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Posts posted by tedens

  1. @Joel3102 @Stakres

    "Recent discoveries have suggested that an intriguing  hallucinogenic substance may be excreted by the peneal gland. If this a case then the body itself creates the neurochemical circumstances whereby consciousness can delve deeply into its own inner space and there encounter a reality wrapped within greater reality."


    Making Sense of Near-death Experiences: A Handbook for Clinicians

    Autors Mahendra Perera, Karuppiah Jagadheesan, Anthony Peake  p.113

  2. 9 hours ago, Philipp said:

    @Leo Gura But if nothing matters how can you care so much about politics? How care about a certain Life Purupose? How can you care about Spirituality? How can you care about changing the world if it was already perfect as it is? How can you do so much work and sweat and suffer, if all is the same? 

    Thank you for your answer! I am so curious because that is where I have been stuck for the past years.

    Note that the desire for something is something you imagine. You don't know what it is but you want to experience it. Now, what does experience allow? 

  3. 19 hours ago, Meditationdude said:

    I’m at this point in my development where I see all my thoughts as complete bullshit. I can brake them down and see them almost instantaneously as ego, survival and some role I’m playing. They have no truth whatsoever and it’s like I’m living a lie.

    So weird! 

    Good. You are very far on your path, probably farther than you think.

  4. 17 hours ago, Consilience said:

     I don't see how it's possible to deny subjective conscious experience and I don't see how all of these high level thinkers don't how irrational this supposedly rational metaphysics is.nHow is it that the majority of academics don't see that all of our experience, OBJECTIVELY, *is* conscious experience? The 5 bodily senses and our minds all are various forms of consciousness... Yet because brain states correlate so consistently with conscious experiences they make the metaphysical assumption that consciousness is simply the brain, and that there exists an object-ive physical world. However, WHY does everyone miss the fact that this is, in the strictest, and even most rational sense (which is what these type of mind's tend to cling to), an assumption, an axiom, a metaphysical starting point taken on by faith? Where is the attachment to materialism coming from? Why so many great minds of humanity clinging to this philosophical assumption? 

    There is probably something like collective consciousness.