Chase Ellfeldt

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Everything posted by Chase Ellfeldt

  1. I waited and am glad of it. ? To each his own.
  2. It is. Your self control will increase which boosts your confidence. Also it will help your future relationships.
  3. How to Win Friends and Influence People. Then just apply it to women.
  4. You get what you give. Give it to someone else and you'll get it back.
  5. 2 strategies I will offer up. 1. Read up on your industry. Past, present and future. Then read outside your industry. See how other systems operate and you will uncover new ways to operate yours. 2. For inspiration separate yourself from technology for 2 days and then meditate on your problem(s). The separation from technology will give you clarity and allow you to compile everything you've read up on the week before.
  6. Matial Arts - multiple benefits and lots of fun.
  7. Invest in productivity and management strategies so that you can acomplish 60 hours of work in 30 hours. Just by reading - Deep Work (book) you will be able to acomplish 3x as much then the average person.
  8. Warren Buffet. The amount of time he waited to start making money is admirable. His patience and wisdom are inspiring.
  9. My strategy is "Take care of what you have now and if you do a good job then you will be given more" So if you have an extra $100 and you manage that money correctly then y you will be rewarded with more. Then the system repeats. (Read the book - The Richest Man in Babylon) Very easy, actionable advice.
  10. I think it looks better of you take ownership of the situation so that you can influence the situation. If you put it all on the failing teammate then you will not have a favorable outcome. I would come along side this teammate and help them with their work or assign another teammate to assist. It's not fair that this teammate did not pull 100% of their weight but the goal is the accomplished mission which means some people will have to work 120% while others work 80%. If you want to learn more on leadership I'd recommend my favorite book on leadership. The title of that books is Extreme Ownership. The audio book is only 7 hours long but it is soooooo good.
  11. Wait, what is the book title again? I'm always ready to read another book.
  12. Reminds me of Albert Einstein because he took an extremely easy job that was boring because it freed up his time. He knew he had to eat and drink but he didn't want to use up his valuable time and energy on his job. In summary; I agree with everyone else. Have something that pays the Bill's but does not take up your time. Then funnel your resources into your life purpose.
  13. Work is hard because we are not conditioned to work anymore. Hard work is relative isn't it? Our ancestors had to work extremely hard to survive but we don't. Our bodies simply output the required energy to survive and anything above and beyond is hard.
  14. Have you thought of systemtizing your business and then selling it to fund your life purpose? Have you read the book : Built to Sell?
  15. I love the idea. I plan out 1 year in advance but I haven't reached your level yet.
  16. Self awareness takes time. Experiment often and take notes on the outcome. Have you thought about reading or watching biographies of successful people and seeing when they had their moment?
  17. A leader also takes 100% ownership of their team and the outcome.
  18. It goes back to the famous quote: "You keep what you give." Reading something makes it 10% sticky but teaching it makes it 80-90% sticky. What would help with this is to take notes on what you read, start a YouTube channel where you recap what you've learned, or start a blog where you summarize what you've learned.
  19. Are you starting a business to make ends meet or because it's a passion? There are many ways to make money online that do not require a lot of social interaction if you are crippled by social anxiety. But if the thought of owning a business is too much have you thought of getting a second job instead? You may think you'll have no time but I find the busier you are the more junk junk you remove from your life.
  20. I think it depends on what you are trying to change. He is trying to put humans on another planet (among many other things) which takes an insane amount of resources. But, there are many other people who are creating change but they still have time for family and friends.
  21. I completely agree with you in that both are better than either or. I just wanted to highlight discipline because I see a lot of people get hung up on trying to find their passion. They feel that they can't do anything until they find their passion when you should work to discover your passion.
  22. I'm not 100% certain passion is necessary. I think discipline takes the high ground if your goal requires hard work over time. Passion is very American and people outside America work much harder than Americans. But, because our society is set up the way it is we are able to achieve wealth without discipline. There are plenty of examples in history of extremely hard-working people who are not passionate about their work. I think passion helps but I'm not convinced its necessary. Now can you imagine what it would be like to have that level of discipline in modern-day America? That is how billionaires are made.
  23. I believe a piece of it is that our brains are naturally lazy - in the way that they are constantly searching for the most efficient way to accomplish the task. The body is safe when it is comfortable so I believe that laziness stems from lacking the courage to expand beyond your comfort zone.
  24. One of the things I have been thinking about doing is going the opposite way. Instead of alining my passion with my profession I've been thinking of picking something the world is desperate for and then forcing myself to master that skill. That way I grow my level of discipline and I'm guaranteed a great income. Thoughts?
  25. All of them in small doses but particularly in judgment. Because I do things differently it's easy to look down on others to justify your own decisions.