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Everything posted by tedens

  1. No he hasn't. Glad to hear here such a seeker. What with Your state of awareness during those states?
  2. @AlphaAbundance I listened to these films several times and contemplated what it was all about. You have to raise your consciousness, discover it to yourself so to say.
  3. "What is consciousness". When I started to translate it into my native language, I understood that this guy is really different. I started watching his other films and that's how it was.
  4. Holy words. Yes but the chemical communication is lower layer of let say 'evolution'. Imagine telepatic communication not only with words but also combined with feelinngs for example.
  5. If it was like that we wouldn't speak about it because there would be a lot of peace and love in the world.
  6. @Inliytened1 what exactly means "chabang"?
  7. True. False, see first sentence in first quote. In big picture, yes. It bonds some parts in the end.
  8. "That's exactly right. That is the strange loop when you try to be the Absolute from the relative. You see that it is somehow both. The paradox. But from the Absolute it just is itself". It is just too complicated to realize for some without deep contemplation at least. Even if master in video says so.
  9. Everything speaks for the 'fact' that it is so. But it is people who have experienced that states should try to investigate whats goin on.
  10. You can make all symbols during this 'material' experience because life is a joy in itself.
  11. Holy words. It can be really understoodable for one /even partially/ without awakening but with deep contemplation and practice.?
  12. @AlwaysBeNice You would be suprised what is possible in the dream states.
  13. There is a technique in which you check during the day if you are not dreaming during waking. This is also to be revealed during sleep and then to realize that it is a dream.
  14. It can be other way and this way is rising a consciousness for and by Yourself.
  15. If You're 'sensitive' weed can work like mild psychedelic.
  16. You ask the same question over and over again.
  17. @Dylan Page From unimagable bliss and joy which You can feel for Yourself by existence as biological creature.
  18. Suffering is an inseparable mechanism of duality /reality/ without which you would not be able to experience it because you would not be able even to evolve as a biological creature.