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Everything posted by tedens

  1. But I belive that some day someone will discover a gate to the meta.
  2. @Inliytened1 I've only some "suspicions" on this so far.
  3. Its a paradox which can be experienced and "understood" by experience it. Like they say: total MF...
  4. One should do the meta work until he get wind of that he is not just an effect of bouncing particles.
  5. @abrakamowse Its not a plagiarism but not an incident too.?
  6. I would explain psychology in this way: God's hide and seek.
  7. But from psychological point of view thats the cognitive dissonance=@Preetom post.
  8. Doubt arises from that you don't know who you really are like @Conrad wrote.
  9. Yes its a fact and this leads closer to the ,truth'.
  10. "Enlightenment and Suffering"? You and this topic.
  11. @ValiantSalvatore Generally the big picture counts but that requires a lot of curiosity for understanding mechanisms of action.
  12. @ValiantSalvatore I'm not using any specific source. But there are probably some dense services. Its all depends what you're interested in especially, what you want to reach.
  13. @ValiantSalvatore generally right-wingers have grown stronger but now every option is on the table.
  14. @Bill W First rule in this path is to tamed the Monkeymind.
  15. With high probability there is such possibility.
  16. Visas to Usa are also getting closer to withdraw from my country?
  17. Leo, whats your point on 5th plateau level ?
  18. In short: Right-wing is conservative and left-wing is collectivist
  19. @Leo Gura Yeah.., yeah..hehe.., I've really liked it too.
  20. I have a puzzle for You to relax: what is this: inhale and exhale?
  21. The ,truth' is that the politic lies in our ego, serves to it, is the basis for the functioning of societies. You can stand next to it or realize importance of this ,game'.
  22. Both. The second one causes the first. And this is simultaneously reply for: "Can highly conscious politics be right wing?"
  23. @Pilgrim Do that platonic love with him and give some space and time for both of you and you shall see if there is something going to happen.