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Everything posted by Yog

  1. @trenton You might find the "Close encounters of the 5th kind" documentary interesting.
  2. That's what happens when you try to replace extremely old archetypes that had withstood the test of time, generations, cultures and populations with a 20/30-year-old wanna-be archetype memes and think it would work. If I told you that you won't boil an egg in cold water and yet you try to do so. I wouldn't blame it on your hungry family, nor find their reactions as something out of place. This is what green is doing in regards to storytelling, boiling eggs in cold water, claiming that they are boiled just fine and trying to feed people. People just won't buy that. Just saying, it's bad craftsmanship on the side of green. They could do better, there is a plethora of good green movies done the right way.
  3. The only thing that helps me to get out of a rut is a complete internet/digital - unhooking. I figured that the biggest contributing factor that led me to laziness and got me stuck was pure PC internet and games at most. I got stimulated by those so much, that I got lazy to do even basic things like, taking the dishes to the sink, let alone wash them. The most basic things became so hard, every single one of them. So nowadays to avoid all that I block my browser, steam, chat apps, and movie folders, I can only get to them by typing a series of very difficult and long passwords. If I really need any of them I will have to be willing to go through the painful process of typing that. If I do so, I get a 30 min session to use the browser and it locks itself again. In the 2000s when the internet was getting popular, we had the expression of "internet junkie" and people were really aware of its addictive potential. Even families would argue about how much this internet was consuming their partner's attention and making them lazy and not caring for the kid ect. Nowadays, we have forgotten that, to the degree that we give little kids and even babies smart phones with all this addictive mess. Think about it, you are probably affected by the very same thing, as most are. And it's a HUGE sink for energy and motivation. Your motivation will suffer big time if you use your smartphone/PC/internet carelessly and on a whim. You need to learn to use the internet and other digital stuff very deliberately. Btw check out this channel. It might help and inspire you
  4. It can also be a shadow of a person in an individualistic stage. At stage orange, women become more independent and self-centered,if it happens that males around them are denying this, they will form a group shadow around men. Shadows work best when they are asociated with groups and that goes across stages. Generally, by the looks of it, most feminists start at orange as a movement, the movement may be based on orange values, but this does not mean that you wont find stage blue transitioners, red, green, blue, or god damn, even a beige in it. At blue, everyone is really preoccupied with the collective of the nation, religion, race, or the "greater than us" group ideology of choice, so much that feminism as a splinter group in that unified blue collective will not be allowed at best, and won't be even perceived as an idea at worst. While red has too little experience working with groups and is way too individualistic and contrarian to organize and hold a stable group, especially when it comes to females. Its a power game, and it so happens that males are more powerful, so they are the ones forming up the ganks and warbands, females help and support them and the ones that are not your females are "enslaved" in the manner of the time. Yes, women might rebel, but they would be seen just as that, as rebels, not feminists or women's rights (wtf is this) activists. It makes sense to me that feminism as a solid thing in a stage can only be started at orange and progress into green. With, or without all the shadows. But still able to attract people from other stages, since we live in an interconnected age.
  5. Damn can't get used to seeing Wilber with that wig on, there seems to always be something off about it. It's an interesting take for sure. Nice share
  6. @Danioover9000 Hm, idk, to troll means you need to have fun and get the lols. But I think OP was after a bit of sick pleasure and wanted to lure others on the team. As far as I can tell, it's a success. If you fuck up by setting the intent and the vibe of the topic, you'll fuck up the whole thread. Starting from bad faith posts, leading to inter-personal squabbles and off-topic journeys, just like the ones we are engaging in now. Now, let's return to the spirit of the forum, what can we learn from this?
  7. Neat You might enjoy this one as well.
  8. Use that to your advantage. You just need a better mental commercial about it playing in your head. I also do things in an inverse way, even talk in that way at times and definitely read, look for a folder, or go through a list from the bottom>up. Also in school, I would never solve math problems by doing it on paper, but abstractly guess the answer, a lot of times I was quite near, or on point. But the process was abstract and all over the place anyway, I couldn't tell how I got the answer. Anyway, so far I've never seen it as some kind of a chore. Nor have I observed any negative effects. I hold it now just as a personality quirk. If I can leverage any of those, I would. I am sure there is a place in the world for any kind of quirky traits.
  9. You might get muscles revealed, due to water and fat loss. But if you are not maintaining your muscles with enough protein and enough exercise they will start degrading. Your body will take protein away from muscles and use it elsewhere in the body, or turn it into sugar if needed. This is how you are surviving during a fast. Your body is still using resources, but they are coming from within. It sees muscle as a liability and will take any chances to reuse that muscle protein if the muscles are not needed.
  10. As with most things, don't overeat the same thing and you won't experience many of its cons. Most cons you get from foods come from that. Overconsume and you'll get heart disease from pork, kidney stones from spinach, or serious intestine problems from potatoes. Most scientific studies are done in isolation. You are only given certain food to eat under certain conditions, for a certain prolonged period of time, they measure stuff around and give you some pros/cons. The fact is that if you eat foods in moderation, you will be forced to have a diverse food palette. This means nothing is overconsumed, nor is it eaten in an isolated way. I say, research, but don't think much about the cons. Instead, eat in a way that won't lead to their manifestation.
  11. I live naked, good for air circulation around critical parts. We also got our first tornado here.
  12. -Paste the link directly from the URL bar and not from the share button on YT. -After you paste it, wait for 10ish seconds, it might embed. -If it doesn't work try re-pasting it multiple times, or refresh the page.
  13. Interesting. These kinds of threads are bound to be derailed it seems. The thread was never about LGBT, but more about social contagions.
  14. Yes, but also, let's cross pee-streams while being arranged in a circle. It's a proven group-enlightenment technique.
  15. I was going to write something similar but decided to not do so, just to see how other users will react and if they will actually watch the video and judge it by themselves, or roll with OPs take. I remember OP opening a similar thread about Joe Rogan, with the same clickbait all caps thing in it. Watched the video and found nothing resembling the title, especially the all-caped word. Stricly judging by these 2 threads, I must admit, I am a bit confused. So far, I get the vibe, that if someone is not fully and all against the person that OP dislikes then he is pro-him. On the other hand, I am not expecting anything that medieval from anyone here. So there my confusion lies. Whatever the case is, it's definitely not good for a nuanced discussion.
  16. @thenondualtankie I assume you are getting this while meditating ? I get it in every meditation session, after the 10-20 min mark. Spiral swinging and/or left-right, up to 180 degree rotations. Sometimes I am afraid I will snap my neck when they get aggressive. Similar types of movements happen with my shoulders, knees, pelvis, the whole upper torso. I am really still not sure how to deal with this. The furthest I've been able to get with my research is to find out that they are called "spontaneous kryas" and that they are a result of energy moving trough the body and that is about it. Right now what I do is just let go and let them do their thing. If I do so, they become much more intense, I might feel vibrations moving across my skin and inner fluid like sensations moving around. By the end I end up way lighter, filled with joy and most likely laughing my ass off like a mad man for no reason. It is truly orgasmic. If I focus on them, I somehow automatically interrupt them. As I become aware of them, they stop, as if I am taking control over the body. If I focus away, or do some other thing with my mind, they naturally return. Focusing on an abstract point, mid of my forehead, or just observing the blackness in front of me works just fine for this. I still notice them and they can get quite distracting, but if I gently move away my focus, over and over and they will build up, so its basically surrender and focus away tactic for me atm.
  17. Well if it were a curse, aka an energetic attack. Which can be self inflicted too. The only way it gets power is by you giving credit to it and playing along. You can not beat such things at their own game. A way I know works out of this, is by shifting your perspective and look at it from another angle and in the process discrediting it, stripping it off of its power and transferring the power to you. You really need to get detached from it. As cliche it may sound, energy flows wherever attention goes, the more attention something receives, the more energy it will receive, the more it will grow in scope and power. Be it a thought-form, egregore, astral parasite or coca cola. You feed a cat, it will come for food again. You feed a thought, it will want to manifest more often. If you think that is a curse that does damage to you, it will do exactly that. You are playing along and serve as a battery for it. So the whole idea is not to feed it and starve it out. You can take this on the mystical level, or on a basic personal development one. Its all the same. The actions will still be alike, you'll need to change your viewpoint, get detached and focus your energy elsewhere. Another thing I do in such situations is use John Kreiters energy work method and eat any energy that I come across, is directed at me, or it happens that I am leaking. Can be a curse, love, hatred, gratitude, beef, whatever, from someone else, or from myself its all the same energy wise. You strip it off of its intention, eat and convert. This is probably the very reason why my favorite energy rich places are traffic lights, bank, mall, or store waiting lines, the places where people flock and get the most upset and irritated. There is so much "negative" energy thrown around at these places and ofc its not the energy that is negative, its just pure life force, but its the intention that gives it the appearance of the whole thing being negative, when in fact its neutral. Its like packing milk into detergent bottles. Honestly if you are still deeply troubled by it, I would go for the second method here, read his book and do the exercise as often you can. It works regardless if you are down or doing alright. I am sending you my blessings and are praying for your protection, I see you need it at this time. But know that the only one that can change this is you. Don't be fooled by subscribing to supernatural protection too much, if you subscribe to it, I guarantee you that you will need it way too often. Take the matter into your own hands and take back your power, that would be a better route to take.
  18. @Realms of Wonder In Leos LP course, there is a visualization/hypnosis exercise that is about releasing negative motivation, it stems from the positive psychology branch. You can use it for any traumatic experiences. What it does is makes you neutrally revisit a traumatic experience, observe it and its progression via third person and see what have you learned from it. What lessons and positive traits have you acquired from it. Its not that much about dwelling and accepting the hurt. It does a great positive spin, without any gaslighting. Honestly I did not expect it to be so powerful. Thought it was yet another personal development self gaslight trick that you can use to avoid the real problem. But it actually works really great. Another thing that helped me a lot with these kinds of things is guided hypnosis sessions from this channel, there are also QA videos from the same guy, which might help you understand the whole thing much easier. I loved this one the most:
  19. @Illusory Self Write down anything that comes to mind, regardless if it sounds stupid, write fast and raw, almost like automatic writing. You want to create a huge CONTEXT that you can work with. This will get you out of the creative block. Don't worry for typos, grammatical errors ect. The first goal would be to get into a trance-flow state. You can always refine LATER. When you get a huge list, go in it and do elimination passes. This list of lets say 50 names, reduce it to 20, than 10, than 5, rank them up, change something as you go. Maybe a new good idea will pop up, maybe you can hybridize 2 names of the list. I am sure that online name generators exist too, I've seen such for band names. You can use this as an inspiration tool too.
  20. Its probably your impression of his energy that leads you that way. He is pissy about fatness being normalized, as it it surely not healthy . Another thing would be that a new and modern narrative is pushed to redefine beauty, despite what humans have been concluding for thousands of years. In historical sense fatness, the more you go in the past, the more it was considered a good trait because of survival, if you were a fat women, it meant you had resources to sustain yourself/survive and the potential to bare many children. If you teleport a 10/10 women into the stone age right next to a fat one, all the men will go insane for her.Its more like fatness was seen as a fertility symbol and less of a beauty one. Needless to say, fertility was considered divine. I am sure he is aware of the whole acceptance thing we are doing, but isn't willful to play along due to all the negative aspects of it. I never heard him say such a thing, even in this short snippet that can easily be taken out of context. Yes this can be done to manipulate, but there can be other reasons. Saying that women do cry ONLY to manipulate, would be a lunatic thing to say, especially coming from a person with clinical psychology background. He is just focused on the dark aspects both men and women have and in this age in the west it is less acceptable to talk about the negative aspects of women. So it is easier to provoke a reaction, this creates the noise, while all the negative stuff he points out about men are just taken for granted. I am not criticizing, or attacking you here. Just, after having watched a lot of his stuff I am trying to bring an extra perspective in hope to clarify things.
  21. INTJ - Myself - Composer, lyrics, artwork, ect. The live performance band - all ISTJs so they can do the performance exactly as I tell them, while I enjoy the music with the crowd.