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Everything posted by Yog

  1. Maybe we can turn this into a tiny fun game. Whenever you watch a historical video: 1.Extract the main lessons from it. 2.Post the video here. 2.Post your lessons as a 1-3 liners.
  2. Don't forget that you feel compassion for these animals because you are wired to do so for the biggest part. They are evolutionary and more importantly anatomically similar to you, so you can read them easily, read off information out of them, out of their eyes, sound, mouth, movement, breathing, skin, smell. But on the other hand, you'll "torture" and skin a potato like it was nothing, with a blank face, engaged in whatever you are cooking, You know nothing about the "being" level of a potato, so you do not even consider it. To you its dead object that you eat, or at least somewhat alive, but regardless the case, you are not getting all the input you would as from lets say, a mammal, so its not enough input, or not the right inputs to trigger something as compassion. I am not saying that a potato feels the same stuff as cows ofc, its somewhat of a crude example, but on the contrary I am saying that our selfish wiring, by default allows us to feel the cows but not the potatoes. Or more broadly said: Our body is lobbying us to feel and empathize with the ones that are the closest to us, you can say its the same pattern that makes people Nazis, but on a more deep and bios depth kind of level. Just a re-contextualization example.
  3. Miler in "The Expanse" kills the scientist because he was making sense, not because he wasn't. Some ESTP integrity. Neat scene (timestamped):
  4. Maximus Decimus Meridius And his covert buddy Quintus: (timestamped), his actions, combined with Maximuses turning Rome from a tyrannical empire into a republic. Hector: Saladin and the baron of Ibelin.
  5. Watch this documentary fellow humans and try not to cry:
  6. Omg, we need to shoot them down, asap! Probably Hillary,Mark and the other reptilians are in it!
  7. Neat, thanks man! I've been so turned off by this tinder thing and all the damage it causes, that I just quit dabbling with digital forms of dating. This will be a refreshment.
  8. Let go. Shrooms: And ofc:
  9. These are the best:
  10. It takes a while to be able to see and appreciate this dynamic Most men will either fight back, or just give up and not take lead , therefore get less attractive as a result.
  11. Luckily, these days around my place the unregulated cannabis sold is actually medical cannabis.
  12. Its might be worth it even just for food. I remember Joe Rogan saying, that from 1 hunted elk, he stocked up a full freezer of meat that will last him for 6 months. And he is a big guy. Anyway that is whole another skill-set that has to be learned, few will go for it.
  13. God squirts all over himself. That's all he wants and does.
  14. Her game is to implicitly test you all the time. Do you own your shit, do you have it together. fail tests = lose attraction fail to many = dumped/ghosted win tests = gain attraction And ofc. Its all unconscious and implicit, but its way more fun if its done consciously. Well, that's a goddess.
  15. Its all fault of the Amuricans! Well.... we derailed this. Anyway, back to the off-topic, I like the coin dollar more
  16. It is, now (the last 30 years) more than ever. You can buy a lot of stuff from society, do your setups, research, books education, trainings on how to do and than quit it. You can get educated and well equipped these days for that. I suggest you immerse yourself in educating yourself on this if you are considering it and I urge you not to rush it. Anyway, make no mistake, its not an easy life, you'll be spending most of your day on survival/security level stuff. If you want to have a mobile home it gets even more difficult. I do not see a way how you can get completely detached from society that way. You'll constantly have extreme problems with basic resources such as water, heat, electricity. even food, depending on what you are doing. Shower, poop and hygiene time will be tough too. Sadly and happily it is society that outsources most of our basic needs But i feel you, I am having the same thoughts at times.
  17. its All God, the One. Song version. Timestamped.
  18. When I tried to boil down and contemplate what is the root of all emotions. I came up with the conclusion that all emotions are rooted and branch outward from either love or fear. Than..... after a while ...... it clicked to me: What we call: Love = Expansive love. Fear = Contractive love. Fear is the love of permanence. Who would have thought.
  19. Ooooh I love this channel. I think I watched everything 3 fold Here is some supplemental medieval timestamped humor:
  20. Guys, I am not from the US, but, I've been there a couple of extended times. So I am looking at this from a perspective that is based on the little first hand experience I have and some historical context, interviews and other internet material. Anyway my problem and question is. I just can't warp my head around why is the term "systemic racism" used. I certainly understand many of the implicit and sneaky ways racism is both happening and is being perpetuated. But I can not see how is it being "systemic", or why is the word even used in the phrase, what is it meant to describe. As I understand it, for it to be systemic, there have to be specific parts directly build into the system in a explicit way. Parts that are directly written and are explicitly discriminatory and racist. Like the visible and actual gears of a clock, or a specific visible pipe, or a valve in a water pipe system. I assume you do not have job postings looking for "5 white people", or places saying "no black people allowed". I can see how there can be a bias and this can still happen under the table, but I do not see how is it systemic. It feels to me like we are pushing poop into the water pipes, and blaming it on the water pipe system. Are there any such things, if so, why isn't anyone bringing them forth, am I naive and uneducated on this ? As of now I find the phrase extremely misleading. I can understand most people resisting it by just looking at the phrase.
  21. Btw, when thinking about it from a spiritual perspective, its kind of hot. When you think about it. The female biological wiring is designed around seeking and buffing attention so it can attract a potential mate. The more mates one attracts, the more choice one has on with whom should one share its genes. This ways females are doing the evolutionary selection, unconsciously/consciously choosing the best genes. Its mostly an unconscious "bios" level game we are playing, there is also the female dominance hierarchy, which is not pretty, just like the male, not to mention all the inner struggles and schism that happen because of it. Right now in our culture this has gotten out of hand, especially with the tools we have noways such as instagram that hack into this biological wiring and bizarrely overblow it in the process. I a way, the niqab is an override of all of this. Getting beyond your biological wiring. I can certainly understand how it must feel liberating. Ofc I am aware of the oppressive part and its usage as "males, keeping males in control, by covering and oppressing the females"