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Everything posted by Yog

  1. Mind boggling. Dystopia 2.0. The future is same as the present (not worse).
  2. Deserves re-read. I like the emphasis on "choice".
  3. Hope it satisfies your dislike hunger Or we can go completely meta and dislike dislikes
  4. Maybe I was super naive, but I expected more user features with which we can interact with the content, not less. Something akin emoji likes that discord or slack have, or something new. The more ways people can express themselves about what they think about the content, the more realistic the content reaction. But no, we are going for the money, yet again, doubling down on the same dysfunctional shit and singing a very familiar song. I doubt this has anything to do with users, harassment, toxicity or anything of the kind. PS: For those that do not like to watch 20 fake videos on "how to unfreeze start menu" and go trough the like/dislike ratio to find the best video, you can return the dislikes with an browser add-on for the time being. Guides here:
  5. He is just talking about classic shadow integration, with the focus on ID integration. It means that you need to integrate your already existing capacity for cruelty and own it, this is about it. Either you will own it in a conscious way, or you will be possessed by it. I do not see another way around it. The trick is, if you have it integrated, there will be less of a need to act it out, or even if there is, it will be done in an integrated manner. Think of a stereotypical martial arts master, he is the best one at it, but has the least need to use it, even prefers to go trough matters in other ways.
  6. There wont be "a thing" without comparison, having a "thing" requires at least 2 things so you can make the comparison. If there is only one thing in total, comparison is impossible, you would have nothing to compare it to that is outside of itself. No comparison, no thing. Do not mistake "everythingness" for "infinite many-thingness". Contemplate more on what makes a "thing", a "thing" I would say.
  7. I do not really see the point of the hypothetical experiment, except if it is for fun. In most realistic situations people lived in mixed communities and divided tasks as needed. It turns out that most of survival requires physical strength, endurance or resistance. Which men had more of, so they did the activities that required those attributes, as women cared more about the household, distribution of food, taking care of people, we all know this, its not rocket science, is probably not worth repeating around. It would be wise to add the common pregnancy periods into the mix too, as babies and children died often, so more had to be produced if the tribe is to survive. History is a monument of men and women cooperating to meet survival needs and it was brutal on both ends. Which is one of the reasons why I don't buy 90% of the "patriarchy" narrative that you mentioned. These ideas can come only out of modern people isolated from "real" survival. A way to heal this of would be a just few days of camping in the woods with a mixed crew.
  8. True, good that he eased out. Still I found the critique quite warranted, someone had to slap CNN for all that "horse dewormer" language game. Leo seems to think its mainly because the group think and their echo chamber, which is probably true, but it seems to me despite that... it takes less than few minutes of research your way out of it and a serious news network can and is obligated to do at least that. I think CNN knew, or at least the ones making the decisions and decided to roll with it despite knowing the truth. Might have been told to do so, who knows. Don't want to place the blame solely onto them, it is surely way more intertwined and entangled than it looks
  9. A friend of mine once said that laughter is the way out of the matrix, or at least a symptom of phasing/moving out of it. Nice read btw
  10. Language, manipulation of symbols. Designed to trigger survival programs. That would be one way.
  11. There was always that option, but it would have been unwise. They also played a communication-game and both of them knew it, given the situation he did quite well. This probably sums it up.
  12. 38. We don't do that here meme insta lock/ban culture. 39. We need more compassion. 40. INFJ,16w84, Sun in Capricorn, big5 high in openness, lucid travel, lurking occult. 41. Don't post that here. 42. Fuck SJWs 43. Defend SJWs 44.INTP King, epic tribe Ti spanker 45.No right wing stuff , gotta spank that too 46. Jordan Peterson is orange
  13. Astrology is way older than modern rationality, or science. If you want to understand it rationally or scientifically you will fail, no wonder. Can't eat soup with a fork. It works with abstractions that are yet to become specific in mysterious ways, hence its "results" are not measurable, nor is its goal to be specific. We are used to think that things are specific and than we abstract to go deeper. It can work the other way around, this is what astrology is doing to certain degree. In order to work with it you need to renounce/suspend rationality (at least for the time being) and think in terms of energy, different tones of life-force energy, ways life expresses itself, trough people, situations, energy that is imprinted onto anything on its "birth" (natal charts )and how it interacts with the real-time energy climate. It takes a post-rationalist to work with it effectively, though pre rational people can work with it alright, but not as good. Logic and rationality are usually the biggest stumbling blocks, or walls should I say. In a psychedelic way you can say that it is studying the rig that moves the matrix in patterned, predictable ways, but yet it allows for free will to work with these energies and make its choices and turn them into something specific. Its not about the form of the sculpture, you are here to sculpt that, but its more about the clay type. Or you can say its studying of the chakra system of the next holon and how it affects the lower holons in the "as above, so bellow" sense.
  14. It is, actually quite more than it is given credit for. But the thing is, in order for it to be useful, you should feel quite uncomfortable while working with it. Originally it was meant to be used in clinical setting to measure your NEUROSES. Jung's idea was to help people see their neuroses so they can transcend them. Mayers and Isabel Brigs co-opted it and turned it in " all is cool, everyone is different, Americanized corporate type of test". Jung did not agree with this usage. Remember, this is a "mental illness" test, if you identify with your type in order to find comfort you are doing it wrong. Let this be your alarm. Much of the community is corrupted by the very same thing. Instead of using it as ego dissolving tool, they are using it as ego boosting tool. Be careful not to fall in this trap. Its extremely easy to fall into it given the current typology climate. If you adopt this mindset and study typology, you'll be able to type waaaay more efficiently, you'll be measuring right, and it will work in double-blind fashion opposed to relying on your memetic mind to abstractly snap around to what "feels" the closest. "Objective personality" are one of the few in the community that got the method and the spirit right.
  15. Judging by your writing style, quite unlikely. You seem more like an IxxP. Good textbook examples of Ni dom writing (thinking) style around here would be Emerald or Forestluv.
  16. I think it would be both a fun thread and an educational one. We can use our meme logic to learn of both others and ourselves. Release the Memes my brothers and sisters!
  17. Just an interesting documentary I thought would be good to share. Its mostly about security,privacy and deep background corporate/political manipulation. It is not meant to instill fear, it is just meant to inform people and open up their minds regarding the digital world. Folk do not take this seriously and think they are beyond it and ofc in control, or even worse are clueless of what it is happening. Personally. I do not think it takes too much time, emotional or mental investment to avoid this. It does require restructuring of how you use the web. All it takes is to set it up, get a bit used to it and that is, you do not have live in fear and fight these corporate hydras, just dodge the whole thing and be in control of your tool.
  18. @EddieEddie1995 @iTommy Thanks for sharing it man, I'll check it out. Sometimes I tend ti get worried a bit, because if I get a spontaneous kundalini awakening and end up frozen and twisting on the floor, there is no serious yoga master in the next 1000 km from here to assist me. I guess I have to set that in place in case anything serious happen and also educate myself on krya yoga. I also have the free books that were shared on this forum few years ago.
  19. 1. Unification. Unify you mind until there are no voices, get into absolute focus with no thoughts and "characters" chatting in your head. Meditation is great for this. 20 mins will probably cut it for most. Your state of consciousness should be pure presence and observance. You should be just seeing stuff, not saying in your mind: oh a flower, oh a river. But even if you get those its alright, the most important part is that there should not be any sentence like conversations in your mind happening, a little language after noticing stuff is alright. Note: By default, in your waking life your psyche is fragmented, but you do not see it. There are all sorts of characters talking to each-other. But you are unconscious and perceive it all to be one voice, your own, you are talking to yourself. You do not see them as separate characters. Its a good example of unity trough unconsciousness opposed to unity trough consciousness. 2. Dial. Dial up the address with your mind to whom do you like to speak to, trough intention. Say it with words, feel it, think it. You can be specific, you can be very vague, or somewhat in between. 2.1 Dial Parameters. You can also set up parameters in this stage like: beings that have both mine and their best interests in mind, are on a same or higher vibrational level than mine ect, are aligned with my mission, want to talk to any pleadian group that is willing to exchange information. Customize it as you will, it will serve as a filter. 3. Controlled fragmentation. Deliberately fragment your mind into 2 voices by starting to ask questions and letting your own voice in your head auto respond them, the auto-responding voice is your destination. You do not want to wait in between questions and responses, you let yourself shoot an answer right after you have finished the sentence, whatever comes trough your mouth. Sometimes answers will come to you even before you have finished the sentence. It depends on the person, but whatever response you get just accept it, it may be a literal voice, it may be a feeling, a combination, cartoon character, whatever, you accept whatever you get. Suspend all disbelief and attempts to analyze what is going on, have the experience first, analyze after. Be aware of your feelings in regards to this. Analyzing will break the state, or to the very least place unnecessary filters so things will come to you in a distorted way, you may also lose the capacity of this second voice to auto-respond, it will just vanish. Or in other words you are hanging up the phone if you are analyzing. 3.1 Calibration and stabilization. I start the fragmentation process by asking a series of simple calibration questions to solidify and give autonomy of the voice, you are stabilizing the trance by doing this. When I feel its stable. I start with my intended conversation. What I usually ask is: -Who am I speaking with -How do I know I am speaking to the right thing. -Can you prove you are the right thing. -Why did you chose to get into contact with me. -Have we met before. -What should I do in regards to something (your higher self and developed beings will not infringe upon your free will and will not tell you what to do), its just a test. Again, you ask a question than let yourself shoot back whatever comes. If you say dick, so be it. Go on questioning. 4. Dialogue. By this point the voice should become autonomous and get its own personality . You will also be able to spatially distinguish the points where-from these voices are talking to each-other. For eg one is in the middle of your head and the other is 30cm above it. You'll be able to distinguish it by temperament, personality or their level of development. Talk speed, pitch or flow, it will be different than the way you are. In this case you are the questioning voice that feels like you, your ego, so the difference should become apparent. I suggest trying to contact your higher-self first as you are familiar with it because it is been speaking trough you all your life. The only difference is that with this exercise its fragmented and a separate voice, its not glued to your psychic mess. Its always been speaking to you, trough you, but now its on a separate microphone. Its a great way to extract bombastic, super giga, quadro tera mega insights. This is the bulk of your session. I usually do no more than 20 mins of it, as it feels the whole conversation has reached a conclusion. In short: -20 mins meditation. -3-5 mins of dialing, setting parameters and calibration. -20 mins of dialogue. -re-listen it and ask yourself wtf just happened. Extra notes: -While you are doing this it helps if you are walking because your trance will be deepened. -Haven't tried it yet, but theta binaural beats should help. This process is happening in low theta brain state. -It also helps to whisper , or loudly talk to a voice recorder so you can have something specific to analyze later. It helps with the whole, "ask and shoot out an answer right after" thing too. It feels more natural when its done in voice, opposed to just hearing it all in your head. -You can skip step 1 if you are experienced. But if you are not, you wont be able to get a stable link. Your mind and all the "other character" fragments in it will get in the way and influence "both voices", that is why you want to unify your psyche first and than fragment it in a controlled way. -The voice will at first feel like your own voice, as if you are talking to yourself, it takes at least few minutes of build buildup so it can become autonomous, once you are there, just stay and talk to it. In the case of your higher self it will continue to feel like your own voice. Its like talking to a long forgotten and "perfect" version of yourself. There you'll also find out much about the ridiculousness of yours (the egos) questions. -The second voice will ask questions too. Or you may ask it to ask. It may also correct your questions. Just like having a conversation with anyone. -Fun note: Do not channel the pleadians if you can not rap at 200 bpm. Warnings: Do not overdo it and have other practices in place. Also don't be cocky and channel negative entities, god forbid wrathful gods, things can go south rather quickly in such cases. You don't give your address to gangsters and criminals and stuff.
  20. @intotheblack Wow, I love those, especially the graph. I got a thing for graphs. Ty @7thLetter Ty you for sharing too. It looks to me that your question has been answered. Btw, just some after thoughts on it. If you focus on developing yourself and rise your consciousness further, most of these issues will slowly stop either existing for you, or at least stop bothering you. Even if someone else is toxic, it wont bother you much, as you will understand them why they are the way they are and that they couldn't be any other way The solution is quite simple: its fuck all of this stuff and work on rising your consciousness Shadow work is also great for unclogging psychic pipe works.
  21. I've been googling it a lot and even posted the same question here, but found so little information and responses. If I found anything it was short and vague. So I'll just post what my experience with it is in as much as detail as I can and hope all this info and interpretation helps. So here is my essay: I get this on at least 90%+ of my meditations, I rarely not get this. This started happening in the last couple of years, or to be more exact, when I changed my meditations to be more "surrender everything" like and less of a "focus/concentration" like. It seems that I wasn't actually meditating prior to that . It usually happens around the 10th minute mark and lasts until about the 20minute mark. Or process wise, after I go trough the entry phase (relax and silence my thoughts and attain a stable focus) and my personal prayer phase (gratitude, acceptance, forgiveness, humility, empowerment, wisdom seeking and love embodiment) that I do after that. When that is done, around the 10 minute mark I just decide to surrender as much as I can bare and as a result I get swarmed by these various effects. When it comes to body movements I get them in various forms: -Back-forth rocking originating from my sacral bone. Just like it would happen while you are rocking on a rocking-chair. -Left-right variation of the same thing. -Counter clockwise circular spinning, pivitoting from the same point. -Back-front, non rocking, but more of a directional, 1 dimensional movement. Like someone garbed my sacral bone and moved it back and forth along with most of the body, or at least the lower portion of it. Its a "fucking" motion. -Aggressive and shortlisting up-down movements of my knees (I sit either in full lotus, or in half lotus) -Counter clockwise spinning pivoting from my chest area. -Fast left-right spinning of my shoulders. -Fast non articulated, arrhythmical left-right spins of my head. -Circular spins of my head. -Back forth rocking of the head, -Let right rocking of the head. -Wrist left-right movements. -Fingers moving and stiffening in weird ways. -Slight or hard pressure on either the middle of my forehead or the top of my head. -Teeth or bone buzzing. Especially at joint points. Other accompanying effects: -Urge to vomit, especially if it is happening from the chest area or the head. -Hypnagogic imagery. ( Color clouds/ spheres, branchy tentacles, unknown but familiar faces flashing in and out, weird 6 eyed faces) i get them lets say 10% of the time. -Vibration layers, not thicker than 1cm, moving across my skin, especially starting from the area exactly at the point between my nipples and my armpits and wrapping around my face, arms or back. -Intense chest/back area or full body shivers. -Face twitches and grimacing. -Feeling of ever increasing fullness and joy. -Feelings of slight inner body fluid like movements lasting less than a second. Many moving from my chest area and radiating across. All of these can be very light, but sometimes they can get very aggressive and intense. The very process, especially at the end feels .... orgasmic, its better than sex. After it is done I might just straight out end my meditation, laugh like crazy, even cry from joy while laughing, or start laughing about me not knowing why am I laughing. At that point I am in the present moment and can see everything as still, frozen HD. Time seems to be slowed down , or at least it runs at 10% of its capacity. I have smooth and controlled focus too. My interpretation is that this is energy moving trough the body. And the body itself has an intelligence of how to deal with this. It will do whatever it needs distribute the energy wherever needed, it will help you clear blockages and push out any stagnant or "negative" energy. What I do when it starts happening is, as my mind focuses on any of these movements or effects, I just notice them and !!gently!! move my focus back on my breathing or on my forehead and keep surrendering, note that there is a body component into this surrender, its not all a mind game, you need to surrender with your whole being, or at least as much as you can grasp from your being. The surrender needs to be honest and not fake/forced. The more you can do this, the bigger the yield. Aggressive movements of focus and trying to control the body feeling = fighting it. If you want it to stop you can certainly do it, I've done it many times, but I like it way more when it happens. The reward is just immense, I don't want to spoil it so I just keep surrendering. I also noticed that the body movement effects start from your pelvis area and move upwards, many times in the same session you can get spins from different parts of the body. Pelvis>chest>head>no more spins. And in some sessions they will start from the chest and go for the head next. Regardless of what is going on, I do the same, notice, gently move my focus and continue with the max surrender of my whole being. These movements are also called "spontaneous kryas", evidently, judging by the name, there has to be more about it in krya yoga books. I haven't done any krya yoga yet. If anyone has anything on it. I would be delighted to hear about it.