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Everything posted by iinervision

  1. Hey! I hope this is the right place to post this. I have Leo's top books list and i was looking for a book about communication and relationships with people (not intimate relationships but in general), I've looked at dealing with people category and emotions too in Leo's list but i didn't find a book who really tackle that part im looking for. So if you have the list what is the book that really deal with the topic of people and communication or the right category for that if you don't have it im open to a good recommendation also.
  2. @okulele@okulelethanks I'll take a look at it
  3. @Yonkon thanks I'll check it out
  4. After you have achieved enlightenment (awakening , satori) Can you become less enlightened or even unenlightened if you don't keep your practice? Which bring us to another question.. I read about sudden enlightenment, which i assumed is an enlightenment without any practice or a desire to pursue it. Is it the same as the enlightenment with practice? or just a mystical experience?