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Everything posted by tedens

  1. Take a look on Maslow's piramid, maybe You'll realize then what 'ego' is.
  2. @corndjorn What can You say about appearing instantaneous warmth in the legs?
  3. Scientists are just now realize that the reality is kinda illusion and will never can be explain on its levels. So revolution on that field is just starting and it will be really mindf...
  4. There is some kind of hazard by doing the work. Meditation is for every one but not at any time. So there is some requirement for maturity to this.
  5. Here be many/much more me/ I on this forum soon.
  6. @TheAvatarState Are You traying to be more aware than awareness?
  7. How long You are able to maintain awareness at itself?
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperventilation https://pl.scribd.com/doc/76669667/Stanislav-Grof-The-Adventure-of-Self Discovery p.165
  9. Keep going with 'work' for some time and then You'll see whether psychodelics are necessary.
  10. First try mind fullness technique for few days till You see effects.
  11. Flying in the dream is awesome one. But to short unluckily.
  12. No ..love. Just put Your awareness on Your consciousness and stick there as often You can.
  13. @Wisebaxter Additionally. So reject exciment and leisurely do the 'work'. You'll see the progress.
  14. I will present here a story how not to win the lottery. My grandmother told me once that she kept betting one set of numbers all the time. She did it for quite a long time and she decided to let go. But the habit of tracking remained.... Need I to continue ?
  15. @nistake There can be a lot of different side-effects during the 'work' but let's concentrate maybe here on positive?