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Everything posted by SQAAD

  1. @Nahm You definitely made some good points which i need to take into consideration more. But there is lack of love from others around us. It's not just thoughts. You can see how people behave. How they treat each other. How they look down on you. How they don't support you. Its real. We are in the jungle. People are egotistical as they go. Most of them just care about their own petty little agenda. Most people don't give a damn about anyone else. Its brutal. its relentless. Its hell.
  2. @Rilles I also like to think that but i don't know.. Sometimes i find it hard to believe that you can be ok with yourself if you are not receiving the kind of love you want from others around you....
  3. @StarStruck I like the clarity that psychedelics give me. That increaded level of awareness. When you finally understand everything so much better. When suddenly everything makes sense. When reality suddenly becomes understandable, magical , beautiful, super intelligent and divine. The level of consciousness we are in is really a shame that God allows us to be in such a low state lol. We are so unconscious that its not even funny ahahaha.
  4. @Carl-Richard And a coke rage can be easily mistaken for a violent breakdown on shrooms. At this point there are only assumptions. But logic tells me that this was not caused by mushrooms alone. I can't possibly envision a steroid using person who injects drugs every week, and runs the business he runs to just say one day ''today i will only do a mushrooms trip to explore my consciousness'' lol.
  5. @Thought Art I am willing to bet cutting my penis off if mushrooms is all that he took lol. I know very well guys like Vitaly. He is a stage Orange devil. These guys don't do solo mushrooms trips. They are coked out of ther minds. Especially with the type of business he is running. Just by looking at his physique you can tell, that he is a person who takes a sh*t ton of drugs. I also find it hard to believe that mushrooms would give you tons of energy and make you violent like that. When i take mushrooms i like to sit and introspect. Not go after girls & etc. I have a little bit of experience with cocaine. He was definitely snorting big time. He could have been up for 2 days in a row. And then maybe he added some shrooms in the mix.
  6. @StarStruck Ahahahaahahahaaha I can relate becaue i had a somewhat shitty childhood. Trips can be very challenging when you have a lot of sh*t from the past inside. For me mushrooms are the perfect drug. Just a normal dose, i get no crazy visuals, no distortions. Just pure awareness. I love it. They always help me. But i've had very hard trips where i felt terribly because of some trauma also.
  7. @StarStruck No, just the opposite. But there needs to be caution, a theoretical foundation and good intentions.
  8. @Knowledge Hoarder If you have been snorting cocaine like a madman, drinking alchohol, taking anabolic & fking prostitutes, then mushrooms won't turn you into an overnight monk for sure.
  9. @Carl-Richard If mushrooms is all that he took there would be no issues. He was coked out of his mind when they arrested him. Check the 1st video of the police they have with him. @34:27
  10. Leo said in his last video that ''you assume the sun will rise tomorrow''. I am not sure i understand the meaning behind this statement. But i think this is not an assumption. Because it is based on proof & past experience. It is similar to aging. You see everyone getting old eventually. So saying that you will get old (if you live enough) is not really an assumption.
  11. @Rilles It seems to me like you created some negative associations around food in your childhood which have impacted your relationship with food.
  12. @Raphael Genetics may have a part on this but i don't think they are the only cause.. I think people who don't eat enough food have had some sort of trauma. Because it is one thing to be lean and another thing to starve yourself to the point where you have the weight of a little child.
  13. How safe is maca? I mostly use it on oatmeal because of the taste. I don't care about the libido thing. I've read that it can mess up with your thyroid... I usually use 1-2 teaspoons a day.
  14. @Rilles Can you elaborate more on those experiences?
  15. @Rilles ahahahaha i don't get the same effect with the taste. I barely notice it afterwards.
  16. @Someone here Can you elaborate? It doesn't seem advantageous to be sp skinny for survival purposes. You could easily get murdered by some stronger man or animal.
  17. Basically whatever you do , that is outside of the norms of your society and culture, you will be called crazy for doing that thing. People are like sheep, they have this innate need to belong, to be part of the tribe. And also the fear of not fitting in. It takes enormous courage to be yourself in a society of low consciousness chimps who will demonize you and ridicule you if you act differently. I believe that you are not a true spiritual seeker if you haven't been called crazy at least a couple of times in your lifetime. It simply means you haven't gone outside your comfort zone enough and you're paralyzed by fear.
  18. @Rilles Yes i agree. My question is : Is there anything that is not an assumption? Give me an example of things that are not assumptions. Btw This video of Leo about assumptions has really damaged people who suffer from severe OCD , lol. Because OCD folks really want to be certain about everything and now Leo is making this task seem even more impossible to them . Ahahahahahaahaha Some people have really suffered from this video. (I am not blaming Leo of course, just saying). This can be threatening stuff for all kinds of people.
  19. @RMQualtrough Depends on how you define what an assumption is. For me its not an asusmption because it has proof and we can predict it close 100% of the time. Its more than an assumption. I don't assume that i will get old. I know 100% that i will get old if i live long enough. Its the same logic here. I don't think anyone has any doubts whatsoever that they will get old.. lol
  20. @Dazgwny My point is the following : If i am live tomorrow, the sun will most definitely rise. This is not a mere assumption.
  21. @Terell Kirby Actually i have little fear of death compared to the average person. I might not wake up tomorrow to see the sun. But i am pretty sure the sun will rise tomorrow (if i am alive to see it) as it has been for the last 4 billion years. Its more than an assumption because of the consistent patterns we have observed.
  22. @Rilles I agree with that. I have seen that also. For me what did the trick were some movies i've watched as a child. I remember watching a 50cent movie. Where 50 got bullied by some bigger kid, and attacked back. That made me change my ways in some weird way. Also i suffered a LOT from letting someone else abuse me. I developed the mindset to not let anyone fk with me because otherwise i will suffer a lot.
  23. @Rilles Lol these assumptions are based on my life experience. I personally have suffered from bullying when i was younger. And have witnessed how other kids became aggressive, including myself. Once i began punching some bullies, they stopped messing with me. We all have this animal inside us and are always willing to hurt someone else if needed. Violence is part of our DNA. All it takes it some terrible events and reaching a breaking point.