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Everything posted by tedens

  1. Isn't it that the more devilry /duality/ the more powerful the Truth is?
  2. @Mihael Keehl Rhetorical question. Do You have any sober meta practice experience?
  3. @DoTheWork "Leo, are you sure you want TOTAL awakening? HARDCORE seeker here." You ask about total awakening but you have not awakened to Love?
  4. @iamme only doing practice long enough can elevate the awerness. So your negativity is related to not doing it.
  5. A good guru teaches that the truth can only be found in oneself and by raising awareness. This is a "trick" that most are unable to comprehend.
  6. Yep. If you want Truth then all your existance is on the line. It is radical insanity. This is overcoming the greatest fear.
  7. I think this frozen feeling moment is directly related to death /ego/. @Inliytened1 what You think?
  8. @tsuki What do You mean by infinitely malleable mind?
  9. See? Overthinkingness is just neverending duality and its role is neverending experiencing. Do you see it as a loop? This is due to infinite Power / unimaginable love /, some of which you can experience and it can be a sensation of ecstasy.
  10. @OmniYoga Why not find out for yourself?
  11. @Phoenixx Really, You should try overthinking ness of Yourself /inquiry, questioning, being\. It's worth it.
  12. @Leo Gura This is his earnings and you say that understanding survival through manipulation is part of maturity. But it seems that he was mistaken about his friendship with him and probably regrets that he invited him.
  13. @Phoenixx Only awareness can take You "there" ultimately.
  14. You can't go far with excessive thinking in spirituality.
  15. I see You have some potential. What are Your practice if?
  16. @Matt8800 What is your opinion about the existence of life in the universe?
  17. Very nice, I see it as a looping. I mean that if only you could question Yourself /duality, material paradigm\ long enough /keep being in a heightened awareness\ something could happen.
  18. @Truth Addict Continuous sinking into this mindfulness is somehow a questioning of duality and this is a retreat.
  19. @Truth Addict now you have a glimps to what elevating awareness is ?.