Life purpose? there is classic trap provided by mind for eons and all discussions over a subject may lead nowhere or right to the here .The option always was in plain sight but people ignorantly and steady stubbornly chooses the first one ....
Is there evidence that the ultimate answer to rethorical question "what is the meaning of Life" had been found? I guess not yet...Then we put together two meanings of the term Life and term Purpose.. Yet ..the meaning of Life itself is not really known...and the whole alliance of two meanings cannot be resolved in terms of unity or oneness(?) cannot "have" a meaning in literal sense...but Life is a meaning itself..also in literal sense..Mean One and inseparable.Term "have" suggests presence of two units which in alliance would be called dual polarities,no? One "have" another...Essentially polarities creating ever going tension between them unable to become One as we are witnessing it in here obediently suffering agree/disagree game in which solution cannot be found as long as duality exists in our perceptions. Same applies to LIFE while meaning to itself. and to "Purpose" meaning of which strictly aligned to all embracing Life . So it might happen to be That Life IS a Purpose to itself as well , speaking of duality transcendance ..May be term "have" is a vice, a disease in which humanity engulfed for centuries.. But , surely, it points out to certain direction of a search..
ALSO IT DIRECTLY SUGGESTS THAT I "Have" aren't I am... I am that I am is a formula which embracing an enormous multitude of polarities and those actually producing energy, life force which serves in support of its carrier..In a current observations it seems to be an opposite. Carrier serving enormous multitude of polarities to which he provided multitude of names being not of himself but something else ..I have/haven't, I was/wasn't, I will/won't , I do or don't...many names to one human instead of I Am that I Am. Enlightenment constitutes all inclucive Awarness and it means also includes a meaning of written above and much more in nameless uconditional ..
It is not a requirement to rush to educate/help people while become enlightened for a requirement is a condition itself and Enlightenment is a representation of unconditionality . Enlightment also is an ability to affect and dissolve any condition in its presence by definition ..In a presence of unconditionality conditions cease to exist..absorbed rather than destroyed..For witnesses it appears on temporary basis as an experience and evidence and eventually required recognition of a sense of unconditional.It needs to be done in retrospective... looking back in time to akcnowledge and recognize experience of timeless moment in which Enlightement exist..Time is a condition in which most of people inevitably dwell in..The moments of Enlightenment is not unknown phenomena to provides deep inspiration in certain creativity..Sense of time is fading away while in that Blessed moment. But it is only a glimpses pointers direction where to look .Yet actual particular happening mostly cannot be squeezed into linear logic and remains unexplainable but always desairable phenomena to experiencer . But explanation is awfully limited being in state of limitations. It is vicious circle..Needs to be out...So called meditations provide that if applied appropriately. Enlightement exist in timeless state..Enlightened One aware of it..And unaware one is not and can't be. Timeless state as well as Enlightened state as One is very experientional and cannot be translated into linear perception...