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Everything posted by Yog

  1. I took a glance at it yesterday, the whole thread was derailing and going off mark. The way Leo, or most forum members around here use the term "non-ideological" is do describe a mindset of being mentally and emotionally detached from ideas, or to be able to effortlessly let ideas in and let them go. Its to be open-minded and not have invested interest in ideas. The opposite of that, or being ideological, would be holding tight both mentally and emotionally to certain idea, defending it against any other ideas that feel incompatible and might lead to the demise of the ones you have. Its being closed-minded and having invested interest in ideas. Being non-ideological Its to able to override the default survival type of meaning-making of the mind, actively, or passively. That's all there is. Try not to overthink it and start to think of it firstly practically and how it looks in the world. Don't try to do it and "resolve" the question in a purely philosophical and abstract way.
  2. lol ...... Shitting more on-top of the existing shit. Just what we need Entertainment is getting bizarre. But after all the holy-wood leftist ctinge BS that was injected in movies and games in the last half a decade.... It doesn't really surprise me. In a way it feels like the right response.
  3. Oh, there is a guy in porn ? I thought there was just a dick and a chick. Good catch man!
  4. The whole "socialism" thing works fine and makes perfect sense in concept land. I do not know any examples of it working in the real world. I tried to find, but couldn't. This is what I feel is the greatest mistake. Its people wanting to implement the whole thing, or huge chunks at once. Imagine having a great and huge business plan, if executed well, you are going to be the most successful business man in the country, its a big and complex plan involving many things, on paper all the systems are in line, everything makes sense and fits well together..... now you implement it and something goes horribly wrong, How do you know where is the fault, you cant, you implemented 100 things at once and now all the gears are turning, you try to move one piece to fix it, everything moves along with it resulting in even more damage. its almost guaranteed to fail if implemented in this way. Historically this is what we have done. So what we need is, to slowly inject the system with such policies and see how they really stand. Test, refine, QA, build upon it. In some time we will have a socialist-capitalist blend.
  5. When you make a mayo, you stir that egg, and while doing that you slowly add oil, drop by drop, slowly. You don't just pour the whole bottle in. The end result is nor egg, nor oil, its mayo!! Mayo is comprised of 80+ % oil, but the oil as we knew it previously. I think socialism is more like a mayo and less like an oil. Damn I want to cook now!
  6. A worthy watch. I never knew these were an option. And a huge pdf on "the blue revolution" by nature.org
  7. As I understood the very problem they are trying to address is reducing the amount of land and water that is used for agriculture. Right now the greatest problem are plants raised for feeding livestock. But still the same problem remains, its ruining the land by agriculture and spending a lot of water. As the world develops and more and more people rise to middle class and the demand for nutritious foods scales bigtime, by using land based farming, we might end up where we are now. At least that is my interpretation. According to what the guy said in the video, it turns out that this is one of the most environmentally friendly, space friendly, water friendly, energy efficient, nutrient efficient and not to difficult to implement solutions, Mostly because of the farming location and the nature of aquatic/insect life. There are seaweeds and kelps on the menu too.
  8. In a weird way I see it as a step forward. I feel that at this level of development .... we have almost no choice but to do it. The collective psyche is out of whack and we are out of tools. Its a crude solution and a bandage upon a deep wound, but I do not see what else do we got. Another important think to take into consideration is that censorship is by no means "removal", its pushing stuff into the collective unconscious. Its basically collective suppression. In due time this repressed material will rot and fester, create other types of societal pathology and swing the pendulum in the other direction. So having this in mind, It does not look like a good thing in the long run, its just a quick fix. Btw we do not know if this will be successful, we'll see that soon. Its very likely that there will be collective ego backlash, far bigger than what we got right now.
  9. I'd love to dance. On the graves on my enemies. Imagine they pull off that joke one day.
  10. I would make a difference between the primal animal like masculinity and toxic masculinity. To me toxic masculinity is based in fear and insecurities. The animal part is more spontaneous, aggressive and exploratory. Just like a toddler smashing ants to see what happens.
  11. I don't get it. 10k signatures and "they" stop immigration. Is that the deal lol. it looks to me, that in order for something like this to succeed, you'll need to get humongous amount of signatures per country. Something in the scope of a referendum. Which will ofc need some heavy marketing and cash. Or am i missing something and being stupid ?
  12. @neutralempty That's my personal observation, that is all it is, its not an objective sample. I've known about 10-20 vegans and met 20+ more. I don't let it influence my opinion on the topic anyway. Some folk just got too dogmatic and hardcore around it and broke some stuff, which is what @Danioover9000 pointed towards, its not a problem with veganism at all, its more of an identity/ego type of problem. I've met people that had 0 identity around it and they had the attitude of " just trying out this new thing, if it works cool, if it doesn't we'll make a change". This is the attitude I personally like more, it allows for both the ethical and the nutritional part of the topic to be constantly re-evaluated, you can't easily and efficiently evaluate stuff if you got your identity tied around it.
  13. Damn, I need all the vaccines I can get than... I always wanted to grow my dick on Akira level. I am just afraid it might become a suitable vessel for housing an elder god level of consciousness.
  14. Hm. I rarely find people that do veganism properly. I assume its quite difficult to do so, especially if you have an ethical component in it and do not rely on overseas exotic plants. I am quite interested if it is possible to pull it off on local plants and not get nutrient deficient. Above 80% of vegans I personally have seen look malnourished and borderline sick. Usually something is wrong with their skin, hair, eyes, teeth, bone to muscle structure, cant really put my finger on it. I guess this is the effect of cutting off animal products and spontaneously replacing them with any plant products they happen to like in order to get filled without doing much if any research. But some are sexy, yea xD. I don't think it has much to do with veganism though. They just happened to workout a lot, eat properly, do their research, have good body structure, genetic, look pretty and all.
  15. Socialist Bulgaria had women work as brick layers and construction workers. NS Germany had the KKK - "Kinder, Küche, Kirche", or "children, kitchen, church" concept for what women are obligated to do. Idk which one is more disturbing.
  16. Please make a video wearing a Greybeard costume and teach us shouts
  17. Stuff is ever more likely to break and something new is ever more likely to be born. Learn gardening. Build resilience on multiple fronts.
  18. It does, unfortunately. He is surely not aware of the effect it has. It can be weaponized so easily. But I think he is consciously choosing to use his humor as a tool to trigger suspicion in power structures while playing innocent and neutral. It looks to me that this is his intent. Might be wrong. There is also the obvious fear around free speech and "controlling the narrative" that fuels it. Not sure, he is borderline funny to me. Some of the stuff I find cool, but some is bah. I do not like the part where he picks too much on progressives and less on conservatives. Btw he looks quite liberal to me, more of a blend of classical liberal/leftist libertarian.
  19. Dude wtf, haha Welcome to the ship man! No worries. JP threads are always a good ride when it comes to to studying the liberal shadow. Its best not to get too tangled in it, or be careful and observant while doing it. Just a friendly traveling tip. I am guilty of doing the same thing ofc. But when thinking in MBTI terms, something leads me to think that there is something about the dominance of "single deciders" around here and the "people" locking/closure/over-committ thing they tend to do. Might be one of the reasons on why people rarely address his ideas and get stuck on his character. Quite weird and sometimes entertaining
  20. Jung was probably the one that introduced the concept to the west. It was a radical thing at the time. He also researched the shit out of world traditions. That is in a way how he got led to those conclusions. Still I feel we are at the beginning stages of the process, very rarely do we see integrated humans. Most that exibit the oposite traits are either animus or anima posessed. This in turn creates the image that mas/fem integration just does not work. We need at least a decade to get over this.