jesus. I took her cup of water from her and returned with a glass of wine. Seemed like a neat party trick to me.
  20. Long ago, in a galaxy far away..
  21. I never thought about it that way, but that’s a fantastic analogy. We have a bunch of Hester Prynnes now who are stigmatized because of something they did or said.
  22. Why not livestream both sides disarming nuclear warheads? I know it’s less entertaining than watching a couple of bickering old guys, but it’s far more valuable.
  23. When I was a kid, the saying was “I’m rubber, you’re glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you”.