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Everything posted by Yog

  1. Hand washing on 5g+ shrooms during the pandemic.
  2. @Bittu Lets try this my friend. Can you scry, get a glimpse of how my face and head looks, if so describe it as you feel like, at least the most important features. I am very interested how exact can this thing get. Thanks
  3. Just be thankful and humble guys. You won't find many people around the world doing this kind of work, let alone chewing it all down, creating forums and spreadsheets for you. If there is something that you start resonating with, try it out, see how it goes. This guru penis measuring is going nowhere. We all know it.
  4. Just an interesting....amazing thing I thought I would share. My PC broke right before this virus situation all started around here, now it is kind of stuck in that repair-service place because all of these security measures. So now I am almost tech-less. It was so weird, because that morning when it happened I dreamed of a guy repairing my old laptop. So few days later I did few walking meditation sessions by the river ..... and it occurred to me, why not try to exit out of the walking meditation by transiting it into a walking trance and try to converse with my higher self while I am in this focused-trance like state. I was astounded by how effective this turned out to be...ended up with all sorts of deeply known and some unknown shocking answers. So this is the technique: You may adapt it to your style ofc. Phase 1: Walking Meditation -Start with normal slow walking for few minutes. Just to get into it. -Turn it into walking meditation by slowing down your walking speed. -Get the speed to a level where each step is happening at an interval of about 1.5 secs, 2 steps in about 3 secs, 45-bpm. that is what felt slow enough for me. You may adjust it ofc, the slower you can go, the deeper you can go. -The spacing between the tips of one foot and the heel of the other should be about 10-20 centimeters. -Breathe in for 4 steps, breathe out for 4 steps, anchoring/focusing on the breath. Do this for about 5 minutes. -Do some sweep scans of your body to see if you got any muscles that are tense, if you see a one, release it and return on the breath. -After you are a bit into comfortable focus, turn your focus onto the feeling that you get on the base of your foot when you step on the ground. Feel the heaviness of the earth, feel as if you are stepping on something very big and heavy, as if you are pulled towards it, feel its magnetism. (this is great for grounding). Do it for 15 more minutes. -You should end up in a very focused state, where the only thing that exists for you is the feeling on your feet and your breath, and some out of focus visuals ofc. -Warning - Do not do this at places where there are cars and you can get hit, after a while you'll stop noticing people around you and they will stop noticing you too, being almost a static object in the environment by walking so slow. You'll elude peoples perception since you are so empty and slow, most people subconsciously scan for the noise around your head even before they make eye contact. Walking by the river does it for me, way safer and less distracting. -Note - It helps a lot if you did a simple sitting mindfulness meditation first. I highly suggest doing this first. Phase 2: Turning it into trance and starting the "dialogue". -Break the walking meditation by starting to walk a bit faster, just at a comfortable walking speed, nothing fast, nothing slow. -Start with calibration by starting a simple "dialogue" with yourself. -Ask questions at first like: who am I talking to, am I talking to my higher self, am I talking to myself, how do I know I am talking with it, can I trust you. -Let words flow freely without restrain, it can be a combination of feeling and speaking. The timing between an answer and a question should almost be nonexistent. You'll answer intuitively, don't think trough it, just let it flow, whatever you may say, let it happen. -It takes me about couple of these calibration questions to distinguish that the 2 voices have 2 different personalities that are talking to each-other. One is asking the questions, lets say that is the ego, and one is answering them, lets say thats the higher self. -The ego personality feels like my normal self, the day to day self struggling, thinking, solving, wanting, doing ect. Obviously. -The higher self personality feels like an all knowing, wise, not taking it seriously, throws some jokes, may ask back questions in a humorous non-serious way. It may even correct your questions, calm you down, its answers are direct, wise and simple. There is not much explaining on its part. -The ego feels like it is talking from the front of my head, almost if the voice is coming from the region of my eyes. -The higher self feels like it is deep in the back of the head. -The point of these first calibration questions is to distinguish between the voices. When you got that, you can roll with the more "serious" questions. -Its better to talk with a normal tone, loudness wise, or at least whisper. If i try to talk inside my head silently, the voice turns to be -Its good to have a phone/tape recorder to record the insights you will get. Or at least some notepad where you may write key words. -You are doing this in trance, you will not remember it, you will have some glimpses about it, but that is about it. It will feel as if it is a normal walk at the moment, but it is very difficult to remember, at least for me. Record or note as things come, so you can have an anchor that you can rely on later. Something similar like dream/lucid dream/astral projection longing is what I did. -Make congruent notes when you are done and act on them. Fun facts - An extra question that I ended up using in my day to day life when making any decisions became : If I loved myself what would I do. In a split of a second an answer comes trough, simple and direct. You just trust it and do what is needed at that time. - And yeah, when I asked if the PC was taken away from me, it answered.... yea mate, we took it. Don't worry it will be back soon, not much is wrong with it though, its temporary. Focus on yourself now, love yourself, do the things you would do out of love do not act out of fear, act only out of love, love to yourself. -This voice has been around all the time, it has always been there, talking, guiding..... its just that I couldn't distinguish before. Hope some of you guys will find it useful.
  5. It had a potential for a spooky conspiracy theory, you guys ruined it.
  6. He did a reddit thread a week ago: Seems legit https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/fksnbf/im_bill_gates_cochair_of_the_bill_melinda_gates/?sort=qa I've also read that he quit Microsoft. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/13/bill-gates-leaves-microsoft-board.html
  7. Its wort a watch I'd say. Turned my mind a bit more towards the hard and the practical.
  8. @Michael569 Thanks a lot for the info and the care man. I'll do research before doing anything clumsy ofc, these were some isolated cases
  9. A metaphor my friends. One that you will probably find - duuuh Imagine digging a hole in order to find water without knowing how deep you have to dig. At first glance you might think it is not so deep, so you'll dig with your hands, on the way you'll realize this is not working so you'll grab a shovel. It turns out that you'll have to dig 5 miles deep, going trough rocks and shit, but you don't know that, you think it is probably 10 meters. Folk that are just 2 meters deep in their work will probably say: oh is it hands that is better or a shovel, or maybe 2 shovels, I'll first learn how to work with my hands, than with a shovel ect.. But someone that has dug deep knows that those tools ain't gonna cut it, its 5 miles deep, there are huge boulders on the way, you need bigger tools, you might still carry shovels and use your hands, but its not going to do the bulk of what is needed, what is needed is at least an excavator. Now imagine someone saying,: I will find the best, the highest quality shovels, buy two of them, and than I will work night and day. What do you imagine an experienced digger would reply to that. Wouldn't it make sense for him to say: man grab an excavator, this shit is deep, your pretty shovels will not help you, you'll probably make it deep with humongous amount of work and time, but still those shovels will not turn boulders, grab an excavator.
  10. Yea it sounded like that to me too. He is going for the superpowers now, will see how will that turn out. @bazera Thanks mate
  11. @calibrate Oh, just saw it, there is a new video, he is going on a retreat. "I'm leaving for 30 to 90 days to deepen my latest awakening and learn how to heal people. I'll be back stronger than ever."
  12. What has happened ?
  13. Sailing on top of a sea of never-ending change, pushed and pulled by the waves of concractive and expansive love. How poetic am I this morning.
  14. Can probably go here. Differently worth a good watch. It generated quite a few insights for me. Note: There is a lot of physics stuff in it, some might find those parts boring
  15. @Pacific Sage Thanks for sharing mate. I've tried something like 10 minute gazing ,straight at it, at sunset ofc, it was totally inconsistent though, so I could not observe if there were any benefits. I'll do some research in the near future for sure, there is not much Sun around yet, so it can wait But yeah, I ll post it around here somewhere.
  16. By the very design modern science is reductionist and intellectual. Astrology is not a modern science, it is ancient. It existed far before people started to thing in scientific way. It is more of a holistic discipline and has elements that have nothing to do with the intellect. In this regard modern science will always fail to see the consistency of astrology because its probing tools are so narrow and limited. Imagine trying to read ancient hieroglyphs, and your method is to force yourself to look for modern Latin letters, ofc you wont find any, that does not mean that there is no text.
  17. Has anyone around here tried a 5-MEO or just a regular NN extracted from the Phalaris weed ? Most commonly Phalaris aquatica or Phalaris arundinacea. Known by folk as "canary grass" Any form of DMT is hard to get around here, so I did a semi-research and saw that people were extracting it from it. Its a weed so abundant and all over the world. Has anyone tried this, it has mainly 5-MEO and also some NN in it.
  18. @Pacific Sage Hey hey. Do you know any specific sun-gazing techniques and where did you get them from? I heard people talking that one has to gaze at a specific angle, turning the head, or the eyeball, something in those lines.
  19. Did a regression once, took me a week to gather myself. I even managed to pinpoint my house in radius of 100 meters. Will visit the spot at some point, I am just kind of afraid of how will I manage to deal with that wave of depersonalization again.
  20. I feel like this is something that everybody that is on this path struggles with. How does one remain extremely open minded while being able to be extremely skeptical. How does one not harm the depths of his knowing and intuition with the mechanism that prevents self-delusion. No one around discusses this, not that I've seen. An in-depth and nuanced video on this would be the best porn I've seen in years.
  21. @Enlightenment ... reminded me of this short insight.
  22. If used very carefully, in conjunction with other perspectives from which some are out of the post modern branch, than yes, it can be a useful lens, one that can help see things. Its better to see it as majority-group-privilege, or group-in power-privilege I think. This saves one from getting locked inside this premade box. The reason I feel the concept itself gets into questionable waters is because 99% of the time, we see it being used in a religious way as an ideological weapon, mostly by integral green. When adopted by T1s mind it behaves as racism 2.0, a nuanced form of discriminating based on low-rez snapshots, you can also away with it, so there is that. There is nothing wrong with the concept per se, its the way it is most commonly used. So in this sense I find the question quite valid. T2 will grapple with it in a far more graceful manner.
  23. You might have been in a very realistic OBE or lucid dream and didn't know it. Its a common thing in that state.
  24. @Johnny5 We are in agreement. Thanks for elaborating. Its was just a fun extra chameleon thing.