Hey all,
First post so booyah! Ok taking it to a low tone now...
So my girlfriend broke up with me, she's starting a masters degree and wants to clear her head this year and learn how to love herself before she can get back in a relationship. She's made it very clear she still loves me and gave me the whole "It's not you, it's me. I don't know the future I just know I need to be alone right now" (Cliche... I buy it). The break up hurts but I want the best for her, I know it's what she needs. The thing is or the problem perhaps... I'm dead set on getting her back, one day.
My problem is I don't know how to be when I'm with her, I'm going from optimistic and easy going to upset and sulky and it's just no fun. We both are still best friends and care so much about each other but It's hard to fight the tension of the fact that it's just that, friends. I'm a somewhat feminine dude and I'm very good at expressing myself but it's getting to the point where I feel like I'm no fun to be around. I believe If I want to get her back I have to be more like my old more upbeat self.
Sometimes she and I have these, 'eye of the storm' moments where we really talk and it doesn't feel like we are holding off around each other. I can talk about my feelings and she says things that really gets me feeling almost good about the breakup, admittedly.
So this is where I'm at a loss; do I avoid her and staunch up and pretend I'm not thinking about her? do I give her the burden of the honest truth of my emotions and tell her exactly where I'm at? How much do I emotionally give to her?
I feel like I somehow have to hide my sorrow and just be my flirty and fun self until she's ready for a relationship again. Even if that's uncertain. I struggle to do that though I just cry and shit.
I appreciate any advice or support.