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Everything posted by Yog

  1. I've come to see that this is a common case for pre-orange folk. There is no distinction between what happens in ones head and the outer world yet. In short - if i think its that way, than it is that way . I think this gets resolved at orange, at least it did for me. There is a certain proto-perspective thinking that comes online, like the willingness to walk in someones shoes by copy-pasting a projection of yourself in them, green does it even better by starting to move into people. This is also the reason why skepticism can be so big with orange, the difference between the world and the head-space is acknowledged for the first time. Trump is far from all that I feel.
  2. Love the "elder scrolls" music in the bg Thanks for this porn!
  3. A personal pet theory of mine is that, when you are in the in an in-between state, a drastic shift in consciousness takes place, lets say a transition spot, its unconscious but it is there. I think a natural response to that is fear, maybe if you were conscious, it would be amazement combined with fear, but in its base unconscious form i would say its fear. Lets say this fear serves as a switch, or a filter trough which you can view the astral planes, or even better, a can/tin astral opener, or even a generator. Fear is there, so you sync/create/tune in to lower planes. Its actually quite natural. There may also be a random element. I've ended in quite nasty"real time zone" stuff, despite being in good mood and all. Was the undertone like this ? You might also want tho check this out. Its just informative, i do not mean to scare anyone. https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Shadow_people
  4. @crab12 I feel very much the same way man.
  5. Maybe he is exploiting the racial tension that is happening now, play on feelings to win votes, maybe ?
  6. Hm, maybe if we don't put "intelligence" on a pedestal as a single edged sword type of attribute and as the only attribute that is worth beholding.... things wouldn't go that bad. Intelligence has its perks and cons. The whole thing almost reminds me of how some feminists are trying to gain independence and better life trough aspiring and pushing towards masculine values. Fact is the game was rigged from the start in totally non intentional way. It seems to me this is happening with this IQ debate, and that is why it is a taboo area. It only makes sense that people living in different areas had different challenges, only to develop different genetics resulting in different stats, some of which may be dynamic IQ. It looks like an RPG game to me, too bad we are not good enough to look such problems in the face, instead we are putting a lot of effort in remaining juvenile. Even kids cartoons seem to get this across better. Its, Its ok Biiiiilly, you may be stupid, but you have a biiiig heart and i love you nevertheless, lets go and play.
  7. Its All ...God...the One. A must have.
  8. I hope these don't show up in Leos room one day....
  9. Oh neat, thanks dude! O yea, that is precisely why I like this type of art, I like to imagine myself, at least for a bit , how would it be to exist as something that is stuck within some other "cage" of form, especially bizarre forms just like these. But to want to live as one, haha, not sure, the act of imagining it is disturbing in a satisfying way to the point that I think i got some kind of mental illness. I'd be willing to accept existing as one of them even from this earthy, limited, dual perspective, It is surely uncomfortable, but I bet once you are in there, it will be just normal......haha. If I had to chose, I'd chose the small one gathering the orbs. But from a higher perspective....I already am one of those. Aggggh ..hard one to swallow... You are gonna like this game ..... I am taking few tabs of acid and vanishing for 3 days when it comes out.
  10. @ivankiss Ha, who knew whales were metal \m/ ....Something deep and massive.... it all makes sense now. Watched Sunn o))) once in a church That thing wasn't a concert, it was psychedelic, occult experience, bombarded by sawing WALLS of amps. When I got out I could not believe that I ended up on a street full of moving people and cars. All of a sudden the "real" world became surreal.
  11. You do. That is something that bothers me sometimes. You know, I have my money on a weird spot. I see people putting their money on progressives/green flooding and "overtaking" society, thus establishing a new normal, as if emergence of a new stage brings only "good" for society. I actually have my money on pushing and making proper change, but at the same on other stages to properly resist and not let green has its way all the way. One does not let a kid play with knifes. For eg: The environment issues, the food industry, psychedelics, oppressed groups, the health system, UBI, education ...ect... are things that should be addressed way more seriously. But on the other hand the chaotic social-constructionist and post-modern part needs to crystallize and stuff just needs to go. In short it would be great for green to push, but also for the rest to filter out the junk green is throwing instead of dismissing all as jung and resisting. Well boy, isn't that difficult, for t1.
  12. Channel: Scienceandnonduality https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG9_3MP30-PDAMuEte8HUNw
  13. Maybe we should have a separate place for tripy videos, idk. I feel these are something akin video memes. So maybe not. https://youtu.be/84k8Wj1Kt5M
  14. Fresh meme batch.
  15. @Serotoninluv Yes I agree, I would love to see green integrate the good stuff from lower stages, its something green struggles quite a bit these days, being a stage so recent and juvenile. I am grateful that that healthy variants of the lower stages are coming to support it. It feels almost like a miracle.
  16. Standing on the shoulders of giants is sure a better thought than spitting on the shoulders of giants. I hope that people like this will help green integrate orange/blue.
  17. Hey, got a couple of things on mind Offer him a book on meditation, if you package it in a secular way and tell him of the numerous benefits, i bet he will like it. Maybe Sam Harris will do the trick if he is not too religious. No matter how you look at it, meditation will be a killer skill for him, being locked in a chair or bed. .. Bob Monroe's - Journeys trilogy might also be very attractive to him, sooner ... or later. Its 3 books written by one of the first westerners exploring OBEs, Bob has a very scientific and rational approach to things, so there wont be any mystical/religious language that can easly turn orange off. I personally think that the key skills orange needs in order to move to green are healthy skepticism and meditation. If orange stays in that space and stays away from the sticky stuff, he will quickly move to green, nutrition might be another theme that can mesh good. This was the case for me. I didn't stay in orange more than 2.5 years this way. Edit: Oh sorry, you said Hardcore Catholic... that complicates things, hm..
  18. Like music for underwater-mammals, how specific can things get hhaha. This is bozestveno!... I bet this is how it feels to the non-metalheads lol.