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Femininity - Sage/Loner archetype and Casual Sex.Are you kidding?? Of course you do!
Of course women are impulsive with sex, they only have sex when the mood is right. The feminine is spontaneous, it goes with the flow, or wherever it is lead. Every woman is open to sex given the guy creates the right mood for it.
But even so, many women aren't your typical party girl club slut.
:) 2
Creating trust with girls in PUA situations@StarStruck That's your big mistake right there. DO NOT HIDE YOUR RAW DESIRE FOR THE GIRL FROM THE GIRL.
It should be obvious from your approach that you desire her. But you can express thia desire in a needy or non-needy way.
Try opening with the line: "I desire you." And then just stand there looking smug and see how she reacts.
Girls LOVE to be desired by high value guys!
Also, lower your standards from 9's and 10's to 6's. You need EXPERIENCE! Go fuck a 200 pound girl just for the experience! I don't care if you don't enjoy it.
Zero friendsYep. This works. Been doing this for the past 2 months and my life is unrecognizable compared to what it was not too long ago, in the best possible way, and it's only getting better. For the first few weeks, every Friday was rough but Saturday I would be in the swing of things. Didn't move to a big city but it's a pretty decent college town. All the bars close at 2 except one and that's where everyone goes at 2 and it's almost impossible not to meet cool new people there at that time especially. Might be moving out to a bigger city in Texas soon with my female cousin who is extremely beautiful and has a lot of connections, living together (yeah it's a little weird but we both have it going on with the dating shit, or at least I assume she does too, and we are first cousins who respect each other as friends and family members).
I used to be really intimidated by approaching girls in groups, but now any time I see a group of girls where each one is "YES/10" I'm practically unable NOT to approach because I've gotten such good results by just saying "hey you" to the hottest one like I know them already, and if she or any of the other girls respond well soon after, I put my hand on the small of her back (the most interested one), flirt, get the number, and set the date. A lot of the time they'll say "we're lesbians" but if I just ignore that (or give them the noncompliance face; Mystery's "disallowing-frame face") or say to them "why you being weird?" they quickly drop the act and start saying shit like "Are you for real? (Rubbing my chest) Wow you are SO handsome!" (I'm very fit because I started doing more serious lifting 2 months ago and I'm getting strong fast because I've been strong before, and so there's muscle memory there, making for quick gains, it seems.) (You need to be careful if you're good looking and going out solo though -- pretty sure I've almost been kidnapped on at least one or two occasions! )
I'm a natural introvert, and a couple nights ago I led a ~30min discussion on the street on camera... like, holding the microphone and everything... about relationships and sex positions with a bunch of hot girls, and got a bunch of numbers, and hit a dab pen very hard that one of the girls handed me mid-conversation and just continued -- they were blown away by how much shit I knew; when you learn game you have a lot to offer in the way of relationship advice... so then they started looking to me to lead the discussion! That was fucking WAY outside my comfort zone -- 2 months ago, that would have been utterly unthinkable... I might even start playing guitar in public and/or sing in a band next. I'm just pushing it in some way, every day.
Sometimes I cry because of just how happy I am now -- it's kind of like "what the hell just happened..." And shit's just barely getting started.
In fact that's why I haven't been posting much here lately.
True vs false feelings
Do you trust your feelings ?Maybe this helps. In the book Conversations with God part 2, there is a part about real and false feelings. Real feelings here are 'the language of the soul', can be trusted and represent what's true for you. False feelings are 'thoughts masquerading as feelings'.
Copied part from Conversations with God. You can find more context if you search for it online:
You have all said things—ugly things—only to discover that, once having been said, they no longer feel “true.” You have all expressed feelings—from fear to anger to rage—only to discover that, once having been expressed, they no longer reveal how you really feel.
In this way, feelings can be tricky. Feelings are the language of the soul, but you must make sure you are listening to your true feelings and not some counterfeit model constructed in your mind.
Oh, man, so now I can’t even trust my feelings. Great! I thought that was the way to truth! I thought that was what You were teaching me.
It is. I am. But listen, because it is more complex than you now understand. Some feelings are true feelings—that is, feelings born in the soul—and some feelings are counterfeit feelings. These are constructed in your mind.
In other words, they are not “feelings” at all—they are thoughts. Thoughts masquerading as feelings. These thoughts are based on your previous experience and on the observed experience of others. You see someone grimace when having a tooth pulled, you grimace when having your tooth pulled. It may not even hurt, but you grimace anyway. Your reaction has nothing to do with reality, only how you perceive reality, based on the experience of others or on something that’s happened to you in the past. The greatest challenge as human beings is to Be Here Now, to stop making things up! Stop creating thoughts about a pre-sent moment (a moment you “sent” yourself before you had a thought about it). Be in the moment. Remember, you sent your Self this moment as a gift. The moment contained the seed of a tremendous truth. It is a truth you wished to remember. Yet when the moment arrived, you immediately began constructing thoughts about it. Instead of being in the moment, you stood outside the moment and judged it. Then you re-acted. That is, you acted as you did once before.
What Do You Think About RSD Derek?Of course it depends on what my goals are. If what I wanted was a serious relationship and he was actively doing pickup, then probably not. If he is at the point where he's already done a lot of pickup and got it out of his system and was willing to let it go, then that might be ideal. It's every girl's dream to lock down a stud.
Girls hate the guy doing pickup but they love the end-results of pickup if they can lock the guy down at the end of it. Pickup refines the guy and makes him a stronger, more attractive man. Girls love that, but they don't want to know how the sausage was made. They want to assume he's a natural.
It's like, "OMG! You're so good in bed! How did you get this way?"
"Um... you don't wanna know."
Like anything else in life, being attractive requires practice. Highly attractive people tend to have lots of practice.
Don't be overly pessimistic. It depends on how you go about it. It's just that conscious relationships are rare and take work. But they can be done.
Making a pleasant experience to a woman
How to become a sex god (request)The thing that's most important in this matter with regard to women's experience of you as a lover is learning how to push the right emotional buttons.
Metaphorically, it's in the same way that someone would get good at playing an instrument, if the sound coming from the strings of that instrument were different colors and textures of emotions. So, imagine that your partner's emotional body is like a harp, and that in order to produce a pleasant sound, you have to know a few things about how to cause that reaction inside her emotional body. And this is 15% physical technique and 25% emotional technique and 60% full authentic expression of your natural personality as an individual man.
And the last ingredient of this is most important because, when a woman wants you in a real way, she can't get your essence anywhere else. So, the essence of you is what she craves the most. And making love with you will be like heaven to her, as long as you have the physical and emotional techniques in your arsenal as well.
But the thing that attracts a woman to sex is much less about the physical body, but more about the desire for specific types of emotional stimulation from a man that matches her and inspires her. And women intuitively know, when a man can or can't give that to her. She needs a guy with a particular energetic signature and personality to make the right music inside of her. And if you're not the right type of guy for a woman, you won't be able to play her emotional instrument at an excellent level. The sound will always be mediocre. So, it's impossible to be a sex God with most women, as it's just not in the cards. But you can be that way for the women that get struck by the Cupid's Arrow for you.
So, if you find a woman who is intuitively drawn to you, you can be a sex God for her. And if you learn the technical aspects, you can also be a decent lay for most women who are looking to experiment. But you won't be blowing any minds of women if you're just on the sexual level with them. The real thrill is the emotional for women, and the physical is pretty "meh" without it. But if you have the emotional and physical together and a woman feels that she can explore you as an individual and what makes you tick and how you think, then you can transport her to another world.