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Everything posted by tedens

  1. @mandyjw How do you define or what is your notion of present moment?
  2. @thesmileyone Now you really can practice self inquiry keeping 'concept' 'I am illusion' in mind.
  3. @kieranperez And is it not just that illusion causes delusion?
  4. Do you do breaks in practice?
  5. Did you saw Leos video called Dark side of meditation?
  6. @Applejuice I think you should raise spiritual knowledge generally first.
  7. @Truth Addict very accurate observations.. slavery of a different kind.. but it will change, hope.
  8. @shubhankar what help do you need?
  9. @Applejuice Try self inquiry for some time without 2cb or other drugs. All substances cause tricky perspective if you're not enough 'concious' let say..
  10. @OrpheusNovum Yeah.., i love Jimmy from my juvenile years... and now...what's "happened" to him?
  11. What do you think about existence such an organ?
  12. @Benoit Jazy ..me too.. my life accelerated very much in long perspective ..at the same time, it slowed down in short..
  13. @B_Naz i like this Did you consider that it could help people?