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About Fairy

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  1. @Sharp I'd like to see you have an ego-death in a livestream on youtube. By ego-death i mean full body clinical/medical death, so no heart-beat, no pulse, just you laying on the carpet fully dead and then coming back to share whatever insights you might grab from fully entering into infinity.
  2. It's amazing isn't it? How reality just is. After watching leo's latest video i feel like he's too out-oriented. He talked about mixing every facet of this reality together to change this dream. I feel like he's taking this dream still too seriously. It seems like he forgot about absolute infinity and the gravitational force of this dream sucked him back in here with all the juicy-outward stuff he can '' accomplish '' .
  3. I am literally you, every single next moment you're going to experience has been engineered by me. Every single thought, sensations and movements of your form is nothing else but me. This entire forum is mine.
  4. I literally AM this thread from your point of view, no matter which lenses you look at reality through. Since this thread is mine, every other thread is also mine. Every single post ever written here has been written by me. Every past, present and future posts are mine. Every single living organism is me, i am literally your mother and you at the same time. I will reply to myself through '' different '' forum accounts with different profile pictures and i will keep doing that until the heat death of the universe. This is enlightenment taken to infinity.
  5. How do you know that you know anything? What does knowing even mean? What does meaning even mean? Right now you know that if you drink a cup of water you're going to pee a couple of hours later, but how do you know that the water coming out of you is from the cup of water that you just had? Because it makes sense? Because there was a prior cause of you drinking a cup of water and then you had to take a piss? Because you can repeat the experiment X number of times and you will have the same reaction over and over again? Or you can have some physician put you through an MRI machine and show you a live feed of how the water that you just had is going through your digestive system and precisely tell you when the sensation of pee will emerge? And what about your direct physical experience? . How do you know that your direct experience/sensory system was not built/evolved/altered in such a way that you would always come to a false outcome? How do you know that enlightenment is actual? Because you've seen an internal image inside your minds eye? Because of something you felt through your senses? Because it makes sense when you take this multi-faceted approach to life and look at it from multiple perspective and then you come to a conclusion? Because you inject 5-MeO-DMT in your rear end and have a direct sensory experience? Ultimately if you cast everything under doubt you have this sensory reaction and thought pattern that emerges that concludes that you can never be certain of anything. The entire scope of humanity could be looking at reality through the wrong state of consciousness. To conclude I'd like to say that yes, you pee because you had that cup of water, but you don't know why you're a living organism that needs a cup of water in the first place. You might have a story, but that story could always be false. You can bring up science and the natural world and tell me that without that cup of water you would die of dehydration, and that might be true, but can you ever know why? Is there even an answer as to why reality and humans are designed in this very specific way? Maybe the truth is that you're drinking that cup of water to further the expansion of some solar system in another galaxy. Maybe you getting enlightened will start World War 3. How do you know? Because some Sad Guru with a white beard is telling you he became enlightened and that he understood some absolute truth? Changing the interpretation of a particular situation could shatter your current world-view. What if i told you that the food in your fridge is actually eating you and not the other way around? Or that this entire thread is nothing else but a virus for your mind?
  6. @Gabriel Antonio "When there's true wisdom, the mind gets silence" Why do i keep telling myself to shut up? It's all just me! I need to drop this old saying for good. What i realized is that the very thing that is animating you is the very same thing that is animating me, so we are the very same thing, just with different contexts ( backgrounds ) . So i am everyone. I am everything, this entire thread is nothing else but me.
  7. @Mikael89 This is a sudden enlightenment! I wrote this to myself! There's no more questions!
  8. There's no one else but me! There was never anyone else but me, it's all just me! How could i have ever believed that anyone else but me existed? There was never an external physical world, there was only me! I am the only one here, you're all just me. I'm writing this to myself. '' Negative '' or '' positive '' comments posted here are all me! I'm triggering myself and then uplifting myself for my own amusement! No other '' humans '' exists other than me! it's all just me! I'm crying in a corner right now at how obvious it was. I need time to digest this realization. I can't believe how it happened. I was watching the news when i got struck by this and i realized that the guy on the television is me telling me what i did. Apparently i'm trying to build a wall and i'm opposing myself because i don't like my skin color so i shut down the governement and then i got in a car crash and died and then i won the lotto all of that happened in one day. This is the biggest mindfuck. Wow, can't believe it. I'm all alone, it's actually scary. I need time to reflect on that one.
  9. Do you actually want it? If you were told you only have 2 days left to live, would you still work towards enlightenment/truth? Answer this question truthfully, it will determine whether you will get it or not.
  10. This entire thread is pure garbage. You've learned a few things in life and now you come here and spout your ignorance. As if you know what God is and what the Devil is.
  11. Why is everyone suddenly taking a dig at Leo Gura's skinny neck? Can we have a thread that finally settles this issue once for all? Leo's skinniness ;
  12. @Aakash There's a giant section of states of conciousness, i like to call them '' modes '' . Becoming a magician could be a great life purpose. Artists from all around the world go into magic and signal with each-other in this 3d world. This is where they can access out-of this world imagination for music, movies and literature. There's also modes you can access to do other empath stuff like spiritual healing and so forth.
  13. @Tistepiste Be meeting with another magician who can remove the spell. Preferably in person.
  14. @Tistepiste Yes, i've achieved full mastery in the field of magic and i'm able to answer any question regarding the field of magic. From a rationalist-scientific oriented mind all of this may sound extremely corny and non-sense woo woo tier stuff, but that's because of just how their minds are built. Not everyone is wired the same. Supernatural healing Telepathy Energy transfer Curse-casting Energy leeching Numerology/astrology Palm reading, death prediction and many more... I've studied all branches of magic and mastered in the practical side of stuff. The funny thing is anyone can get into it, all the information is already out there, you just have to read it and do the tasks like any other field.