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About Willie

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  1. So true. The limbic system has the faster response time every time.
  2. So you’ve been protesting for over a year now?
  3. The country would be so different if he got the nomination in 2016. Nothing really surprising in the video.
  4. If everybody’s right, then nobody’s left.
  5. Would you look at that! The world’s richest man writing a check he can’t cash…
  6. Any discrepancy between the way reality is and the way reality should be is a you problem.
  7. Why are you relying on people to tell you things? You just give away your sovereignty.
  8. I’m not kicking this can down the road another generation.
  9. It’s not a blanket yes or no answer. It depends.
  10. As a Millennial, I wish this was true. It’s very appealing to my bias. But I just can’t say for certain. Algorithmically-driven brainwashing might actually make things worse than before.
  11. Joe Rogan hasn’t changed much since last millennium. What has changed about people’s perception of him?