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Everything posted by tedens

  1. It is like this cause of low states of collective consciousness. But that will pass one day when consciousness will rise so don't be sad.
  2. If so... Where the hell are MODs?
  3. Dave, who said that You're like this?
  4. So if I died then I would wake up, so what a moral of it?
  5. @Shin exactly. I dreamed lately that some guy threw a piece of concrete in me. I felt / i still feel/ the breeze of this flight right next to my head.
  6. His awakening may be due to too much acting into various roles.
  7. @VictorB02 I've to get Your look on me to could say my opinion.
  8. Again to the question. Does anyone know what he wants in this all the time shifting/changing perspectives? ...No. "HE" as a false self never be able.
  9. Hahahaha. I am not loughing of You. Consciousness is so complex in itself to this point that You don't know what You want. It is so complex to this point that You don't know what You are and even to realize meaning of this words.
  10. Therefore the question arises how not to get lost in the Illusions?
  11. That's why it seems to me that God is hiding behind these paradoxes / loops for not a no reason because what's next after solving one loop?
  12. @Inliytened1 What are the differences in relative and divine perspectives?
  13. @Galyna No intellectual understanding will take you "there" without practice. You imagine hells by thinking about them from fear POV which is also imaginary from material POV. Whilst practice You must stop thinking cause it leads to imaginary realms. You should shift your perspective to the being/consciousness POV and then wait. But I don't know Your ,way,
  14. @Leo Gura ..but not in nondual Pov I thought. It's just similar to mine.
  15. @Natasha I saw hand from picture I thought it,s mine.
  16. @BlackPhil The easiest way to explain this is by adopting the perspective of nondualism. So you, as God, create all the interconnected illusions in which you experience yourself in infinite forms and planes. But it is too much a simplification.
  17. @sunny33 Life is a joy in itself.
  18. @Leo Gura You have been summed up.?
  19. It is rare phenomenon so we should not be surprised by such an attitude. Can you expand this statement: