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Everything posted by iGhost

  1. Just out of curiosity. When you point out someone's devilness, isn't then you are the evil? I mean yeah then how would you communicate and help raise people's consciousness in this finite world. And Duality is within Non-duality. Did I answer my own question?
  2. No it wasn't. It had nothing to do with his writing. It was a hoax, clickbait title
  3. I don't remember but something like "saw the devil in the grocery store"
  4. ? What the fuck man. Marketing is the devil's tool. Do this shit on this forum where people buy into marketing. You are not into self-actualization at all
  5. Watch the mechanics of beliefs video from Leo first, then all the rest. You need the foundation of theory. Love to you bro
  6. You are drowning in beliefs and self-deception. I doubt that you ever had enlightenment experience, I would take psychedelics if I were you to see how deep the rabbit hole goes because you are going in circles, trying to figure stuff out with your limited mind. Your ignorance just shows the level of your consciousness and how fucking beautifully designed the ego is and deceives you. *Levitates back to his cushion and regrets that he even replied. Seeing evil made him the evil, fell into this trap again*
  7. As we are on this path of growing our level of consciousness, we gain more and more access to higher consciousness, right? But where is it stored that how much consciousness I have? What am I missing here?
  8. 1st, this forum is full of people who claim to know better but they don't. So I suggest you leaving this forum ASAP and don't stick around if you wanna grow. 2nd, idk man, I guess just live life, it is only our ego who is confused about "what to do next". So our limited human perspective will never give any answers, that's why you need enlightenment to stop suffering. *returning to self-reflect*
  9. WHO wants to live alone, WHOwants to live life without women?
  10. Just because you dont see the wisdom in it? Apply some meta thinking
  11. @Simke well, this is just temporary. With time you will go deeper and realise that it is just a relative truth. Just like science. Yes they might be more unconscious and we could measure it on a scale. That's your limited perspective, that's the spiritual ego wants to feel superior. See how beautiful mechanism our ego is? With so much self-deception we are ending up confused. Whenever you feel confused, beware that it's the ego and try to surrender yourself. So things go full circle, you haven't fully got to the Truth and it is okay, don't be hard on yourself. Eventually you will get there. This will result in being more human, more authentic, more expressive, more compassionate etc. That's what people (including girls) will notice and will be able to resonate with. They will be attracted to you, just like people were to Jesus and Buddha.
  12. yes. It doesn't matter. Now try to explain this to your GF
  13. Why? What is he missing in his perspective? (I'm just curious, I only had a few enlightenment glimpses)
  14. Just ask them how would they feel if their child died because the dog fucked him to death. If she/he gets offended then they are not comfortable with reality. These are just words, their ego attach meaning to it. But seriously, don't ask shit like this on a date cuz it might kill the sexual vibe be more subtle, ask more questions but don't be serious
  15. Why would you compliment a girl? That's just as manipulation as not complmenting her on purpose. Guess what? If you don't give them your validation, they will chase you. ------------- People just lack the practical understanding here on the forum. Listen to someone who had tons of high quality women and doesn't struggle with them. This is not the place for it, I've been in your shoes.
  16. Listen to this guy. We are at the spiritual ego stage, that's why we see this shit. I meant women are for sex, so you don't set your expectations too high, yeah it is delusion but try to read between the lines. Guys, idk... Telling people about non duality 24/7 won't help them on their journey. There are stages. It is like you are telling a new born child that how quantum mechanics work. It just doesn't work, doesn't compute. Goes one ear in, out on the other. That's where you lack understanding and have difficulties communicating. And someone asks are you actualizing? You are projecting just as much. Beware of self-deception.
  17. Women are for sex, not for happiness. They are unconscious as fuck. I feel the same way as you. Finding someone who is sexy like 9/10 at least + being somewhat openminded is close to impossible in this reality. I rather be alone then settling with less cuz I couldn't attract a sexier and more conscious girl. At the end of the day there is no problem with them. It is our unreal expectations that we project on them. This shit only matter on our level of conscioussness, that's what the folks above me trying to point us to. Fuck women, we have a lot to improve on our consciousness level.
  18. Record yourself with a camera at home. Or idk what you mean
  19. You need a whole new perspective on girls and dating cuz you are stuck in the mud and spinning your wheels. Let me help you with a few examples (YouTube): Alpha Male Strategies RSD Max Todd V I am the real world example that their teachings work. I was like you, don't worry - you'll get there. Your frustration comes from lack of understanding. But hey, which day is it better than today to start to change it?
  20. Bitches are attracted to high consciousness Long term: increase your awareness, watch more of Leo's videos Short term: Alpha Male Strategies, RSD Max, Todd V on YouTube. Try to improve your looks, be more open, go to the gym, be friendly, charismatic with people, be social, go out as much as you can. The more women you have the more confident you will become short term. Those areas like confidence and humor are very tricky to improve. The less try hard you are the more confident and humorous you become. So the need to be more of those qualities is what stops you ultimately to better at those areas. How can you be less try hard? By raising your consciousness and start to kill your ego. That's the root of all your problems and sufferings in life. Don't feel bad about yourself wanting to improve, we are here to support you.
  21. You are suffering because you don't understand women. Type in Alpha Male Strategies in YouTube, think about me when your dick is getting sucked:) cheers
  22. Why does it work, or how does it work? What is "your shadow"?