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Everything posted by tedens

  1. @mandyjw ..yes it is. But what is that?
  2. I was asking this Mandy too.
  3. @Truth Addict what is your way of producing the truth?
  4. ..very nice. only unpleasant work remains.
  5. It really must happen some day. Revolutions are inscribed in evolution.
  6. If it was a past life, it's not necessarily yours.
  7. Maybe for the encouragement of self-actualization = stop thinking like he has.
  8. Did you consider what you really can be? And what is your brain's chemistry that makes you feel "not dreaming"?
  9. The main and the only one belief you should remain with is that the self actualization will bring to you wealth, whatever it is to you.
  10. Do you see self-actualization in yourself?
  11. @Truth Addict no one else will growth you. Only with your inner/meta 'work' you'll be able to grasp 'some' clues.
  12. @FoxFoxFox you touched the essence of the problem of teaching. ..and this is a nice clue.
  13. @Rebec 'eyewitnesses' are the best teachers.
  14. @Jkris watch Leo's video till you grasp it.
  15. @tecladocasio By doing 'full circle'.
  16. @Highest How would you define notion of 'going full circle' ?