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Everything posted by Yog

  1. It derails because people focus on his character instead of the content of his utterances. It is not easy for everyone to listen to Klingons. What brought me there was the "Brazilian Trump" situation. How do we get the world to care about environmental issues. How do we get more conscious people to elect more conscious governments that will actually talk to each other, care about it and make global environment improvements. Not US, not Bernie. Globally. His point was: Get people out of poverty as fast as we can, because we can. We have ways to act globally in that domain. Get them up to a level that it has shown people will start to care about environment, which is possible. Which in turn will make them form and elect governments that will care. Which in turn will make governments talk to each-other and implement these solutions globally. There will be ofc some environmental damage done in the process, its a trade off. Right now we can line them solar panels all over US and Europe. Get ourselves set lets say. But India and China will do x10 the damage in the meantime.
  2. Yea @Leo Gura ofc, it was over the anger-roof. That was the intended humor part. He by default seems angry and this extra, makes it funnier. He had his UN research time around 2014, a lot has happened since than. I am guessing he is outdated. Though he claims he read 200 books on it. Nevertheless. I do not think he has beef with climate activism per se. He has beef with all forms of half-assed / half-story activism. And pathology mascaraing as virtue - opposed to legit climate activism. He has spent more time in his life fighting right wingers. This leftist mania is just a few year old thing. @Serotoninluv Regular Joes see him as a self-help guy. The toxic are ofc going to use him for toxic reasons. Also this is a topic for climate, Amazon, memba ? Not a JP train.
  3. @outlandish Oh no mate. Its just a cute single little line of thinking, would not call it a theory myself, nor a bold claim. Its based on an impression I got from my empirical observations when I lived in Denmark. Seen a lot of self reported or acted out depression and lack of general life direction. I do not get it here nearly as much, people know what to get away from and that is enough to drive them like crazy. Just an observation mixed in with some biology. Part of that line of thinking was of serotonin being a crucial factor in depression, it is in the lack of it what makes creatures depressed. Sunlight does impact serotonin, but so do societal hierarchies :the more you can climb them and the worse the thing is you need to get away from, the better will you do at generating it. If fair play is present that is, if it is a tyrannical case, you will not. This is for humans, apes and it goes way further than that. its not just based on rats, we have human research and technology that does this, its the anti-depressant pill. @Aeris , and you don't need to death fight over cheese to get conflict. Just observe the greatest impression of the last movie you watched, and notice why you liked it. Conflict, all sorts of it. And conflict is present when things are different and not the same. So in one sense, the most depressed places should be the most tyrannical and the most caring. I also wouldn't call the Nordic countries socialist. I'd say they got a new thing going. A hybrid and I love it. Nor would I compare depression/suicide rates of any countries based on their political/economical systems myself. I think there is way more going on. It may be climate, culture, local genetic factors, geography, or a single overblown self sustaining local meme that leaks into the world. I wouldn't do the comparing it in the case of Scandinavia. They are the only ones on this planet that have that thing going as I am aware. I do not think the rates are reliable anyway, you will always get high suicide rates in the most corrupt countries, you can't let your cousin go to jail, you write that murder off as a suicide, its a common drill. Especially in 3rd or 2nd world countries. I am not disputing the Scandinavian rates here.
  4. That allergy of yours. He just answered a question, there was no whining, you created it : The main answer was: - Mankind is not going to unite over ecological/environment issues. To which you will probably agree, you covered in your videos yourself. People and governments across the world are way too different from one another and care about different things. Their level of development impacts that. What Brazil is doing right now is a clear demonstration for this. Politics impairs the implementation of science. That was it. The side points were: - "Eco-energy" does not exist. Capacitor/battery technology is not there yet, it does more harm than good. His opinion is a little outdated and based on his research and work with the UN around 2014 and pre that. Battery technology has gone a long way since than, the video is oldish too, so it makes perfect sense. Also we have to really consider ALL that goes into this and tiny those-devilish details and compare them to what we have now. Not just do some grand-scene talks and implement goblin level of solutions. I've seen this way too often in my country. Still, battery technology seems not to be here in 2019. Its better but not here, it needs work, but it is not actual. I may be ignorant about it and not up to date though. I would be glad to see some solid info if it is the case. - So if it doesn't exist yet, why not focus on other huge problems in the meantime, for which we have solutions that actually work and have also been shown to solve ecological/environment issues. Why not focus on those, at least politically, because we have the ways to do so while generating real results. His point was that Germany just made the ecological situation worse by going solar. Because of not looking into the details and going goblin. The development of this technology can continue, ofc it can, but why implement goblin solutions, when we can do better ? -"In our language around here" he also stated: Get more people across the globe to green and than they will start caring about the environment. Until than, do not expect it. Something that you will probably also agree to. So In a way....It is weird that Green New Deal is intending to implement things that do not exist. According to him, so it smells to me. How do you plan for things that do not exist. Its like going on a date with a internet girl you have never seen and expect her to show up. I have to look ...more ...into this. It will be no wonder if in the next 10 years other Trumps show up uttering the language of Eco, solar, clean, wind. You'll get a lot of young folks votes. People surely don't want to question their "savior". Its not some rant I am going for here. Its our job to be skeptical and try to break things, if they break easily and are not stable, than they are probably not solid, therefrom - the meaning of the word solid. I do believe that both humans and rest of nature are extremely resilient and will find ways to go on. We will make it into solar, wind even and even discover some miraculous new sources of energy. We will also be clumsy goblins.
  5. What is the current case .... how bad is it ?
  6. Yea, you didn't see that one coming he has his worn days. Posted it half jokingly, seemed interestingly dark and funny. Nevertheless. Still, he did work on these issues for couple of years with the UN. Went trough the relevant literature and got some of the points right. This is as I see it, an opinion based on working with the worlds leading edge people that do these things. Not just some tired ramblings. No need to straw man the man because he had a bad day and said things in a bad vibe. Thus the humor happened. Take the content seriously, especially when it seems bizarre. He may have good points, at least those that are driven by data and are proven to work. It not actually his, he is just referencing it. Its people that cause these things, politics, underdevelopment ect. Not that I am defending or agreeing with it. I honestly do not know what to do with it.
  7. @FabulousKitchen I guess we will never know ...
  8. Yea. That will create a lot of sci-fi jars full of meat and goo. Also Hitler did that genetic improvement thing before it was cool With eugenics. Some may say, it was a good call, some may not.
  9. They have been doing this quite a lot recently. its probably one of the perks of moving Youtube towards a more Netflix subscription based form of a platform.
  10. Take your laptop and do your work at a cafe, lounge bar or such from time to time. Worth a try.
  11. I bet there will be an android multipurpose programmable one! You can make it be - both your mother and a sex doll at the same. Freud likes this post.
  12. This is why in the olden days people didn't see their partners until the wedding .Things were rather practical. This thread reminds me of .. China.
  13. @DocHoliday I'd say there is probably way more to it than that. Eg: technology such as smartphones, social media, easy entertainment like games ,tv shows, and porn. Those only feed into that for sure. Still I think it is a good base. I like to think of it it as a game : Character is starting at level 1, placed in room 3, with full backpack of potions, gear. Player skipped all the tutorials, didn't acquire the pieces one by one to learn what they do, didn't grind and learn those tricks on the way to level 3, you should by design be in room 3 only when you reach level 3, and you are not. So you manage to find out that you can mount your sword, you manage to kill few mobs and you get to room 4. its a boss room. A dragon shows up, and you know only how to left click attack. Some kill the dragon, some get eaten by it. its sad to see. Still I do have some solid hope they will do a good job of fixing that.
  14. Hello darkness. Maybe we should check out that laumberg guy,Or whatever his name is.
  15. Flatter hierarchies = lower serotonin = lower life orientation = depression = suicide. Get something for free = lower serotonin = lower life orientation = depression = suicide. The more equatable things are, the less creatures can orient, get depressed and die off, this is not just for humans. They want to know what is high and what is low. So they know what to work towards and not just get it for free. Even rats do. That is how you get a rat depressed. You give him free cheese. Low social inequality , free education, free healthcare, welfare is a very recent development and it hijacks our biology. We are not build for such comfort and care. We are build for conflict. Biologically. And we do not know yet how to deal with the negative effects of this. Also add on-top the Nordic low light conditions and their influence on serotonin and dopamine levels. I think in the past they compensated that with the high striving and conflict they got at those harsh and desolate environments. Also their dairy heavy diet. Now they got the comfort of the high tech houses, free resources + no conflict. You know what that means for vikings, no Valhalla it means . It also makes people susceptible to archetypal forces. Its no wonder that in these highly progressive countries you get this much of far-right ethnocentric and pagan rise. The pull can be strong when you lack direction. I am relay interested in how will all of that be be solved. When they solve this, the rest of the world will get the solution way easier when they get at green. So I bow to that. I know they will pull it off. Green society has its own problems. Just as orange has, just as blue has. I am relay eager to see how will it turn out.
  16. Zizek is awesome guy, great finger pointer and wound presser. Love it when he puts the finger exactly where someone else doesn't wants it. Here is some neat liberal thinking. Just to contrast it with progressive thinking. Weird how they still get mashed into progressive-liberal combo.
  17. Music on acid is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooowwzw! It also tends to increase the boundary dissolving effect for me. Its like music glues everything. Try this one next time Also try listening to your favorite song while doing NO2. It will do a 8bit conversion. That is also neat. The silent approaches are cool too, its just different. You can ask questions in the silence and receive answers. You can also ask the music and it will answer.
  18. Neat, gonna try it it out in the first available NOW. WOW-NOW also has a cool ring.
  19. @Aeris What would you like to learn your 3D skills for ? Its a humongous field. I do 3D work for games and used to do it for film. I also do compositing, editing and VFX when it comes to video/film. You may also ping me if you need guidance.
  20. In 10 years you will also forget who you were now. In 20 years you will forget who you were 10 years from now. just as you have forgotten how it is to be a 7 year old, just vague snapshots. It is because you are a river of change and you wont stop. Its best to get accustomed to this eternal change, not to attach yourself to past or future identities. Flow gracefully, flow in the now, act there, it is there that you exist. Plan for the future, learn from the past, but do not live there. You are where you are now. Also know that there is a somewhat static element. Its what Jung would call the Self. It is the constant in the river of change.
  21. Slow fIx: Meditate. (recommended) You want : -More: Present moment = Real -Less: Future = Imagination -Less: Past = Dynamic memory Fear and worry are issues resulting from not having control of ones imagination. The good thing is that you get the "You want" section as a side effect of meditating. Quick fix: If a worry/fear thought comes to mind than: realize that you are making it up, you are imaging it, you could have had some different thought at that particular present moment. But you didn't, so : -Choose and switch to a different thought when it happens. -Immerse yourself at the present moment, gaze the shit out of those bathroom tiles and toilet paper, see every tiny detail, feel their texture. Or go on with whatever you were going to do anyway.
  22. Its all interlinked, mirrors on top of mirrors You see a pattern in one field and you unconsciously apply it in another. This is precisely why wise gurus tell jokes or stories to describe something that seems unrelated. By revealing in which way things are the same. That is how a story about the apple and the tree can tell a story about a businessman and his work. That is how by painting you become better at playing music.
  23. @Matt8800 Would you say that magick creates karma. Some that we might not be even be aware of. Thence the avoidance of the occult by yogis. Or by other spiritual traditions. The ones that work towards dissolving it.
  24. I've encountered those, so have a lot of others. I've seen them personally during an OBE and not during a paralysis. Are most often reported to show up during a paralysis but you can see them during an OBE, walking around. I have a few things on mind about them and the paralysis: -They show up during paralysis to use your frozen /helpless position to instill fear into you, trough it they siphon your ass . Fear seems to be crucial for this to happen. It is like your fear response establishes the link/permission to do the siphoning. -Another theory of mine is that they initiate the paralysis to pull you back to consciousness, so you can spot them, get afraid and give them the permission to siphon your ass. -They want to appear tall, scary and malevolent. They can change shapes too, move in weird ways, shift between 2D shadow and 3D noise projection. They 'll do anything to get your ass scared. Are telepathic and are pretty good at sensing you. -But what they really are is pranksters, its a level of consciousness of a 13 years old kid doing pranks. If you notice it they get mad or ashamed. They are telepathic, or in soeme weird way empathic, point is they know that you know. Try to see what they really are. It will make them look like hilarious tryhards. No fear= no energy for them. They go elsewhere. -Its always a good Idea when you are in these states (OBE) to become fully playful ,not serious and have fun. Just tell them a joke, mess around with them. Tell them that their hat is off, or their eyes change color. That's my experience.