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Everything posted by giglio

  1. @Girzo Just a guess but I'm probably 25% Green still, 50% Yellow, and 25% Turquoise. I believe in saving the environment and recycling of course. I'm all about inclusion of people and accepting other and many of the other stage green traits. Unlike stage green, I look at all perspectives and sides to an issue. Systematic thinking. Thats yellow. I also engage in daily spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, contemplation and have reached high states of consciousness through a variety of means. Libertarians are at all stages of spiral dynamics since all libertarianism is, is belief in limited government. It says nothing about personal beliefs, participation in organizations like green peace, humane society, etc. human interactions, sustainable living, spiritual beliefs, humanely ran businesses, etc. Thats all separate from government. I dont need to government to tell me how to live my life. Leo misrepresents libertarians and says things in his videos about them that he knows are not true such as libertarians would live in the woods in a shack. But thats ok. He is not perfect and I understand. I agree with him in 99% of everything else he says and I'm on board with everything else. I bought his course and it was great. All libertarianism is, is reducing government to what is absolutely necessary and privatizing those things that can be so it is not on the backs of the tax payer. Because government wastes money, is corrupt, and bureaucratic. Not saying that some businesses dont have the same problem but you are going to have a corrupt organization regulate a corrupt organization? It doesnt work. The consumer already regulates business. If you dont buy their products, they go out of business. It's a self regulating system. McDonalds is in business because there is demand for unhealthy food by unconscious people. Regulation doesnt work anyway. Businesses will gladly pay a fine for violating a regulation. Without regulation, business is held to a higher standard because if they break laws (not regulation, which is a lower standard) they can be sued and possibly serve jail time. With regulation, penalties are less. I could go on and on but I'll stop there.
  2. I'm just laying out the facts as we know so far. I'm not a cop. I am just waiting on the court to make a judgement based on the totality of the circumstances, not a video. A video is limited. It doesnt tell the whole story. The court will look at all evidence including the details of each person involved, training, policy, etc. You are assuming it was a criminal act when that has yet to be proven. Intent matters and we dont know that yet. People get sucked into the media narrative not knowing everything. There is a knee jerk reaction right now. We have to look at the situation holistically. The vast majority of these cases get cleared as justified or reduced by a jury based on the evidence that comes out during a trial even after everyone in the media was so sure of their guilt based on limited information.
  3. @louhad I went through stage green about for about 2 years and moved on. Now stage green looks silly looking back. Trump is probably stage red, blue, orange. Biden is probably orange and green. Bernie is green. All sound crazy to me at this point.
  4. @TheAlchemist Great Assessment. I agree completely.
  5. This article shows this tactic is common practice in that department: Police policy allows the,to the trachea or airway.” As far as shooting with body cams off and such. If something happens in an instant where they have to react without warning, many times they dont have time to turn on a body cam. If you are getting shot at or assaulted or are being resisted, the last thing you are going to be thinking of is taking time out to turn on a body cam. Oh, wait, hold on, stop fighting me for a minute so I can turn on my body cam.....
  6. Whatever stage the channel is doesn't matter. It still highlights the silliness of stage green Democratic Socialism. Those of us who have moved past that are not looking forward to going through that nonsense as a society. It's still stage 1 spiral dynamics craziness.
  7. Democratic socialism cringe. We actually have to go through this crap first to get the stage turquoise as a society? At least once we get to stage turquoise then we won't need government to tell us what to do because we'll all be well-developed people. Then we can put libertarianism into practice because people will generally be mature enough to make good decisions about their lives on their own.
  8. Yes we need some government and it should be mostly state and local with a very stripped-down federal government. I think what you're saying is just not accurate. So I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. What you're saying is very generalistic. It looks like a pipe dream because government is so out of control and bureaucratic and corrupt that it's so far gone to bring it back to common sense looks like a pipe dream. You're right it will never happen because people are way too dependent on the government at this point. So in one sense you're right it is a pipe dream. Same as it's a pipe dream that society will ever get to stage turquoise in spiral Dynamics in a thousand years. We won't see it in our lifetime just as we will not see libertarian principles in our lifetime.
  9. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one. yes he did some stuff but it was pretty unpopular what he did and he suffered for it in the congressional election 2 years later.
  10. Your premise is wrong in the first place. The cop has not been proven a racist or a murderer yet. That could change but there is no evidence that he's a racist yet. We don't have all the facts or the evidence. We don't have the body camera footage. What we do know is George Floyd was a convicted felon and served five years for a violent crime in prison, he had a laundry list of crimes that he committed, he was actively engaged in a felony crime at the time, he resisted arrest and fought with police for quite some time, the autopsy revealed he had drugs in his system and pre-existing medical conditions, and that maneuver of holding a leg or an arm on a suspect neck is common practice in the police department of Minneapolis and authorized in their manual. Minneapolis Police have done it hundreds of times in the last 5 years according to an article. We also know criminals lie cheat and steal and make up all kinds of crap. We also know that criminals will lie about how badly they hurt when in handcuffs and on the ground. So really it boils down to did the officer really know he was in honest distress or did he think he was bluffing. it is common practice to keep a suspect down on the ground for a lengthy amount of time if they've been fighting with you. So there's nothing strange there. Another question is would the normal person without drugs in their system and no pre-existing medical conditions have been fine under the same circumstances. Yes the cop was charged with murder but if they would not have charged him with murder they would have been more rioting and the city officials lives would have been on the line if they didn't charge him with murder regardless of whether it's true or not. So they did for self-serving purposes. It's political. More than likely he will get manslaughter. Yes the cop had been involved in a couple other justifiable shootings in his career and was cleared of them. Based on accounts he used appropriate force in those incidences. You can look them up. And he had 20 complaints in his career which is not that many. Most cops get way more than that in their career because citizens accuse cops of all kinds of nonsense and makeup stuff up just because they're pissed off that they got a ticket.
  11. Obama had the first two years of presidency with a fully Democratic House and Senate and still did nothing.
  12. Libertarians don't say there shouldn't be any government. So your premise is wrong in the first place. And there's as many types of libertarians as there are many types of socialists. You're making gross generalizations about libertarians. You need to do some serious reading into the subject.
  13. @abrakamowse Thanks. I'll try to watch it. I like to see both sides. Hopefully its not a hit piece.
  14. @Serotoninluv I'd have to look into it more. If I remember right the article I read was mainstream and not Fox News or something. If I get a chance I will dig into it more. I try to read both sides of it to see what is valid and what is not. Both sides throw around numbers that no one can verify independently.
  15. @Serotoninluv Bernie might be a nice guy and higher consciousness but he has terrible political policies. Free health care, free college, free this and free that. Nothing is free. I saw an article saying for Medicare for all it would cost somewhere around 50 trillion dollars. The country would collapse. Even the highest of taxes would not be able to support that. Not to mention we're already in debt way too much. It's a pipe dream. It's unrealistic by a large measure. And nothing should be "free" anyway. That teaches no lessons about working hard. Yes medical care and college is way too expensive but there's other ways to deal with that. It's not a health insurance problem, the problem is that medical costs themselves are too high. medical cost in the United States were significantly lower before the government started to get involved in overregulation. Now companies have whole departments just having to comply with government regulations which drives up costs. And for education the government has a virtual monopoly on education. So private institutions have to raise their costs to be able to compete and survive and comply with over demanding government regulations. Then they have to pay competitive wages, and possibly pay for medical care insurance for employees, plus retirement, etc. All while government is subsidized by the taxpayer. Guaranteed money. And they do a crappy job of education. True competition will fix that problem. Bernie wants to have government take over pretty much everything which is the opposite way that we should be going. The government is full of red tape, corruption, incompetence, laziness, and wastefulness. It's really really bad. I know because I was in government. If you only knew how bad it was you'd be running from Bernie's government takeover.
  16. @Mason Riggle All I know is that Trump has never been convicted of anything. Just like everybody else, he's innocent until proven guilty and we owe that to him. We don't have all the information or evidence at our disposal to make an informed decision about the situation. If he's guilty then he should go to jail and/or be impeached. Of all the scandals that he's been supposedly involved in nothing has ever been proven in a court of law as far as I know. As far as I know he does not have a criminal record. Again, I dislike Trump. But I would be saying this for any president. I have never voted for a Republican or Democrat so don't have a horse in the race. I say impeach him and try him. Let's see if he comes out clean. Mueller found no evidence that he colluded with Russia after 2 years of investigations. He may have bad judgement surrounding himself with people that were convicted but that doesn't mean he is guilty. Mueller did not come to a conclusion on obstruction. From what I have seen, it doesn't appear he obstructed because Mueller's investigation went forward without hinderace. He may have told people to obstruct and they refused but actual action has to be taken to actually obstruct and the justice department chose not to charge him based on the evidence likely because it would not stand up in a court of law because even though attempts to obstruct may have been made, no obstruction actually happened. And the attempts were made by staff, not Trump himself. I agree it looks bad but he deserves his day in court like everybody else and the chance to defend himself. On the Ukraine issue, we we'll see. It's all speculation until we have all the evidence from all sides. Trump will be able to submit evidence in his favor, explaining why he did what he did and why it's not a crime in his view.
  17. @Mason Riggle @Mason Riggle @Mason Riggle That's a long stretch on the definition of a contribution or a donation. I highly doubt they will try to use that code section to impeach or convict Trump. Trump wasn't asking for a financial contribution or donation to his campaign. And a thing of value is very much open to interpretation. Trump was asking that Ukraine president look into the 2016 interference in the election and alleged corruption of Joe Biden. The Ukrainian president said he was not pressured by Trump. Yes it looks like a conflict of interest because Biden is a candidate, but I don't think he violated any laws. Obviously Trump is going to say why is Biden above the law just because he's a candidate. That shouldn't be a protection for Biden because he's a candidate otherwise he can do whatever he wants just because he's a candidate and Trump can't highlight any of Biden's alleged wrong doing. I mean either Biden did something wrong or he didn't. Let Ukraine investigate it and see what they come up with. If Biden did nothing wrong, then he has nothing to worry about. Trump's position is he was trying to get to the bottom of the source of the 2016 election interference corruption. Which I don't know what to believe at this point until I see further evidence. However if you see it from Trump's side he has been under investigation since he became president and the justice department is currently looking into whether that investigation should have started in the first place or not and if it was handled properly or not. They already said Comey acted inappropriately. So I'm not excusing the behavior completely but I'm trying to understand it from his perspective. I would be pretty frustrated if I was being investigated from day one as the president and it was impeding my ability to do my job. Especially if it was a bogus investigation from day one. There is evidence that he possibly obstructed justice but if you think about it from his point of view he knew he was innocent from colluding with Russia from day one. Anyone would be frustrated if they were constantly being investigated for no good reason and they knew they were innocent. Us here on this forum are of higher consciousness so we don't think like that but people at lower stages of spiral dynamics, it's easy to see how someone at his stage would react if he felt he was being treated unfairly. Someone at his stage would probably try to stop investigation that they knew was bogus and lash out. We would probably react differently and allow the investigations to go forward without resistance. But we have to consider what stage of spiral dynamics he is at and account for that. I know that in other times of my life if someone accused me of something that I knew I was innocent about I would lash out and push back a lot. But to impeach him, he doesn't have to have violated any laws in theory. The impeachment process is a political matter. We'll see if they try to hold him to that US code section.
  18. @Mason Riggle Trump isn't a foreign national.
  19. @Serotoninluv Fair enough. What code section is that in the US code that says it's illegal to ask a foreign government to investigate a person that happens to be a political opponent?
  20. @Mason Riggle fair points. I can see both sides. We'll see what happens.
  21. I don't like Trump and didn't vote for him but .... Just like the last election, all the polls said Hillary was going to win. So don't believe the polls. He very well could get reelected despite what polls say. If I remember right the polls said in 2016 that he would lose by 10 points or more in some states that he actually won. And then everybody was shocked. Secondly, everybody was so sure that he colluded with Russia yet after years of in-depth investigations nothing was found to support it. So for all we know this latest impeachment bid will result in nothing. Let's try to look at this from a stage yellow perspective and see everything from all sides. Maybe Trump is guilty, maybe he's not. I say impeach him, put him on trial, and let's see the evidence. Let the chips fall where they may. But we can't pre-judge without seeing the evidence if he's guilty or not. Leo, in the latest video on his blog is basically assuming that Trump is guilty. The problem is at the media might step in it again. If you see it from Trump's perspective, if you were Trump you would probably be pissed off too if you knew you didn't do anything wrong. And you would lash out. This is very similar to when the Republicans were constantly degrading Obama and calling for his impeachment. We have to understand that this is probably all political. The Democrats have been wanting to impeach Trump from day one regardless of whether he did anything wrong or not. That was the same for the Republicans with Obama from day one. The problem is everybody has their minds made up on both sides no matter what the circumstances are before they see any hard evidence. On the Ukraine issue he claims he's just trying to root out corruption from the 2016 campaign because of all of the false claims made against him that he colluded with Russia. From what I read in the news this phone call was not only about Biden, but it was also in general about the 2016 campaign and interference. So who knows until we have all the evidence out there. Of course both sides are going to claim things to their own benefit. Yes Trump is an idiot. But we don't know if he actually broke any laws or not yet. So we have to give him the benefit of the doubt. We can't jump to conclusions because we see how bad that went in the last investigation.
  22. I see Leo just officially endorsed Bernie Sanders. What a disappointment. He is everything wrong with green and green taken way too far. Expand social security and Medicare for all? Are you kidding me? Really? We want to expand programs that are completely draining our resources and our bureaucratic and corrupt and do not work? And the green New deal that forces you into compliance. More corrupt government? Really? Haven't we learned our lesson yet? I've been in government and its really really bad. Just in case you don't know, government almost completely squanders our money right now. Don't you think they're going to continue to squander it? So let's give the government more money to squander? I'm all for stage green as long as government is not in charge of it. I'm all for nonprofits and recycling and saving the planet through voluntary cooperation and charity. I'm all for PETA and Greenpeace and organizations like that who have to convince people voluntarily to cooperate. people who are convinced to cooperate voluntarily have a dog in the race instead of just being dragged along. Isn't that the point of spiral Dynamics? To progress voluntarily up the spiral instead of have it forced upon you. It's about realizing you need to progress up the spiral and coming to self realization. Government is not going to do that for you or society. And educating people through advertising about saving the environment. And then getting their voluntary compliance by convincing them to change their ways. But to have it forced upon people? That's green taken too far. That's green at its excess. Sorry Leo you're just wrong on this one. As far as health care goes there's other ways to reduce the cost of healthcare so it is affordable for everyone. The healthcare programs that are run by government right now are horrible. We don't want more of that. I forgive you Leo because you probably have very little experience with government being that you're an entrepreneur. The VA is the poster child for this nonsense. On paper it all sounds great but it doesn't work. Not only does it not work, but it's forced upon you through taxation, and it's just bad healthcare. The green New deal sounds great on paper. That's until you look at all the details and how much is going to cost. And then you want the corrupt government to somehow regulate businesses? I'm sure you're going to say that we'll fix government. It's never happened and it never will happen. It's a pipe dream. It's been tried many times and it hasn't worked. With Bernie Sanders is just going to get worse. But then again I guess that's a positive because people will be so fed up with it they may morph into Stage yellow out of utter disgust. Maybe that's your plan Leo. Elect Bernie Sanders so he can screw up everything and we can all progress up the spiral. That's if the United States exists after he's done with it and we have any money left. we would be so poor that we would be a third world country with all these government programs he wants to institute. We're already in a massive amount of debt. Leo you're great and your teachings are great. But when you start talking about politics you flop. If you could only be on the inside of government and see how horrible and worthless it is you would change your mind. I haven't seen a good candidate yet that's any good. Hopefully someone will appear that is worth voting for. But in the decades I have been able to vote I've never seen a major party candidate that's any good. So I'm not hopeful. Bernie Sanders may be stage green but his policies and ideas suck. He's going about it all the wrong way. Let's go point by point on his agenda here: Medicare 4 All - it's forced on you through taxation and government-run health-care sucks already. Why would we want more of what already sucks? Green New Deal/climate - it's forced on you through regulation and it's going to cost trillions of dollars that we don't have and never will have. let people voluntarily come to the realization that they need to save the planet. If we all die in the meantime and they don't come to that realization, that's okay. The universe and God will still be here. $15 min wage - some people aren't worth $15 minimum wage. Some people are just poor employees and lazy. Criminal justice reform - whatever that means but sure I'll go with that. I wouldn't put much stock in the government fixing anything but I guess. Free college - forced on you through high taxation and will cost way too much. You can go to community college already at a very low cost. Then you prove yourself and get scholarships. Live at home, take out a loan, go to community college for 2 years first at very low cost, etc. Break up biggest banks - why break up the biggest banks? there's plenty of options for people out there already including small Banks and credit unions. Campaign finance reform - sure I'll go with this one. Only individuals should be able to contribute to candidates instead of businesses. Gender pay equity - I personally can't speak on this because I've never seen any inequality in this area. but if it does exist and you're that high quality of a candidate, I don't think business cares. They will pay you what you're worth and what you can demonstrate to make them money. I don't think they care your gender if you're making them money. Paid leave - we already get paid leave don't we? Lower drug prices - I agree but there's other ways to do it than using the government to lower prices and forcing it on business. if anything government should allow businesses to compete more and across state lines. The real problem is too many people are on drugs and they're prescribed way too easily. And most people don't take care of themselves. That's a much bigger issue. Expand Social Security - not sure why we would want to expand social security since it was never meant to be a retirement system but it's already very costly and I wouldn't want government to regulate and control my finances anyway. Privatize it and give it to the people who put into it and let them manage their finances. Save unions - last I checked Unions still exist. Anyone can form a union at any time as far as I know. They're not against the law. DREAM Act - probably good but I'd like to see the details. Background checks & assault weapons ban - I guess this is okay but it still doesn't do anything to stop the people from getting guns on the black market. But then again if a criminal comes into your house with an assault rifle to shoot you how do you protect yourself if you only have a handgun? And how do you protect yourself against the government if it gets out of control? They have assault weapons so why shouldn't you be able to have them? That's the point of the second amendment. When Hitler comes to get you and he has a assault rifles and you don't, who's going to win that battle? Affordable housing - as far as I know housing is affordable and always has been for those reasonably trying to make a living unless they're just sitting on their butts. New infrastructure - how much is that going to cost? Let businesses build new infrastructure and charge tolls like they do in other countries and in some parts of our own country. Instead of forced taxation you have a choice. if you don't want to get charged you don't drive on that road. Opposing military industrial complex - I do agree on this one that our military is way too big and it shouldn't be in any other country of the world. It should be greatly downsized and only exists to protect our borders from enemy invasion. Legalization of weed - yes legalized all drugs. Government should not be regulating anything. Abolish private prisons - yes I agree business should not be in charge of criminal Justice because there would be a obvious bias. Making money. End cash bail - can't speak on this one because I don't know much about it and have never heard that it's a problem. I don't know what the alternative would be. Major police department reform - yes I agree with this. Another prime example of government corruption.
  23. @Leo Gura And for everyone else. I just listened to an amazing episode of coast to coast of an interview with an author named Jim Elvidge. I normally don't give a lot of credence to coast to coast but this episode was amazing. In the episode the author is interviewed and talks about a theory of everything and explains how the following fits into a model that explains everything that Leo always talks about including and not limited to the following: Psychedelics, lucid dreaming, the material paradigm, why tenured professors cannot speak out and do certain research, philosophy, psychology, near-death experiences, consciousness, meditation, Buddhism, Hinduism, religion in general, spirituality, subjectivity vs. Objectivity, physics, quantum physics, universal consciousness, video games and virtual reality programming. and much much more of the topics that Leo always talks about. It's all talked about in the episode. Basically he explains how everything fits together into a unified theory. If you like what Leo talks about in his videos you're going to love this. It's a must listen. If you've been listening to Leo for the last few years this guy sums up everything into one complete theory. Here's a link to the show: This is my Christmas gift to you Leo. I'm sure you're going to want to get this guy's book after you listen. He even has charts and visual representations about how consciousness works here: