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Everything posted by Yog

  1. Lol, i fixed the sentence. A mistake in translation
  2. On one hand we need mechanisms that can control/regulate/reduce these conspiracy mind viruses. This one has surely gotten out of control. On the other hand we must provide public spaces where we can collectively seek truth. Which by default means bruising a lot egos and identities all over the place. On one hand we need to reduce, regulate and police the actual online bullying and toxicity. On the other we need to be careful that the very mechanism that strives to remove toxicity, will actually create toxicity. By eating truth and providing spaces for hatching lies. So... how do we do it. How do we walk the fine line between the divine mother and the devouring mother. The wise king and the tyrannical king.
  3. @Parththakkar12 Might be the push-back towards Blue. The transcend and repress case. T1s surely like to yo-yo a lot.
  4. Damn, the vibe is so right.... But I never get these kinds of visualizations on DMT.... Its usually some extremely silly 2D entities, or patterns stuck on 2d planes with alpha cutout.... as if someone did not want to put a penny of effort in drawing them. Just draw them in paint and use fill bucket... Except that redneck entity that wanted me off his lawn and away from his "cow" thing.... that one was fancy..... But most of the time its been.... nothing...no visualizations... just nothing/everything and eerie silence. Not as if it did not have an effect, but as if it had its fullest effect and the effect was.... nothing. This is a good one too: I heard this was very accurate representation about dmt from quite a few people. You may watch the movie too. But beware, it will shake you up. I've seen these many times, when practicing OBEs, right after the void state, when the vibration stage hits and phase shift takes place. They look EXACTLY THE SAME, EXACTLY, the animation is EXACTLY as is in the video. There might be DMT release when we fall asleep, well that's my hypothesis anyway.
  5. Interesting. I see the obviousness of how this is true. But still in the peak, "when "I am at the edge of dissolving and I finally do. I become the music, the boundary is gone, the music is you, a story about you, it speaks to you, of the way you are. Can feel very contemplative. Nice playlist btw Here is smt beautiful for you guys.
  6. A good start is to get very familiar with western philosophy, literature and psychology in the last couple of centuries. Get a good grasp on them. There are a lot of great thinkers. Read at least 1-2 books from the greatest. Read the post modernists last. Be sure to read diverse literature. You need to have a good grasp on human nature and existential questions before being able to delve into politics. If you do not have a good grasp on them and do the "straight" political stuff. You will probably end up crusading and being stuck in some of the "camps". Political stuff is extremely sticky. Here are some names that ring a bell: Aldous Huxley George Orwell Friedrich Nietzsche Viktor Frankl Carl Jung Dostoevsky Carl Jung Freud Chomsky Schopenhauer Kant Nietzsche Foucault Derrida Jacques Lacan Martin Heidegger There are more ofc This will take years. You might as well spend most of your time on really developing yourself via direct practice and implementation. That will be the main pillar. I would take this as a side thing. These are my 2 cents mate.
  7. This was a good watch. Idk what to make out of it. Maybe I'll try it out to some degree.
  8. Yeah, I think discord is doing something about it too, at least they mentioned they will. Its a bit more difficult there. Because each separate server can have its own guidelines and can be locked. Each serving like a small sealed invisible forum. I have a friend that is on the far right and after the purge YouTube did a year ago they all went on Discord servers. Videos are flowing, books are being shared....ect. Everything is the same, just the anger is greater. There is an even bigger problem there, the servers are locked and hard to find and mark, they are hermetically sealed echo chambers radicalizing people even more. Its a tough ball game man .....
  9. Hm I had those months or weeks after my acid trips. Creeping in and sometimes suddenly hitting deep.... nostalgia, something forgotten... forgotten love, shaking everything within.... crying, tensing my throat, losing my mind, cold sweat, shivers. As far as I remember, it just passed. Maybe weeks, maybe months...not sure. Grounding helped too. What grounding is, is basically keeping yourself busy. Its the : If one is busy, one does not have time to think. Its just investing yourself in doing. So if you feel the need to ground yourself, just start doing something you love with all of your being, let the activity absorb you. Walking is great, working with soil is great, be/ walk by moving water, run, jog, workout, gardening is great. Generally anything that has to do with your body, especially your hands and feet. You want to be grounded to "this" physical reality and be in the moment. Doing anything you like is good, its the "easy" grounding, but having physical activities in the mix is even better. Eat light food and don't over-eat, drink water. Also make sure you are not doing grounding in order to escape this. It should be a tool that helps you be stable. Try to understand and integrate the insights you are having. Write them down and explore them when you feel stable. Just don't worry. Know it will pass.
  10. I have an interesting stage blue Muslim friend that is kind of obsessed about religion. Some questions he continually likes to ask me inquisitively: Probably because he just does not understand and remember the answers. -Why are you not following scripture. -Who is the author of the Koran (God himself is the expected answer) -If you agree that the author is god, why aren't you following his rules. -The rules god wrote say you will burn in hell for this. -Why do you chose to sin. -So you are a buddist. -So you are new age. -Are you pagan. -What religion are you. -Why are you not following a religion. -Islam is the most correct religion, I studied this. -Its truer than Christianity. -Islam proved many things before science did. -Do you think there is only one god. (he is on the 7th heaven) Its gives quite an insight into the mind of religious stage blue. To link to your question. I've never found a way to make him question his worldview. Its not that I crusaded and insisted for him to understand my stuff, in fact I took it as a playful laid back exploration, did not attack anything he ever said, even the most silly stuff. But even if these conditions were in place and I wasn't pushy, nor had Intent to be, or to change him...... When the right conditions that made him question his believes came, protector memes just came online. That is a sin, that is exactly what should not be done, that is unquestionable, that is against gods will.... ect. And in big part, he was trying to understand, he is quite inquisitive, maybe 70% of the time there was no crusading on his part. It feels to me like I look like an anomaly to him that he likes to understand, but cant let go. Not sure of how to catalyze a rise in consciousness in another. If they are not willing, its just impossible it seems. Hm...
  11. He seemed like a moderate leftie to me. One that got turned off by the excess progressive stuff that was happening in the last 5 years and moved a bit to the right. So now he is probably right-ish.
  12. Believer He has his ways of creating tension. Just not sure if that is conscious or automatic. That might sell him as a seller.
  13. I am generally onboard with this. In a somewhat sad way, I was just referring to the mechanisms trough which it will come back in a form more powerful and unrecognizable to most. It will also serve as a recruiting, polarizing and uniting agent. It will polarize if its left as it is, it will polarize if its banned. So you are damned if you do, you are damned if you don't. It looks like a never ending yo-yo game to me. Sadly we have to stick with it for the time being. So in this sense I do support it, but I see that its a yo-yo. In that spirit I wouldn't celibate any of these bans.
  14. @Carl-Richard Yea... that's what my little poem is about. You don't see it, but its there... Its something humans like to do and it ends up biting them in the but.
  15. Its in our nature to think that if we put something in the dark it wont exist. Its there, but you cant see it. Its there. but you wont be able to talk to it. Its there but it wont want to talk to you. Its there, but you cant hear it. Its there, its radicalizing. its there, its growing. it there, ever-twisting. Its there, but you can't see it. For you have turned the lights off. For you have locked the door. Deaf and blind. Blue cheese and wine. Damn I am so goth tonight...
  16. Oh yea, sure. I'll re-upload some screenshots it because I've been renovating the workspace. I like to give it a bit of a space station sci-fi twist. Make it more inspirational. The Bridge page is not my home page, but it is something akin action page, its the page that is open almost all the time, it serves as a command center. The "batches", that I renamed to "Daily Station Duties" are my daily blocks, all the repeatable activities that I will be doing every day. All are in time based order, from morning till the end of the day. It functions like a nested to-do list. Starting with the first one and ending with the last one. The toggles are sub activities. For eg the Logistics (shopping, cleaning, using the internet, the phone, cooking, storing...ect) section has a couple of things that have to be done, so they have sub check boxes, or the "heat sink part is "where I chose one or few of the suggested activities. All of them are hyperlinked to the page of the given activity, each to-do batch has its own page, in those pages I do have my nested "vaults", journals, calendars ect pertaining to the activity. For eg if I am working out, I open the bio-maintenance page, see what the goals are, execute,log it into the calendar and go back to bridge, check that box. I journal directly in the calendar entries. its Just as a thought dump, notes and observations regarding workout for eg. Creation = Art/Music projects (1 active at a time). First thing in the morning. Bio-Psy Maintenance = Working out/nutrition and all my dedicated spiritual activities, (practicing astral projection, doing meditation, contemplation...ect). I do both in 1 go. for eg 1h workout, 1h meditation lets say. ISK - Harvesting = My job. (ISK= interstellar credits, lol) Logistic = Basically maintenance and communication (shopping, cleaning, using the internet, downloading stuff, using the phone, cooking, storing, calling, washing clothes...ect) Heat Sink = Leisure activity Bridge Lock-down = Going trough every page I used during the day (hyperlinks in the toggle) and checking all logs, doing some plans for the next day ect Oh and the QR code is there to turn of the alarm. In case I want to over-nap/sleep, I'l have to see the bridge page.
  17. @nahtanoj Its a bombastic software.... I actually spontaneously came up with similar principles and methods for organization, like vaults and pillars. The only thing I don't like is that it is cloud based, you cant have all your stuff offline on your PC, just some temporary cache, that suxs. Nor can you create solid backups from which you can load and recover. This seems very limiting, idk if they improved it. I think you can set up your own server, but not sure. It seems crucial to me that there has to be a solid recovery/backup offline system for a commonplace book. But daaaamn I love the design and the functionalities. I've never seen a software so user friendly and powerful as this one. The good thing is that atm they have a pdf, XML, or even better HTML exports of a workspace or a page. I usually do backups there and store them on an external hard drive + an USB. If I need to send a page, vault or anything to someone I can export it as HTML, rar it and send it over. Right now, as I am heavily and diligently studying astral projection I am creating a subsection about it. There will be verification cases, studies, visuals, audio, methods, theories, navigation,tips n tricks, things to do there, all interlinked and neatly organized in a wiki. Probably going to share a v1 of it here once it gets into proper form.
  18. What to the Gnostic were referring to is: -Not God the All, the creator , the one who can not be named, nor drawn, nor sculpted. For he possesses all forms and no form. -They were referring to the lesser, the fake god, the one that is a thought-form, pure human thought energy, molded trough the beliefs of the people. What the Gnostic lesser god is is an astral thought-form, a mega egregore, a result the many idolizing the supreme one. Regular people have much fear behind every thought, so they feed this thought-form fear, and when they pray, they release sparks of fear. This turns out to be a self fulfilling prophecy, a tyrannical god. This is why there is a part of Christianity that teaches not to idolize, or pray to idols. It creates unconscious snowball thought-forms. As I understand it, this is not about an attempt to collapse duality in nonduallity.
  19. @KingEnergy I'll give you few tips for starters. This is from what I have seen while working for couple of gaming companies and observing indies. Its a bad idea to start a big gaming company. Making games is way more complex than many think. The pipelines and workflows are also non-linear and everything is webbed together. It is not linear like in the animation or film industry. It will scale with many difficulties in the way because of the non-linearity. You will probably also miscalculate time and budget targets. 1. Its better to start with very small and crucial indie team composed of very competent people. I would even keep the small team and never scale it. Like for EG: -One great generalist artist -One great game/level designer. -One great coder. -One all purpose sound guy. 2. Focus on creating something short fun, artistic, unique and minimalist in every aspect of the game. No more than couple of hours of total game-play. You do not need to create 10 ways you can hit an enemy, you create 1 way and make it work extremely well and be fun all the time. See games such as: -Inside -Limbo -Little Nightmares -Samorost 3 -Conarium 3. Play at least 10 short indie games and you'll naturally get what am I saying. 4. Rapid prototyping. Spend a lot of time prototyping and gray-boxing. Think of it as game-sketching, try out everything that comes to mind, quickly and unpolished, just throw it in and see how it works, if it doesn't, or adds unnecessary complexity, delete it. Sketch a lot on paper too. Check out the rapid iterative workflow that they did for "Ori and the blind forest" 5. Plan the art to be as unique as possible, good looking and easy to create. Lets say for eg have something stylized and comic book looking. This will save you time modeling and texturing because the look can be mostly done in shader. If its 3D i mean. You can also add simple color scheme, focus on good composition and lighting ect....ect... This is a great example: Follow and watch these: Its YT game dev channels. https://www.youtube.com/user/thomasmbrush https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_hwKJdF3KRAy4QIaiCSMgQ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JB7TSe49lg56u6qH8y_MQ This is a playlist: Some of them have discord servers, there are also forums you can find. If you google you can find more. Anyway, I would first watch and research stuff at least a couple of months before I start any game. Slowly building a pitch, a simple google doc outlining the stuff I want to make in as simple way as possible. Than after I got something that makes sense, I would rapid-prototype a lot. Its crucial to nail the core stuff. Because if one does not, there can be no fixing and going back. Don't let this turn you into a waiting perfectionist, just do a lot of research strategically before you start and start smartly. Much luck! What do you want to actually make ?
  20. @Quader Yep! That is one of the most important points, to let go of judgement and let stuff happen, else you'll taint the experience.
  21. @Husseinisdoingfine I agree! But sadly enough the left rarely knows how to meme.
  22. @DocWatts Its probably an overkill. Its a way more difficult question than it seems, that is for sure It can look simple and plausible when seen trough social constructionist lens and when written on paper. Sadly there are more things to it. I am only skeptical in that regard. I actually quite like the idea.
  23. They lost me at the point where they said "beat them at their own game" and "presenting leftist ideas and refuting right wing lies". I mean... they verbally stated their bias and the unwillingness to find consensus.