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Everything posted by Yog

  1. I use Notion, its quite neat. Both feature and layout wise. You can nest pages boards, task lists, to-dos, drag layouts ect. Sign up with this link and get free credit. it also has free plans. https://www.notion.so/?r=e48c555f03f54720a27e6dda58ee9604
  2. @Leo Gura You'll get to defend your property better by hanging communist paintings around. But you'll also get that look. Its a trade-off , not sure how fair. Be careful man
  3. Be careful, its weird and dark. It is in first person camera the whole time and it involves DMT , death and I 'd say.... karma.
  4. @Harikrishnan Yea it was good, liked the part about memory the most.... @herghly ha, its a good sign
  5. Its called channeling man. You (Ego,Vessel) step aside and let spirit flow and talk trough you. its a common thing.
  6. yea, nor do . I can only see this line of thinking work when you are highly developed and manage to see yourself in others. See god in others, not your ego. Be on the edge of dualism. But I am sure he didn't mean this. Its just something I extracted. If you are a low, normal or even somewhat developed human being this is a terrible advice. What you'll end up doing is just create more shit both for yourself and others. Another thing is that twitter is so limited, it rewards impulsivity and forces people to compress everything into 2 sentences. If he had 5 minutes to say something about it, it would be better and make more sense I am sure. At least in the psychoanalytic sense. Something I assume in the lines of: Instead of sitting in your cave doing pretend self work and mental faping and be "spiritual" in the safety of your cave, flooded by your privilege, go out in the world where people suffer and do something about it. Sounds something he would say to me. Nevertheless he still has that self-escapism. its a bad trait of his.
  7. @Leo Gura I bet you cant get a Stalin painting this big.
  8. I am pretty sure someone will send him nothing.
  9. @Arzola Yea it was a fun read. It is not a parody or a joke btw, it is as serious as it can get. Its a good site to gather insight on how stage orange operates. I poke into it sometimes.
  10. Just some insider devilish love, I really suggest you watch his video.
  11. I was working at home, it was 4 am over here. Something popped up on my second screen. Leo uploading a non-polished video on his main channel. This got to be interesting. Said, I am going to watch this while working, as a side thing. 1 minute later..... with my elbows buried inside the huge mouse-pad, eyes open like jars, cheeks and neck vibrating, eyes wet, totally ignoring the main work screen. You could feel the energy overtake you man, n% pure, irie, surreal effortless flow. Felt like a totally innocent kid and so was Leo, so was God. Yes, avatar, awaken ! Let spirit flow ! I said to myself.... wat, maybe I ate that acid and it is kicking in and I do not remember taking it... you can't be this stupid, you don't eat acid at 4 am while having to work. So I checked, acid was on its spot. I was high on the video. This was a bombastic transmission. Thank you man. It smells like a new era, ey. Seeing the energy that was in the video, the new logo and the absence of the GDC audio _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Also some you-tube comment meme material: Leo: "I am completely omniscient. I know everything that's happening in the universe" Amazon guy: knocks Leo: "Wut was that"
  12. @Lento It is dark, and the ending is full of light O man, the open eyes at the end, made me shit in my pants. Its so amazing, i watched it 4 times, going to watch it again. Btw I posted this few days ago, its a double thread, mods can merge them if they feel like it.
  13. If you discover a lot of shit inside yourself, you'll discover a lot of shit outside yourself. If you clean up and accept some of it inside yourself, you'll clean up and accept some of it outside yourself. And vice versa. How can it work both ways. In the end there is no inside, or outside to begin with. But when in in the dualistic perspective, this line of thinking can be useful.
  14. @m0hsen The easiest way is to reverse check it. Anyone can do this. You don't check the chakra, you check the behavior/results produced by blocked/imbalanced chakra. And than you do corresponding meditation. In time you'll pick up the skill and just know and feel it. https://thirdeyetranscend.com/blogs/mindfulness-blog/how-to-tell-if-one-or-more-of-your-chakras-are-blocked https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-13433/warning-signs-your-chakras-are-out-of-balance.htmlhttps://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-13433/warning-signs-your-chakras-are-out-of-balance.html https://blog.mindvalley.com/symptoms-of-blocked-chakras/
  15. I am going to share a perspective that you guys might find interesting. Firstly a short thing about, the "zodiac signs". Zodiac signs are based on where was the sun placed when something was born, the Sun being the most powerful energy source around. But this is extremely limiting. One can not extract any serious interpretation just based on the Sun, there are far more influences to be taken into consideration, in many cases the Sun is not that major of a player. As you see on the chart bellow. The reason you see it work and it makes sense is because popular newspaper astrologers mix up this overarching sun influence along with basic human nature and create interpretations that can work for almost anything. They can be quite vague. If you take the greater astrological perspective into consideration: What creates the personality of things is the interplay of all the influences, the time and the place of birth of a thing on earth. Which gives a chance for huge amounts of unique personalities of any organism. Now think about this. Try to look at it from the perspective of holons (a whole, that is a part of a bigger whole). Lets say we start from a cell as an complete organism. You can start from quarks or atoms if you will. Multiple cells = organ Multiple organs = organic system Multiple organic systems = human Multiple humans = family Multiple families = town Multiple towns = nation Multiple nations = race Multiple races = humanity Multiple living organism groups = biosphere Multiple spheres = earth Multiple planets = solar system and so on These are all organisms, collective forms of consciousness. The earth is alive and conscious and so are the other planets. Its just far beyond of our level of perception. Just like ants can't perceive us, we are like the slow moving planets to them. These planets communicate with each-other, they share their energies. Just like cells in a body, or just like we talk here. The result being that these energies reach earth and its sub-holons and affect it in numerous unique ways. In a way this planetary rig, this cosmic clock is what allows us to be human, if a planet were to be destroyed, or a new one came into the system, or if we went to mars, we would become different beings, in minor or major ways. You can't just unplug from earth and plug yourself into mars and be the same. It has different energy.They are like chakras of the solar system and they transmit their energies constantly. Sometimes these energies complement, sometimes contradict, it is like a dance, sometimes it is a tango, sometimes is polka, sometimes is metal headbanging. What creates the personality is the snapshot of the current present energies on that spot in space and time when an organism is born (human, family, corporation, state). All these have energetic signatures. And what the "predictions" are is how this birth-snapshot plays with the current energies. Note that not all organisms have the same amount of chakras that we do. This explains in a beautiful way, how can one find the perfect body for ones lessons when reincarnation happens. Now just for the sake of imagination. Try the imagine the plethora of beings that were born in different solar systems. How different can they be. The amount of sci fi material that can be born out of this is endless. On a final note, try not to box people into astrological memes. its far more complex. And if you are delving into it, try not to fall into the common trap of living in the future by predicting-expecting things instead of living in the moment. its a tool Its a map Some links to open up your minds. Enjoy
  16. @seeking_brilliance Hm Lets say. All is one This "one", dreams and becomes many. When it awakes, its one again. There is only one thing that dreams. There is only one thing that awakes. Individuals are only possible within the dream of the all. Maybe I should also do less acid.
  17. @seeking_brilliance When you dream... you behave as if it were reality, you are 100% engaged in it, not questioning if its a dream. Right ? Doesn't it seem familiar...ey. You are probably 100% sure that you are reading some internet forum in the "real" world right now without a question ? What if you were... dreaming, this.
  18. @Buba Try this, completely accept your condition, surrender, let it go. Its fine as it is. Love the complexity of your being. You are a sexual cocktail anyway, the reason this is rising might be because you were holding against it too hard. Not because you are gay or bi. I've been doing energy work and semen retention for extended periods. Do you know how it feels when you are in the peak of it. You want to twist your dick and stuff it up your ass, fuck the soil, or a tree. it is..... that intense, you want to both fuck yourself and fuck with everything else. The thing is, if you accept it, it wont be a force that is dedicated of defeating you, it will become a part of you, that you have better control over. it is counter intuitive. You will be surprised by the amount of freedom you will get. If you fight it it will just get more intense and the unconscious part of you will want to act upon it, just to see what is this thing you are fighting so strong against is like. imagine if you've suddenly gone blind and you know you'll be like that for life. How do you cope with it, fight it every day... no man.. you accept it for life. Its probably the only, the only skill worth acquiring. you'll have to deal with breakups, ,death of close people, your own death. Everything changes form..forever...you change, forever. You accept it. Also. Meditate! Edit: Didn't see it was a 3 pager, looked like 1 pager. Good advice along the board, just think and work it trough bro.
  19. There was a post about fascism that leo put on his blog recently. Here are some of the key traits that lead to fascism. -The sense of overwhelming crisis beyond the reach of traditional solutions -The primacy of the group, to witch one has duties superior to evry right, weather individual or universal and the subordination of the individual to it. -The believe that ones group is a victim, a sentiment that justifies any action, without legal or moral limits, against its enemies, both internal and external. -Dread of the groups decline under the corrosive effects of individualistic liberalism, class conflict and alien influences. -The need for closer integration of a purer community, by consent if possible or by exclusionary violence if necessary. These are things I see both on the far right and the far left. I know fascism is associated with the right wing, for obvious historical reasons. And I am fine with it. But how do you call it than when it happens on the left. I am not sure if it is a result of green regressing to blue sometimes, or just blue mimicking green, but it certainly happens. On the other hand I understand @Leo Gura here. You got to pick your worries, stage red and blue broken BS is far more common in the greater world by many margins, so in that regard, it is there that most work lies. But still don't you thing we should observe and correct green when it gets things wrong, instead of sweeping it under the rug, after all its a fairly recent development, making it quite juvenile, compared to the quite old and because of it - reasonably readable orange/blue/red. Do we let kids run around the house playing with lighters just because we got to deal with grandpa beating grandma.
  20. Its easy to bluntly trust cases of police brutality. I'd say it takes quite more research to see what is going on. We've been having this in our country about 5 years ago, almost every day, Headlines were: The police state of the conservative government is brutally beating minorities, gays and liberal protestors of the colorful revolution.. and 99% of it were lies funded by shady sources. The police did none of these things, nor did the government, nor it was a police state, the police just stood with shields, while the crowd threw rocks, metal pipes, glass ect at it, In fact a lot of policemen ended up in hospitals and some were killed. The police was so disciplined in "not attacking back" that the protestors had to hurt themselves, from streetlights and walls, so they can sell this narrative to the media. The same fabricated news articles were all over the west. The headlines were police brutality every day. I've seen this gimmick used way too often in warped ways for political reasons, to just take it for granted. I do not think using police for population beating is the favorite hobby of conservative governments.
  21. @Rod You got chi sickness bro. While meditating or doing energy work keep your tongue slightly pressed against the roof of your mouth so energy can move freely. Like this. You can do this while you are gliding trough your daily life, its a good habit. About grounding, just get physical and in the present moment, when eating focus on the taste, texture, look at the details in the food, when jogging or working out feel your skin, body, breath, feel your steps against the ground, when walking , just focus solely on the steps, feel how heavy you are against the earth when standing, maybe do some gardening, do something with your hands, draw, paint, clean, wash. Be an observer and give your best not to get lost in thoughts, you need to observe the present moment while being physical as much as possible. This makes your root chakra blossom. Fear and disorientation should shortly disappear after doing an hour or less of this. At least in my case. On the other hand I've been having some strong and weird energetic symptoms that I still don't have any clue how to deal with. I can stop ofc, but I decided to play along, for now.
  22. @astrokeen Its best if you provide a video of him talking about this, instead of third party interpretations.