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Posts posted by tedens

  1. 5 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:


    Yet here we hit a paradox.  We are still left with the fact that impurities are relative.   If i feel that i am completely pure while maintaining an addiction post enlightenment - who is to say that is wrong?  When there is no longer a fear of anything than how can it be wrong? 

    So you see where we run into a paradox here?

    @Arhattobe prompt:

    duality /you now/ -> looping /paradoxes/ ->

    Nonduality /infinity/

  2. @Shaun

    3 hours ago, Shaun said:

    I am still doing the work, but I will be taking guidance from other teachers such as Rupert Spira and Channel Higher Self as they don't spout toxic stuff like Leo does. Explain to me just how it is healthy to be told that you are all alone, nobody can save you and you dreamt your whole life up? Again If that's really literally true as worded then I am as well being permanently dead. Oh, and why not practice what you preach and make me admin of the forum? I am supposedly god and created it. 


  3. 3 hours ago, electroBeam said:


    So try to answer this question not from the macro, but from the micro. If the body dies, will you be conscious of everything you are right now? Or is your consciousness at a level where you cannot accurately provide an answer for this question? Can you predict what level of consciousness will occur after death?


    After death you will be a much higher consciousness in other energetic systems (layers and plans) as you have gained more experience.

  4. 18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Damien Yes, that's a great model which should be more widely adopted and combined with psychedelics.

    Unfortunately conservatives hate this idea. They want to punish such people because they are "evil-doers." It falls under their "law and order" dogma.

    They use this against liberals by saying, "Look, those crazy Communist liberals want to give heroin out in your neighborhood for free."

    It is a program on addictive substances. So for psychedelics  will be created religious program.