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Everything posted by Yog

  1. As I see it now. In order for this to work..... We will need to stop being humans. Mainly in the biological sense, but also in the psychological. Meaning we will either have to transcend human nature to a level where we will have great control over our biological systems. Probably having the whole population at the end of t2 and beyond. Or we will have to find new chemical bodies that do not behave as these do and will constrain consciousness in different ways. Humans are not wired for this.
  2. Smells counter productive to me, since most people carry a lot of cultural baggage regarding that word, or the "nazi" word. Regardless if its left leaning people or right leaning people, there is a high risk that it will trigger them and will pull them into fight-or-flight state, where ofc loss of sovereignty will happen and sub-personality/archetypal possession will occur. In the end you will end up talking to automatic archetypal program instated of with the actual person.
  3. What are your daily boards like ? This is mine atm.
  4. 1.Its more important to recognize when you are there, it is not that difficult, nor is it difficult to get there, its actually quite natural. So I'll leave you few hints on the state and than on how I get there. -Its the state where you are absorbed and immersed in the moment, remember the last time you watched TV or played games, or deeply focused on feeling the music you were listening, sank into the person talking t you, got taken by audio-book while you were walking, you were in alpha, its laid back focus, where most of your consciousness is immersed in the thing that you are focused on, its very observant. The analytic part of your mind is suppressed and will not analyze a lot. You will just observe and will just want to observe. Time will slow down, the deeper you are, the less time there is. To me it feels like time is running at 10% of its usual speed, its almost gone, but still there. It feels like spacious present moment. That is all alpha is, its being and observing the present moment. Its also known as the hypnotic, or trance state and its where most psychotherapists work. -I get there by doing simple 15 min meditation, or 15 min walking meditation, or both, its works way better for me if I do both. Its observing your breath, letting go of muscle tension, all the basic stuff. As I said, its quite natural to get and be in this state. -Binaural beats can help ofc, but they got the nasty constrain of locking you in the state they are designed to lock you in and what you actually want is to get in alpha, get a bit deeper into it, and poke into theta. You may try them out, but I think the meditation part is sufficient. And you'll know you are into theta when very old memories, many that seemed forgotten will start to pop up, you might get overlay of dream imaginary, faces ect. Its the last state you can remember before you fall asleep. Its has a key feature of forgetting, forgetting you were in bed in a room, is it day or night... ect. If you continue with the basic meditation or the walking meditation you will naturally drift to theta, there is nothing special you need to do, its just relaxing deeper and deeper, sinking evermore. -My main idea was to get in a state where my psyche is unified as much as possible, no random thoughts, no random voices, just me, observing stuff, all the voices in your head are collapsed and de-fragmented. Its serves as a control point. After I achieve this, I do a controlled fragmentation into x2 voices, where I let this second voice speak automatically. 2. Its basically turning this focused alpha and already hypnotic and trance like state into a more rhythmic and more trance-like state, the walking rhythm serves almost as a drum beat, all I do to achieve this is, when I feel ready to start the fragmentation, I break the walking meditation (x1, or 0.5 steps per second) into a normal walk, maybe like x2 steps per second. The reason I do this is because the faster pace rhythm helps with letting go off analyzing the "other" voice and letting it shoot its auto answers. Its basically increasing walking speed once you have achieved the meditative state. 3.What I do is, just mentally ask, or in a whispering way, I start with a bit of a mental ward, something in this lines of: -I would like to contact beings that are equal or greater in their development than myself, in the process having in mind my best interest and their best interest, according to my free will and their free will. At this time I would like to contact my higher self, my guide, the pleadians, the grays. You get the idea. -After I do this I start asking a set of calibration questions, especially when contacting my higher self. Quiestions like: How do I know you are really it ? Do we have a contact. Is this just me talking to myself. Who is coming trough. How do I know you have my best interest in mind. The voice will start auto-responding, your goal is to just let it auto-respond. It will be a blend of images, verbal language and feelings. Just accept anything coming, do now, question after. To sum it up 1. Achieve deep meditative state. -No thoughts -No analyzing -No voices -Present moment -Less time -Control over where your focus goes. 2.Increase walking speed -Double or triple speed, turn into normal walking. 3.Re-fragment your psyche into x2 voices -Speak your intent, mental ward mantra. -Ask for contanct. -Let your psyche fragment -Ask calibration questions to distance the voices from one another. -Once they feel separate, ask questions, let them ask questions. Note: For many questions you wont get answers, because it will be infringing upon your free will and it will feel like you are asking for them to make your choices. As far as I experimented, my higher self and the pleadians just wont do this. Note 2: Whispering everything helps, use your mouth if possible. I usually do a walk by the river when I do this, not many people around there.
  5. The only thing that will get you into fascist space is polarization and all the movements that create it. Ranging from far right to far left, this is not a Trump exclusive thing. Also.. If you fight it, it will grow. Know this. Make your thoughts on what you want, not on what you don't want. Thoughts will flow into actions, actions into realities. What we have right now its just feeding the spell and expecting it to break. Not gonna work I am afraid.
  6. The final loss is birth itself.
  7. @GroovyGuru Its alright man, its sticky and dense stuff. I certainly get stuck in it too at times. We all do. Especially when it comes to politics. As I see it. Its a result of investing oneself too much in this "human" storytelling stuff. There is certainly a need to ....at times distance oneself, see this all of this from a.....zoomed out....alien perspective, a bit of editing , a bit of cache cleaning and de-fragment. Truly, you do not fully know who you are, you come from the deep misery, so do the "others". The ways their minds work and at what direction, to what extent and in what way their consciousness can and needs grasp stuff is unknown, its a mystery. Its helps with reducing judgement, adds humility and encourages exploration, it adds juice to every interaction and it makes judgement pointless, you'll certainly have good time in that space. What I have in mind atm is to suggest you try out the first exercise from John Kreiter's - Magnum Opus. See how it goes, it works quite well for me.
  8. I advice caution We have learned a lot from the "1 man 1 jar" video ...
  9. I did changa once from this pipe. 1 shot and I was completely out. Also, I didn't feel any burning , I could just barely feel the taste. Its a must have in ones arsenal I think. https://vaporgenie.com/glass-sherlock-vg-vaporizer
  10. Neat I've been having deep maddening insights on good weed too, especially on eatables. But not before I did changa or acid. Weed can be very different after psychedelics. It looks to me like the more serious psychedelics open up the pores and channels of your mind and because of that weed induced consciousness can go deeper. Might be wrong idk, that is how it seems to me.
  11. This one was good as far as I remember it.
  12. Lol, thanks for sharing. I was trying to find who was talking in the intro in the song bellow Well, It turns out its Bashar, exactly from the video you posted haha
  13. inauthenticity is the closest I can get. A bit deeper, I see all forms of expression as forms of truth, the very substance things are made off is.... "truth", its evident, in that sense, I do not see a lie in existence. But seeing inauthenticity as lying and being authentic as truthful can get one far on the spiritual path.
  14. Speaking of animation toons, this one might be good . Just not sure when is it coming out.
  15. Btw I think I am onto something...I've been very skeptical regarding it, but I am giving it a fair chance. I'll just share it here. I am quite sure that I have found a way to directly contact and do conversations with my higher self, its a verbal method similar to automatic writing. Its ludicrously easy and natural, it is so...... so.... in-front of our eyes that we fail to see it. Nvm that, my point is that In the process of doing so. I think I have found a way to communicate with "other" beings and not just my higher self. I discovered this by experimenting. The thing is, it feels like you are talking to yourself and that you are hearing your own voice in the void of the top of your head, but the character/personality using it can be faaaar different from your own and the answers you can receive can surprise you ... I defiantly have said to myself.... oh what the actual fuck.... I could have never came up with that answer... its also so out there, i could not have known that, the voice will also become automatic requiring 0 effort to manage it, you just need to let go and not analyze it. In the process I may laugh like crazy, tears may come up, strong shivers and surface skin vibrations are almost a rule. Some notes on how I achieved this: -clear you mind by doing simple meditation. -walking meditation is better, you can do both ofc, they work in a synergistic way. -get your brainwaves to deep alpha, the lower you can get the better, borderline theta is very good for this. -you'll know you are there when childhood memories that seemed forgotten will start to pop up and surprise you. -you'll also be in a state of laid back, observing focus, that is deep alpha. -make sure you only got only 1 quiet voice in your head. You should have control of where your focus goes. No other voices should compete in your head. Just one voice, that does not talk much. -get into a walking trance. -ask for a contact. -start asking questions to yourself, and without a whim, let this same voice of yours answer it, do not think or analyze, just let it shoot any answer. -the loop-like walking trance state helps with letting you auto answer without analyzing too much. -in no more than 2 minutes of quick calibration questions this answering voice will start to feel very separate and the personality difference will become apparent. Using this I have talked with the Pleadians, st.Stephan poped up out of nowhere at one time and ofc my higher self. Anyway, I am still very skeptical of what is going on here and I am being very careful about reaching a conclusion.
  16. Just to add a thing or few. M/F aggression ratio on average is more like 60/40. So its not that big of a difference actually. The thing is, we like to see violence as direct, confrontational and physical, aka masculine violence. It can also be covert, indirect, scheme-like and manipulative. Females have their own dominance hierarchies and can be just as aggressive as men if undeveloped. So in a sense its all a question of development. Our lack of understanding of statistics has a big role in this too.
  17. Alien sightings are a common report for people doing OBEs. There are a couple of reports in the beginning of the documentary, there are a lot in the actual book. Personally I haven't seen one yet. You might find the deep hypnosis/channeling perspective interesting too.
  18. Cant seem to find the CIA doc where this screen shot is taken from. Btw check this out.. https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf
  19. There is another one, but I haven't watched it yet. '
  20. Here are few I enjoy. This Jungian Life: Aubrey Marcus podcast: Future Thinkers Podcast: Personality Hacker:
  21. @trenton Its alright, its just a joke It was both in the sense of: 1. Do it, god wills it! As a cheer! 2. You'll probably end up crusading, or others surely will make you fall for it. Its sticky stuff, for sure.