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Posts posted by tedens

  1. 9 hours ago, Galyna said:

    :) I am not there yet to see it as infinite love. I can accept it, but still not there yet. I mean the word Love for me is complected. I do not feel it like you do now. To me, love you are talking about, is something unknown, some concept. 

    Imagine that this Love that you can become aware of is so good, so strong and great, so much... so that ...  that everything you knew at the moment about this "world" is so.. a beautiful imaginary /dream/... but like really, really... beautiful. 


  2. 3 hours ago, LoveandPurpose said:


    I mean knowing how filter out wrong from right knowledge. Knowing about self-bias, ideology, spiral dynamics helps and I wonder if there's similar models/theories on that.

    One person says capitalism is good. The other person says capitalism is the best system that's out there. Others say that a different, more modern form of it would be better. How can I know which one is true without reading 100 books on capitalism?

    You will learn this after learning psychology and what ego is and first of all by approaching the truth closer to which is philosophy.

  3. On 19.02.2020 at 0:50 AM, traveler said:

    I've been watching Tony Parson, Jim Newman, Richard Sylvester and other "neo-advaita" speakers lately. Their main message is This Is It, which something resonate with. What I don't get is why many of these speakers often talk shit about other teachers like Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle and Adyashanti. They say that these teachers talk to an individual, while they themselves doesn't talk at all, there are just speaking happening. Alright, but in awakening it is seen that everything is saying the exact same thing, THIS IS IT. It is so obvious that there is nobody, there are only things happening, people aren't separate, there is only one. Everything literally is one. How then if there is "no me" in Tony, Jim and Richard there is story about how their message is coming more purely from oneness than the teachings of Rupert, Adyashanti and Eckhart Tolle? Seems very contradicting. There are infinite ways to describe the beloved, every single one of them falls short of the truth. 

    Because ego operates in duality and in order to survive. Each of us is relatively full of shit. That is why it is said that ego is the devil.