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Everything posted by Denis

  1. @Outer Gary Weber is wonderful, I am big fan. Thanks for mentioning him.
  2. @BeginnerActualizer First of all thanks for making people aware of Gary Weber. I think he is wonderful. But to try and answer your question, I think it has to do with ego. The ego loves to put enlightenment into some very mystical and distant goal attainable by only few special people. When the reality is the awakening is actually very simple, so simple that the ego just dismisses it because its too simple right. So sages that speak in a very mystical way are more appealing to the ego as opposed to "just a regular guy" like Gary Weber who is straight forward about it. Basically the ego likes all the glamour that comes with the mystical type teachers. I use to be like that in the beginning of my spiritual journey but now I like a lot of teachers and all their different teachings. I think Gary Weber is great, he is straight to the point. And the bottom line is if you truly want to wake up and give up all your attachments and do self inquiry and mediation you can become enlightened fairly quickly, its not gonna take 10 or 20 years or more. Personally I recommend every teacher like Tolle, Adjashanti, Mooji, Weber etc. I think Ramana Maharshis self-inquiry method is a wonderful tool.
  3. A couple of years ago I heard about A Course in Miracles which is a really long book that has a lesson for each day of the year which is designed to make the reader transcend the ego if followed or practiced correctly. More recently I heard Eckhart Tolle talk about this book and he highly recommended it. For me however it is hard to get past the language of duality (religious language). I was wondering if anyone has tried to practice what this book teaches. And is there a version out there that was re-written using more spiritual language. It is pretty fascinating how this book came about. If anyone has any comment about this it is much appreciated.
  4. @Richard Alpert HAHA Peter Sellers is fucking awesome. Love that movie
  5. @Leo Gura Eckhart himself said that he had no idea what has happened to him when the shift occurred. It was only many years later when he was in India working with spiritual teachers that he realized that which they were seeking had already happened to him. After his enlightenment Tolle spent many years studying Buddhism and other religions. And even to this day he meditates each day for a few hours. Sounds like personal development to me lol
  6. @Epiphany_Inspired I am still doing some research and working on obtaining it so I probably won't do it for another few months, but I will definitely share my experiences on the forum here. I am little disappointed I haven't seen more people share their experiences so far. They must be working on it like me :-)
  7. @Joel3102 I know St. John's Wort is an extremely weak MAOI. I have found information that says if a person uses MAOIs they shouldn't use them at least two weeks before doing 5meoDMT. I will keep researching but I think if I discontinue STJW about 3 to 4 weeks before I do 5meoDMT I should be fine. Now I just gotta get some 5meo lol, luckily I live in Arizona so it shouldn't be too hard according to a few forums I started frequenting.
  8. @Leo Gura I don't know if you can answer my question but its worth a try. I take St. John's Wort and I was wondering how long before doing 5 MeO DMT should I discontinue taking St. John's Wort. I have done some research and I have found some info that says at least 2 weeks before doing 5 MeO but I didn't find anything definitive. I know you have done a ton more research than me so maybe you know. Thanks
  9. @Epiphany_Inspired I use to have panic attacks like your friend. The way I got over them is by learning a simple technique and its exactly what Leo says to do during the trip. You simply surrender to the panic attack and it completely dissipates. First few times your friend tries this he/she will still feel some sensations of the panic attack but after a few times when you realize it works it will no longer be a problem. And after that as a short practice your friend should try to have a panic attack on purpose, but they won't be able to. With panic attacks you need to face the irrational fear completely and than the fear is no longer there.
  10. @jes Just start taking action. I totally understand what you are saying and I have dealt and still do deal with procrastination. What I do is I start taking action, even if it is small and you don't feel like doing it the key is to just start doing it. Once you start you will enjoy it. It won't be easy but just start and don't listen to your mind.
  11. @JevinR I understand how you feel. I have struggled as well with life purpose. It actually started to stress me out because I want to do something to help solve world problems but is also my passion. So I'll share with you a great quote from Howard Thurman that really helped me. He said" Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Just find something that makes you come alive, but be patient it won't happen overnight.
  12. @Fitness Model To begin with I would recommend a vibrating cock ring, it is very enjoyable for both especially if you like to be on top. They also have little vibrators which you can use on many parts of your body but he would have to use it on you and you can use it on him as well. As to the second question I actually find my girlfriend very attractive all the time. This isn't just a physical thing though, I feel you are very focused on that having read most of the replies. Sexual attraction is so much more than the physical. We have great communication and we truly respect one another, we sometimes talk for hours about all kinds of topics, we go on adventures together, we are vulnerable with each other. All those things contribute to the person overall. What we essentially fall in love with is not the physical person but the essence of who that person truly is and this is kind of a knowing that you have in your heart. When two people meet at first and than they like each other they become very lustful towards each other. During that lustful period we fall in love with the concept of who we think our partner is but not who they really are. It is only after that initial period passes (and for some people it can last more than a year) that we can truly start to get to know this person. A lot of people misrepresent themselves early on in the relationship because they want to win over the other person but you can't keep acting forever, eventually their true personality will show itself and sometimes its not good but sometimes its even better than role they were playing up to that point. So you see when you truly fall in you are not focused on the shallow physical aspects (I am not judging you here) because they will pass if not now than in 10 or 20 years but that true love will still remain. So for me not to find my girlfriend attractive she would have to become a completely different person than who she is now and at that point the relationship would probably be over, but that is not reality lol. Also I noticed you said your husband is from former Yugoslavia, I am from there as well actually. Males in that society have very strong egos and many do not view their wives as equals but rather beneath them. I am sure his male ego is very strong but it is a nut that can be cracked. Also as far as checking out other girls Leo has a great video on male and female psychology which I recommend you watch, it will shed some light on that. I thinks its two different videos but they are great, it will help you understand yourself better and us males and the way we think. Also having read all the other replies it actually sounds like your husband is the one having issues(in the bedroom) and not you, he is just projecting them onto you. He is kind of crying out for help by acting he way he does. This is an issue he will have to address otherwise it will stay with for the rest of his life weather you two are together or not in the future.
  13. @Salaam great post. @Fitness Model just like @Sarah_Flagg suggested definitely incorporate toys into your sex life if you already haven't. Its always fun to experience those new sexual adventures together when it is new for both of you. Also you can buy some sexy outfits for yourself and just surprise him with it, you can even give him a hint that you have a surprise for him in the bedroom. Ali Express has a big variety and they are pretty cheap compared stores that sell that stuff. Now I am not saying it is up to you to always put both of you in the mood but its ok to give your sex life a spark when needed. Like Salaam said in his great post above it is both of you that contribute to this but usually when one person gives the vibe the other can feel it. Also have sex in exciting places like when you first met. Maybe in back of your car or somewhere where you might get caught. Don't be afraid to try new things. Me and my girlfriend have been together for almost 5 years and sex just gets better and better and it is because we add variety to it. If you like to be restrained to your bed you can try that too, it can be very exciting. You can end up doing so much other stuff that by the time you have plain old missionary sex again it will feel mind-blowing because you haven't done it for so long. Also you say both of you are into body building, I don't know if your husband takes any kind of testosterone products but those can mess with his libido, one of my friends who is body builder told me that. Just don't make sex a routine, and if you two are at that point its easy switch it up and make it exciting again just don't be afraid to try new things
  14. The documentary I AM by Tom Shadyac is fantastic. I am happy to see more Hollywood people becoming more aware and conscious.
  15. I have dealt with anxiety as well and I still do but it is not nearly as bad as it was in my teens. A supplement I used that helped me quite a bit is L-Theanine. It is a dietary supplement that is very safe but it will help you a lot. It lowers anxiety and stress and it helps you focus as well. It is said to increase learning ability as well. Now this is not a cure, but a tool to help you along. You should still work on a deeper level to resolve your anxiety issues which you can do trust me. You can buy it at any health food store and it is not expensive. Keep working on yourself and in a very short time you will laugh at your anxiety. Meditation will help you a lot as well. Anxiety is just an irrational fear that is in your mind. It is created by your mind. You are not your mind and while you might not realize this yet you will as you keep working on yourself.
  16. I don't think it is a need. You will not die if you don't have sex. Food is a need, water is a need, sex not so much. Now I am never in favor of repressing anything especially sexual desire as long as it is healthy and you are not seeking it as an addiction or to relive some childhood sexual trauma. I do agree with you Ken Lecoq that it is important to have a deep connection with the person you are having sex with. I never really saw sex as a physical act but a very deep spiritual experience. During sex I get to be fully present and considering I am not enlightened that is as good as it gets. I feel it is a glimpse or a visit into what enlightenment is really like.
  17. You can also try and ask yourself "I wonder what my next thought is going to be". It kind of helps me observe thoughts as they come. Now I still get seduced by some thoughts by do become aware of it quickly. Like Leo says it takes practice.
  18. There is nothing to wait for. Do it now. I am 32 now and it would have been nice to discover this 10 years ago. But as Eckhart Tolle says it doesn't matter when the flower blooms as long as it blooms even if it is on your death bed.
  19. It is definitely not something everyone will receptive to. When I started to do self help and enlightenment work my life changed very fast for the better and I wanted to share it with everyone, my girlfriend, my friends family, but you have to understand this is not something you can force on anyone. They have to be ready to receive it. Luckily for me my girlfriend has welcomed it with open arms, some of my friends and family gave me some blank stares lol and I am sure had some interesting thoughts that they didn't voice. Bottom line, just keep doing what you are doing. The people that need to be in your life will be there, others will make they way out slowly. And your family is the best meditation practice you can have. As Ram Das says "if you think you are enlightened go spend a week with your family". My family and their closed mindedness at times has really helped me become more present.
  20. Great advice above. Sometimes you just have to let things run their course. Its what happened to most of us on actualized. We at some point realized we needed to change and that point hasn't come for them yet. Like Ayla said you can't help someone that doesn't want to help themselves YET.
  21. To be honest since I started doing personal development my fear of death has gotten lesser and lesser. The more I learn about spirituality and enlightenment the less I fear death. Now I don't use that as an excuse to do nothing, but I simply accept the fact that my death could come at any time. I feel that fear in general is not a great motivator. You don't want to act out of fear, even if it is fear of death.
  22. Ever since I was a little kid I liked creating things and I was coming up with crazy ideas of things that didn't exist yet. I always felt there was some great big idea inside of me that will benefit mankind. I never really had confidence to pursue some of them as I got older. I feel that will change soon. One thing I always wanted is to see the Earth from space And to one day be enlightened would be wonderful, to die before I die :-)
  23. Good advice. I am actually doing a different life purpose course that I purchased before I knew Leo was doing his own (I plan to do Leos as well when I finally finish the one I am on now) and I just got stuck. I know the reason is fear, I actually find doing the course very interesting but I am facing so much resistance to get my self to do it. I think your comment is spot on, in my case at least. Thanks