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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. @Nahm Caring too much about oneself. And not enough for others.
  2. I am a young male. This will be just my experience and observations with women. The problem i see with modern women is that they grow up with an empasis on being beautiful. From an early age, most girls are being told ''oh how beautiful you are'' over and over again. Like beauty is the most important thing ever. Like it will last forever. You have a whole new generation of women who will be spending literally years of their lifes, wearing make-up, having their nails done, buying the right clothes, perfumes and playing all these stupid ass games. Not all women women play this game to the same extent. Some who are usually more intelligent and less attractive, don't engage into that game as much. They see the stupidity and vanity of it. Others who are super beautiful, will definitely be trying to compete with other women out there. This is not me hating on women. I am just pointing the obvious. The situation is really really bad. And i blame our culture, business, films, instagram and etc. They have created a cult where most women are super absorbed to superficial stuff. They care about how their body looks in an obssessive unhealthy way. This creates a materialistic low consciousness society. If you spend 30% of your life worrying about how your ass and tits look then you cannot be a highly conscious human being. Some men play the same stupid game with wearing watches and other bs like that. But the situtation is really bad with women. Its really ridiculous if you think about it. And i don't blame them. Their value is determined by their beauty in our dysfunctional society.
  3. @Nahm I have a very good imagination. Have been practicing it since i was a lil child :-) I like imagining God in both ways. It soothes my ego. Helps me survive a lot better. Leo also created a duality between God in one of his awakening to help him do the spiritual work better. I think we can fit all this.
  4. Reality = Impossible. God = Impossible. This is impossible. This is a miracle.
  5. @Nahm I don't know.. Maybe it is because of christian indoctrination. But i like imagining God as a separate entity. I imagine him like a Buddha sitting in the clouds , all Enligthtned ,all Intelligent, all Loving. If i imagine God as a human i get depressed. Because humans are pathetic, lame , weak, petty, fearful, greedy, egoic. God is the highest standard. Only people like Gandhi,Buddha,Jesus can come close to him in my mind. Thats how i like imagining it. Even though i know everything is God.
  6. @mandyjw I believe the whole design of God is to turn us into more loving creatures. That's where everything is heading and is evident with Spiral Dynamics. As God we are complete, but not as finite entities.
  7. @Leo Gura God punishes us with such stupidity & ignorance all around us in the world.... The way i see it God wants to go through every obstacle. He is a masochist. ''Maybe we could skip Hitler and Stalin but... no let's teach these petty humans a lesson they will never forget''.
  8. @Persipnei Why is God biased towards unconditional Love?
  9. @TheLoneSage @TheLoneSage I can empathize with your situation because i heavily abused molly in my early 20s. I abused it to a point where i had a serious derealization episode. Also for 2 weeks i was like a zombie. It felt like i was relearning everything again from scratch. I know from 1st hand how is it to feel like you have fked up your brain forever. It's a terrible terrible feeling. But i was lucky. My brain works just fine and have no serious lingering issues. Sometimes i worry about the future though. But what has been done cannot be undone. Many people are in your shoes. You can learn to cope with it. Remember there is always someone in a worse situation than you. I believe molly isn't that toxic. And the brain recovers from it. Just stop doing those drugs if you haven't already. Don't touch them ever again. Keep going forward.
  10. I am sure idiots like Professor Dave have never taken a psychedelic in their entire life. If they did, they would realise Deepak Chopra is into something more subtle than what the 5 senses can understand.
  11. I have done strong sits also. Very powerful technique. Only problem is that it brings huge ego backlashes.
  12. @Eren Eeager Lol. I see a huge potential for taking antipsychotic medications for the rest of your life with this substance.
  13. It's gonna probably fk you up with nothing in return lol. I also have access to salvia but i am really scared of it.... Even though, the idea of consuming a substance, getting my entire world obliterated sounds cool and exciting... But i know that i'll regret it afterwards. One such bad trip can fk you up for life. If you try it, always start with a very low dose. Salvia is very unique on how it affects you. Very weird vibes. It's super powerful also.
  14. @kamwalker What i like about it, is that it's an unique vid aswell. Who else on YouTube is saying this stuff?? It's super rare. I wish spiritual teachers would talk more about the consequences of being God/Oneness. Nobody talks about this stuff.... It's really a shame......
  15. You are just watching thought patterns happen and you have the illusion of allocating focus. A very helpful illusion i must say. The only one who has the power of making choices is God. When you think you did something, that was simply God. And we cannot access God's will. At least most of us will never be. It's a mystery we are just learning to surrender to more and more every day. This is good news because in the end only God's will is happening. This is Liberation right there. If your ego was in control that would be bad news.
  16. @modmyth If you care too much about your looks, you won't care too much about other things. That is what i've found. That is the trade-off. If you look 20 times in the mirror that is a problem. We all want to look pretty. Some people just take it a whole another level. And you cannot be too vain and highly developed from my experience. Because you are too focused on the superficial aspects of reality. You lose the essence of a thing. I have never found someone who is obsessed about their body and highly conscious at the same time. Eckhart Tolle is not a massive bodybuilder.
  17. @Chew211 Men are in a better position in general. But there are some idiots who have been brainwashed to have ''the six pack abs'' or ''5% body fat'' or wear that type of watch. Like that makes any difference. It is just a status game. I am 5% bodyfat while you are not. Look how cool and special i am. We are trying to look more special so we can get laid with more women and survive our gene pool. That is happening on an subconscious level. Doesn't matter if you do it physically by lifting weights or by reading 200 books. We are always striving for more power.
  18. @Knowledge Hoarder It's not a problem for all women. But it is especially a problem for younger generations who have been brainwashed to be instagram models. All these pictures they take, all this comparison ruins their self-esteem. Women nowadays feel uglier than ever. These women will suffer a lot when they get into their 40s and 50s.
  19. @LastThursday Yes , but the value comes from assessing someone's beauty in this case. More beautiful = more valuable. Beauty and value are going hand in hand. You automatically project value into things that make you survive better.
  20. @Tudo It makes a lot of sense. But probably not for you buddy.
  21. It means that there is no entity in your head that controls anything. Ego is an illusion. What you experience is a bunch of feelings, thoughts and urges that come out of nowhere with no input from ''you''.