Joe Distasio

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Everything posted by Joe Distasio

  1. Hi Khalid, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I myself have been an avid cannabis smoker for a couple of years. I recently have decided to make a change in my life as well. Here are my tips to you. After reading the book The power of Habit i have learned a few things. A habit consists of 3 main components. A Cue, a routine, and a reward. Step one to overcoming a habit is to figure out your cue. Write down every time you have the urge to smoke cannabis. The next step is to figure out what triggered this cue. Was it boredom? Anxiety? Stress? Once you trigger your cue, your next action is to change your routine. Substitute your cannabis smoking with something else more productive. For example, i would smoke cannabis for any reason i could give myself. The truth in the matter is, i struggled with self control and enjoyed the feeling cannabis gave me. So as i sat down and went through this regimen i realized my main reason for smoking cannabis was boredom and the ideology that "Everything is enhanced when your stoned".... A common mindset of your average stoner. Now, each time i find myself having the urge to smoke cannabis, i change my routine. If its because of boredom, i open a book and expand my mind and my reward is learning something that i didn't know before. If its because of anxiety, i sit and meditate to alleviate the unnecessary stress i am causing myself. The truth of the matter is you can do this. You have to WANT to change. Try this routine and let me know if it worked for you as successfully as it has for me.