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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. @Rilles No, you just grew up in a good comfortable environment & you didn't get physically bullied at school. Your parents didn't abuse you that much. And thats it. If you were constantly getting slapped at school by others, you would probably start punching someone in the face, so others don't mess up with you no more.
  2. @Opo I don't know if its red or something else. I see many stage green anarchists attacking fascists in my country. There are stage green people who would even murder people for a greater cause. You have to also consider that someone might be stage orange or green, but not have much prefrontal cortex control for whatever reasons. Especially an older person. So he can be prone to doing stupid shit.
  3. @Opo I tend to disagree. Hitting someone in the face is pretty logical at times. X causes me lots of suffering. I hit X. Suffering goes away. It's not the best most sophisticated solution. But it has a logic behind it for sure. Sometimes you get so hurt by another person, that the quickest solution to get rid of the pain, is to hurt them back. The hard solution is to work through it the next days. Many people would choose the quick solution rather than suffering through an insult for days or weeks. It's a torture for most people to suffer through an insult without attacking the other person verbally or physically.
  4. @Tim R He is not stage Red. He is deep Orange.
  5. I have a disgust and maybe some hate towards ''evil'' people. Sometimes i get so angry at certain people that i think about boiling them alive. I think this is natural to a certain extent. I know evil doesn't exist in the absolute but in the relative sense i feel there are some pretty wicked fucked up people out there. There are trolls, there are scumbags who enjoy hurting others. Hurting animals. Basically the people i would think about boiling alive is those who actively hurt others. I wouldn't boil alive a pedophile necessarily. Or a thief. Thats not what i mean by evil. Evil to me is when your life purpose is to hurt others. And you take enjoyment out of that. There are some pedophiles who don't wanna hurt anybody but they are too weak to restrain themselves. There are very few people who fit into that definition of what i mean evil. And when i see those people, i want to destroy them. I know this make me evil also. But this is the animal inside me. I am not a saint. I don't understand this shit. I never understood why some people were bullies. I never understood how you can enjoy hurting others. Its unimaginable to me. Also this hate i feel for those ''evil'' people is also because i have been hurt and bullied when i was younger. I would like some insights. How do you reconcile with all the fucked up things that go in this world? Most people are ''good''. But there are really disgusting people out there. There are some really sick people out there. I was watching a creator on Youtube. This guy basically interviews addicts with the intention of spreading awareness and preventing the youth from trying pills and etc. He has revealed that when he shoots the videos , he tells the addict to never reveal the location. Because there are some sick people who would hurt these addicts. This is insane. I can't really comrehend it. Because i am not in their shoes.... Personally i have never hurt actively somebody. Only the times i was really mad and in arguements , i intentionally hurt someone. And then i regretted it signifantly. I am a very sensitive person who avoids killing or causing unecessary damage and suffering to people, ants & etc.If i hurt someone emotionally or physically i always feel very very bad afterwards. I don't understand the other side. I guess @Leo Gura has tons of experience dealing with trolls and fked up people on the internet. Lol.
  6. Interesting posts. You have some consistency. Keep it up~!!
  7. @Nahm I think there are many things to understand. Knowing/being and understanding are not the same.
  8. I didn't understand much from reading this to be honest. Maybe someone more scientific can interpret this data better than me and leave me a comment what does it actually mean. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5047954/
  9. Here in my country, Hawain Baby woodrose seeds are legal. Also you can purchase Morning glory seeds. How safe are these seeds? I've heard rumors that they can be a lil bit toxic. Does anyone have considerable experience with Hawain Baby woodrose seeds in particular? I've tried them 4 years ago. And it was an amazing and kinda twisted experience. Basically every few minutes you would experience something entirely different. It's the craziest thing ever. Its like i got 100 trips in few hours. At one time i felt like i was high on mdma. Which is just remarkable. Its remarkable that you can hallucinate having taken ecstasy and get a similar feeling too. These seeds contain LSA. But thats not the whole story. I have tried pure LSA capsules and did not get similar effect. Not even close. Completely different effect. LSA capsules don't even get you high unless you combine them with something like syrian rue. The seeds also contain some other substances (alkaloids) that have no yet been explored. I am thinking about trying them again. But i don't want to damage my body in any way.
  10. One last thing that i noticed about you is that it seems like you believe that your situation can't be improved. This is very dangerous. You need to have some hope... If you don't believe that things can improve then that is the 1st step that kills you. You can't go any further with this attitude. If you experience clinical depression then i can understand not having any hope. I also feel hopeless from time to time but not always. Generally i see a light at the end of the tunnel.
  11. Check this video. I watch it every time i feel shitty. This video puts things into perspective. And can lessen your suffering in a counter-intuitive way.
  12. @Blackhawk There is tons of help out there & I bet you haven't tried many different things. I experience miserable days too. This is normal part of life. We all feel difficult emotions. But if you feel terrible all the time then that is very problematic... Find the root cause and work on it. I think you need to work on your self-esteem. And learn to love yourself exactly as you are. You don't need other people to love you. Learn to accept yourself with all your flaws. As you grow older you realize that you can't solve all of your problems. But you can outgrow them. We have this unrealistic expectation that we are supposed to be funny, and rich, and tall , and this and that. That's not how reality works. In reality you are gonna have many flaws as a human being. Learn to accept yourself as you are. That's the bottom line. But it takes a lot of work. Maybe if you appreciated yourself more you wouldn't care so much about the approval of others. Also work on your life to impove it as much as you can. But as i said before, as you get older you'll realise more and more that Acceptance is the only long-lasting answer to your problem.... My life is far from perfect. I don't have a gf also for years now. But i don't care about it. Nor do i make a big deal out of it. Everyday i enjoy working on my life purpose. Sometimes we feel pressured from society to fit into these boxes. ''I should have a gf , 10 millions dollars, the six pack abs and etc''. Thats not how reality works. There are people who have nothing but are still happy. I believe a lot of your suffering comes from social conditioning. Your mind seems to be infected with all these ideas of how you should be. This causes suffering for you. I can sense that. If nothing helps you, go visit a professional. I think it is worth it.
  13. I'm in hell also from time to time. Hold on there. You're not alone
  14. I want a few millions of dollars Hey at least i am being honest
  15. @Thought Art It's very weird and kinda scary that 5meo dmt as far as we know is not neurotoxic but similar compounds to it can be neurotoxic.
  16. Apparently there are some psychedelics which are neurotoxic like 5meo dipt https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5047954/ Is there a rule of thumb to avoid psychedelics like that? Especially when dealing with new chemicals..
  17. @Jakuchu What kind of toxic do you mean? Last time i used them without removing the coating i think. But my stomach hurt bad afterwards & It took 2 hours to kick in. Lol. I really enjoyed the trip though. If consumed without the coating, i imagine there are no issues with the stomach, right? The owner of the headshop also told me to soak them in water but for like an hour. And just remove the shell afterwards.
  18. @28 cm unbuffed The problem is lack of understanding. I don't understand how someone can enjoy making other people miserable. I have no experience with this. I am the complete opposite. I like making people happy. I can hurt only those who have hurt me in some way.
  19. @PurpleTree I believe we all have these dark thoughts. It's just a matter of triggering them. I can take the most peaceful person and if i subject him to some experiences he will reach a breaking point where he will be willing to do some nasty things. Basically what i've found is that some parts of the brain are hardwired for violence. For example you feel you get hurt by someone. And you might have thoughts about killing that person. In actuality you would never do it. But these thoughts are present sometimes. A mechanism from thousands of years ago. Someone threatens you, you annihilate them. Thats the ancient program still running. If someone comes to your house, rapes your wife and your kids. You will want to torture and kill this guy. I am sure.
  20. Leo when you were working at SEO , your 1st business. What exactly were you doing? Did you write mostly articles?? I know that writing content is a huge part of SEO. Can you give me some important details? I am asking bc I have created a website for a customer 4 years now. And he is paying me some money for it every year. I have written him some articles to get traffic. But i just get like 1000 visitors per month.
  21. @Enlightenment I think pure consciousness exists. There are moments in deep meditation where you are not aware of anything in particular. Technically you can say that you are still feeling , sensing stuff but you are no longer absorbed to these things. It's like they don't exist for a while. Also in deep sleep advanced meditators can become aware of pure consciousness.
  22. Many spiritual teachers such as Rupert Spira talk about being aware of being aware. Or being aware of Awareness itself. I have been meditating for years now. And my mind becomes really still. I feel that i am aware of awareness itself. But sometimes i even doubt that Awareness exists by itself. Maybe i am just aware of the absence of sounds.. I am definitely aware but not aware of something in particular. Leo has said in this video that there is not even Consciousness. There is only being. But on another video about Neti Neti he kinda has different positions... Does pure awareness/consciousness without objects exist? I have considered the possibility that only whatever we experience exist (sights, sounds etc) and maybe we don't need any awareness to be aware of these things. Also the problem is that you can never be aware of awareness because it is non-objective.
  23. I don't know if this issue has been discussed here. But apparently this stage Orange devil (stevewilldoit) who has a massive & ridiculous following on YouTube is exploiting his power to influence 13 years old kids to gamble on an offshore shady gamble game company. This is really ridiculous and shows the problems of capitalism and stage Orange mentality. I feel disgusted to the bones right now. Coffeezilla has exposed this fool for good. Check this out. This is insane. The level of corruption these idiots have is without shame. I am really concerned about the kids who will become addicted to these stupid a$$ games..WOW .... Just wow
  24. @Pudgey Hey Thanks for the information!! Can you tell me more about link building? How exactly do you get other websites to link back at you? Money?